7002GIR Business and Government
Research and Writing for Business Students
In modern market economies, the interaction between business and government forms the basis for how the economy and society is organized. The relationship between government and business is thus a close and interdependent one. This course examines this interaction and relationship, both nationally and globally. It compares different political systems and institutional arrangements; considers the impacts of key ideas such as globalization and neo-liberalism; explores the various models of business-government interaction internationally, and considers a range of contemporary issues that affect business. Successful businesses are aware that a sound understanding of how government functions, and how business interacts politically, are important factors in driving their success. Business thus values employees who can bring such knowledge to their workplaces.
Critical thinking
- Finding the right information for your assessment
- Identifying and evaluating scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles
- Searching for relevant information using Google scholar, the library catalog and library databases
- Structuring and writing your essay using proper paragraphing and paraphrasing techniques
- Referencing your assignment.
- Adding to your Employability Skills

7002GIR Business and Government
Writing an essay touches on several specific transferable skills that you will require in the workplace such as man and stars
- Communication Skills (by effective writing and using digital tools)
- Problem-solving skills (by choosing what is important to include in your report)
- Ability to Work Independently
- Ability to analyze and critically evaluate evidence
- Along with the feedback that you will receive on it, your essay can provide evidence to prospective employers of your abilities in these areas
Test 1: Week 5
The test will take place at the beginning of the seminar, so it is important to be on time. The test is 50 mins long and is worth 15 marks.
There will be three questions – of which you are to answer two (2).
These are the questions:
Answer TWO (2) of the following questions:
1. How do Constitutions underpin political systems?
2. What makes interest groups politically effective?
3 (a) What is your assessment of globalization? OR
3 (b) How ‘interventionist’ do you consider governments should be?
To maximize your marks your answers should provide (see Marking Criteria in subsequent announcement/email):
- Content knowledge of the individual topics
- derived from lectures, reading and reflection
- The quality analysis in question responses
- including the quality of your argument or position on the specific question (on questions that ask you to take a position); derived from lectures, reading and reflection.
- Evidence of reading
- drawn from your selection of reading on the topics; refer to a minimum of one reading
- Use of relevant examples
- where relevant, and as appropriate to the topic
A formal criteria sheet/rubric will guide the marking of your essay and be based on the following criteria. Please take note of these criteria before you begin your essay:
- Research: Quality and breadth (20%)
- Argument & Analysis: cohesiveness of argument; quality of supporting analysis (40%)
- Academic Writing & Referencing: quality of writing; accuracy and adequacy of referencing (20%)
- Organization: cohesive essay flow and structure (20%)
- Content knowledge (of the individual topics)
- Strength of analysis
- Evidence of reading
Marks will be allocated on the basis of engagement with course content.
This is measured in terms of engagement with course material, reflective contributions to class discussion, and evidence of engagement with course reading
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