ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018
Overview of Assessment
Assessment in this unit comprises four tasks:
- Assessment Task 1 5%
- Assessment Task 2 25%
- Assessment Task 3 30%
· Examination | 40% |
Assessment to Meet National Accounting Learning Standard
The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) has issued Learning Standards for Business, Management and Economics to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework Act 2011. The Learning Standards Statement for Accounting was issued in June 2016 (replacing the first edition of the Accounting Learning Standard issued in February 2011). The 2016 version can be accessed from the following web link.
The unit ACC03043 Corporate Governance is covered by the Accounting Learning Standard This unit is offered at the Master Degree standard and is equivalent to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 9 award requirements.
In this unit, you will focus on meeting the requirements relating to four primary learning outcomes.
- Knowledge
- Critical analysis and problem-solving skills
- Judgment
- Communication
These learning outcomes will be assessed in the assessment tasks. The four learning outcomes for ACC03043 have been adapted from the national standard for the Accounting Discipline to apply to Corporate Governance.
The foundation learning outcome is KNOWLEDGE. In this unit, you will need to demonstrate knowledge of a significant amount of information relating to corporate governance and related areas of management theory and practice. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Knowledge:
Integrate advanced theoretical and technical corporate governance knowledge (which includes a selection of accounting, auditing and assurance, finance, economics, quantitative methods, information systems, commercial law, corporation law, and taxation law) in a business context.
The secondary learning outcome is the development of CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS. In this unit, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge about corporate governance in a range of corporate governance settings. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard of Critical analysis and problem-solving skills:
Critically apply advanced theoretical and technical corporate governance knowledge and skills to provide possible solutions to emerging and or advanced corporate governance problems.
- Judgment
The tertiary learning outcome is the development and exercise of professional JUDGEMENT. In this unit, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to make professional judgments about corporate governance matters in a range of professional, business and corporate settings. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Judgement:
Exercise judgment under minimal supervision to provide possible solutions to emerging and/or advanced corporate governance problems in complex contexts using where appropriate social, ethical, economic, regulatory, sustainability, governance and/or global perspectives.
The final learning outcome assessed in this unit is the development of skills in COMMUNICATION. In this unit, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to prepare written reports that communicate complex corporate governance issues and advice to both professionals and non-professionals in the corporate governance field. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Communication. Justify and communicate corporate governance advice and ideas in complex collaborative contexts to influence specialists and non-specialists in the corporate governance field. As you work on your assessment tasks make sure you consider and seek to demonstrate that you can meet the standard for each of the above national learning outcomes for Master graduates.
Assessment Task 2
Due Date: Sunday 5 August 2018
Length: 2,000 words total (+/- 10%). Reference list and cover sheet details are not included in this word-limit total.
Weighting: 25% of total unit marks
Assessment Criteria:
- Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to support your analysis
- Demonstration of your ability to apply the knowledge to identify keys issues leading to your recommendations
- Evidence of sound reasoning and the exercise of professional judgment to support your recommendation
- Development and statement of concise recommendations for presentation to the AICD
- The overall structure and professional presentation of the report to the AICD
- High quality written communication of concepts and terms in ordinary English as not all readers of the report can be assumed to be specialists competent in corporate governance
Case Study
‘As a separate legal person, a corporation has two basic objectives: To survive and to thrive. Shareholder value is not the objective of the corporation; it is an outcome of the corporation’s activities. While shareholders entrust their stakes in a corporation to the board of directors, shareholders are just one audience among others that the board may consider when making decisions on behalf of the corporation. These audiences, typically called stakeholders, may also include other financial stakeholders, such as bondholders, and nonfinancial stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and NGOs representing various concerns of civil society. In the face of limited resources, no matter how large the corporation, directors must make choices regarding the significance of the corporation’s many audiences.’
Source: Robert G Eccles and Tim Youmans (2015) ‘Why Boards Must Look Beyond Shareholders’, MIT Sloan Management Review
Assume you have been employed as a corporate governance consultant by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). The AICD is concerned that many company directors hold the opinion that the company’s board of directors has a responsibility to place the interests of shareholders above all other stakeholder interests. Your assignment is to prepare a report to be submitted to the AICD evaluating the evidence that the responsibility of a company director is to place shareholder interests above those of other stakeholders. Specifically, the AICD has requested that your report contain evidence, examples, and recommendations for company directors that will guide them when making board decisions so they are responsive to diverse stakeholder audiences. The AICD has advised you that they intend to make your report a public document and it will be uploaded to the website so it can be read by both corporate governance specialists and non-specialists.
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