7001MKT Assessment 1: Company Analysis Report
The purpose of this assignment is to assess students on their ability to research, identify and strategically analyse corporate reputations and the characteristics of their identities.
For this project you will select a large-sized company (must operate in Australia) upon which you will conduct a corporate reputation and identity audit. Using a triangulation of research methods and information sources approach, you will assess how the company projects its image and its stakeholders’ perceptions (i.e. in the minds of the stakeholders, do the company’s “words and deeds” generally align?)
More specifically, you will likely use the following information sources and methods to conduct the audit:
- Review the company’s website, including the sections discussing its reputation, brand, mission/values, CSR, media relations/onlinepress room, employee communication, and any other relevant sources.
- See where your company ranks on leading annual rankings of reputation, brands, CSR (such as FORTUNE, Harris RQ, andRepTrak).
- Look up media coverage over the past year of your company to understand the media’s portrayal of it.
7001MKT Assessment 1: Company Analysis Report
This assignment will be approximate 2000 words long and be presented in report format (Arial 11 point with 1.5 line spacing), using APA referencing style. Headings in the report should include (but are not limited to) the following. These sections are just given as a guide but students are encouraged to use their initiative and present their assignment in the most logical and well-structured manner that is possible.
- Executive Summary,
- Table of Contents (which also lists Appendices),
- Introduction (approx. 100 words)
- Company Background (approx. 100 words)
- Factors influencing the organization and its reputation. (approx. 200 words)
- PEST influences? What industry is this organization in? What do they do?
- Organization Structure (approx. 100 words)
- Describe the ownership structure (who owns the company) (National or international)
- Other organizations owned, or associated with them.
- Stakeholder theory (approx. 300 words)
- Introduce and comment on the reasons why stakeholder theory is important to understanding corporate reputation.
- Stakeholders of the organization (approx. 200 words)
- A stakeholder map could help here.
- Corporate Reputation Theory (approx. 200 words)
- Company behaviour and activities (approx. 250-300 words)
- Discuss your company’s behaviours and activities, which may specifically influence its corporate reputation.
- Consider the building blocks of the company’s reputation.
- You should also consider the company’s reputational associations, and online sentiment regarding the company.
- You can include corporate communications.
- Interpretation of the corporate reputation (approx. 300 words)
- Note, the company may be perceived differently by different stakeholder groups. What factors may be influencing the organization’s reputation?
- Implications and Conclusion (approx. 200 words)
- DISCUSS the implications of your findings [“so what”].
- This may include a recommendation for the development of a corporate communications strategy in the future to develop the corporate brand and reputation of the organization.
- References (APA style)
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