BSBADM502 Manage Meetings Answers
BSBADM502B manage meetings learner guide
The unit BSBADM502 manage meetings assessment answers are made keeping in mind the learning objectives of the units such as defining meeting agendas according to the meeting purpose and about the different styles and structures of the meeting, both formal and informal. The unit manages meetings answers queries like how the meeting participants should be identified and notified based on organizational meeting conventions such as despatching them meeting papers and meeting agendas, selecting meeting venue and catering and making meeting arrangements as well. The various stakeholders and participants of the meeting involve chairperson, deputy chair, minute takers and presenters. The chairperson has an important task of maintaining the meeting order as per the meeting agenda as well as to conduct meetings keeping in mind the legal legislation and ethical requirement of the organization and workplace policies and procedures.
The chairperson must ensure that the meetings are convened and finished in a manner so that they are focussed on the agenda items of business, efficient and productive and achieve the required results while ensuring participation from all and avoiding conflicts.
The manage meetings unit answers procedures on how to record minutes of the meeting as well as different methods checking the transcribed meeting for truthfulness and appropriate format to ensure that they are suitable as per organization conventions and the style of the meeting.
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The minutes of the meeting must be appropriately stored and despatched to all participants of the meeting in a timely manner. The senior management like CEO may be delivered a report on the outcomes of meetings which is different from the minutes of the meeting.
Sample Manage Meeting Assessment Sample: Bsbadm502 answers
- What is an agenda and how is it used?
- How would you determine the items to be included on a meeting agenda?
- List five items found on most standard agendas.
- What factors need to be considered when deciding on the structure of meetings?
- Indicate the style and structure (formal or informal) of meetings appropriate for each of these meeting purposes.
To develop business plans. To announce company profits to shareholders. To check the progress of a project with one member of the project team. To confirm daily work objectives. To plan the organisation’s next social club function. To elect new board members. To inform team members of planned maintenance to the building’s fire safety system. To hear a staff grievance.
- How can meeting participants be identified and notified of an impending meeting?
- Create a checklist that could be used to confirm all necessary arrangements have been made in accordance with the requirements of the meeting.
- List five types of meeting papers that might be despatched to attendees prior to a meeting.
- Why do meeting papers need to be despatched within designated timelines?
- Explain the role of a meeting chairperson.
- What legal and ethical requirements can apply in meeting situations?
- What can a chairperson do to ensure meetings they conduct are focused, time efficient and achieve the desired outcomes?
- What action can a chairperson take if the time limit allocated for a particular agenda item has been exceeded?
- Explain the responsibilities of the chairperson in bringing meetings to a close.
- How can a chairperson encourage active participation from attendees at meetings?
- What actions can a chairperson take to help resolve the conflict between meeting participants?
- What are the minutes of meetings and what purpose do they serve?
- What information should be covered when briefing the minute-taker?
- List five benefits of accurate recording of minutes of meetings.
- When checking transcribed meeting notes, what should meeting convenors focus on? 80 words
- When should minutes of meetings and other follow-up documentation be distributed, and to whom?
- Why is it necessary for minutes of meetings to be stored either electronically or in hard-copy?
- Write a short paragraph to explain the difference between minutes of meetings and reports of outcomes of meetings.
- List five tips for providing verbal reports of meeting outcomes.
- List five common features of written reports and explain what each feature does.
- The following terminology can be applied to meetings, their structures, and arrangements.
Write a short definition of each of these terms: Formal meeting Ad hoc meeting Minutes Agenda Reports Chairperson or chair Minute taker
- What are the responsibilities of the chairperson in a meeting and how does this affect group dynamics?
- Describe five meeting options (types) that might facilitate the information sharing needs of personnel in an organization.
- You are relatively new to the company and have been asked to chair the next senior management meeting.
- What information about managing meetings in the company will you need to know and what sources will you use to find this information?
- A management meeting for 12 section managers is due to be held on Tuesday, 24 November commencing at 9.30 am and finishing at 4.00 pm. The CEO of the company will attend. You have been asked to chair the meeting.
The meeting is usually held in the boardroom at the company’s offices but this room is unavailable. It will be necessary to make alternative arrangements. Two of the managers will be coming from interstate to attend in person, while three will participate via Skype. A guest speaker will show a video and talk on technological changes for the new financial year. Lunch will be catered for on the premises. In the afternoon, the participants will divide into three groups to develop ideas and consider their strategic needs for the upcoming year. They will then reconvene and share their ideas with the other groups.Write out a meeting planner to ensure that all the preparations for the meeting will be correctly organized. The plan should take into consideration all aspects of the meeting, including personnel, timing, and structure.
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