
ACCT2000 Financial Accounting

ACCT2000 Financial Accounting

Subject Code and Title ACCT2000 Financial Accounting
Assessment Wiley quizzes
University Name : Torrens University Australia        

Learning Outcomes

  1. Clarify the administrative system that oversees money related detailing in Australia with accentuation on the Conceptual Framework for Financial ReportingSeparate among offers and debentures and apply fitting bookkeeping strategies

    Apply bookkeeping standards and measures when account ing for non – current resources


    The inquiries you will be asked in these tests are all in numerous decision design. You might be given 1 endeavor for each inquiry. This is a planned appraisal of 45 minutes.


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    When you are done the test , present your answers

Subject Code and Title ACCT2000 Financial Accounting
Assessment MYOB Practice set
University Name : Torrens University Australia        

Learning Outcomes

Complete an accounting cycle using a computerised accounting software


This assessment involves setting up a new company file in MYOB and processing one month of transactions, including various subsidiary ledgers , preparing reports and preparation of a bank reconciliation. This is a very long assignment and requires regular w ork every week. This cannot be done in a few days! You will learn how to use MYOB as you progress through the assignment and rea d the student companion at each step. You will be required to have both the MYOB software open as well as your Perdisco account. The Perdisco account will be the assignment questions you will be required to answer about your MYOB company file data.

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