
BSB60515 Advanced Diploma of Marketing


Assessment 2 – Case Study and Research


Task 1


Manage International Marketing Performance


  1. How you will communicate your international marketing objectives across the SAMEX organization in ways suited to culture, customs, level of knowledge, experience, and needs of personnel?
  2. Prepare a plan to delegate and allocate agreed roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of staff and contractors involved in all elements of the marketing program.
  3. Develop a communication strategy to ensure that personnel responsible for each element of Marketing Mix (Product, price, place, and promotion) work together to meet SAMEX marketing objectives.

Task 2


Assess and enhance International Marketing Performance

1. Talk about your procedure for checking item/administration, valuing and circulation arrangements in connection to showcase changes, and in general SAMEX necessities.

2. By what method will you screen by and large advancement against execution focuses to guarantee action, quality, cost, and time prerequisites are met?

3. Break down, audit and reexamine showcasing targets, results and execution holes as indicated by the SAMEX goals.

4.Record the audit of showcasing execution against key execution markers as per SAMEX prerequisites


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