bsbldr501 develop and use emotional

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence Sample

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence Sample


Introduction of Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional Intelligence is the ability of an individual to first identify and then handle his own emotions effectively and similarly identify and handle the emotions of others. In order to identify and manage emotions, an individual requires three skill sets: he requires emotional awareness, the individual should have the ability to control his emotions and apply them in constructive tasks and he should be able to manage his emotions properly. (Baron, 2003)

Task 1:

For this task we would be performing the Personal SWOT analysis to identify emotional strengths and weaknesses:

SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


  • I have good communication skills which help me to convince clients easily and ensure to maintain a long term relationship.
  • I am a creative person which help me to innovate with my work and ensure it never gets boring or monotonous.
  • I am curious and keen to get to the depth of the matter which helps me to solve my problems efficiently.


  • I rush through my work sometimes which make it less in quality hampering my future prospects.
  • I have the habit of taking on more work than my capability which hampers my overall performance sometimes.


  • Based on current performance and after a small strategic training, I can get promoted to the next level.
  • Emotionally I need to ensure I do not let my anxiety hamper my performance.
  • Need to control my rushing habit which damages the quality of work.


  • Competition from experienced colleagues with more tenure in the organization could reduce my chances of promotion.
  • Many times due to short staffing, I land up taking more work which is hampering my performance.

This would be the SWOT analysis of my qualities.

2.  Three instances of Stress of negative emotional state at work.

  1. When I joined an organization as fresher in debt collections department, I wasn’t able to perform during the initial period due to lack of experience.

Cause: I had no experience with debt collection but the other team members were excellent performers.

Reaction: I kept my patients and spoke with my team leader to understand the whole function and worked on my skills to ensure I achieve the assigned target to me.

  1. The pressure during application of IJP for the higher position:

Cause: Tough competition from colleagues across various departments for the position.

Reaction: I calmly prepared for my interview without thinking about the tough competition, believed in myself and appeared for the interview having confidence in my abilities.

  1. Lost my job without any prior intimation:

Cause: My manager didn’t have any performance analysis of my work and still considered me to be incapable of performing the job.

Reaction: I didn’t let this affect my confidence and didn’t feel low about my ability and caliber to be a good employee. I started looking for a new job with the same enthusiasm and got a better profile in my new organization.

Causes or Triggers of my own Personal Emotional states at work:

The first trigger would be conflict among the team members related to assigned work.

Awareness can be utilized by understanding the main cause which could be a misunderstanding among the team members.

The impact would be on the performance of the team members related to the quality of the work and internal relations among them.

Control can be achieved through clarifying the misunderstanding, defining their job role and mutually understanding each other in the team.

The second Trigger would be a disturbance in the working environment due to miscommunication.

Awareness could be by understanding the reason for miscommunication and finding the reason for mismanagement.

The impact would be on the working environment which would hamper the performance of the team members.

Controlling the situation by confronting the people hampered due to miscommunication and clarifying the doubts in team member’s mind and making them realize the main cause of it.


Behavioral modeling in the Workplace:

Work tasks: the basic behavioral modeling is to ensure the jobs of the employees are clearly defined. It is important to show them how the work is performed instead of simply telling them how to do it. This way the employee would be able to get an insight into the work and able to ask more relevant questions. (Goleman, 2001)

Work ethics: Managers need to ensure they have an ethical code of conduct while performing their assigned tasks. The employees tend to consciously or subconsciously copy their managers and follow their footsteps.

Communication: communication style of the managers has a long-lasting impact on the behavior of the team members and indirectly on the organizational culture. When a manager behaves professionally in all situations especially in conflict situations, it impacts the communication style of the employees.

Honesty: Honesty is one of the most important behavioral models which can be reflected by the manager to all the team members and employees of the organization. Employees tend to be honest when they find their managers follow the honesty policy and ensure their work is clean in a similar manner.

Politics: Work politics is an integral part of the organizations and part of the social learning theory which will allow the employees to understand the dos and don’ts to fit in the social hierarchy of the organization. But if the manager ensures he doesn’t show any biases and keep away from work politics and portray a fair and unbiased behavior towards the employees then employees tend to follow the manager and keep away themselves from such work politics (Gardner, 2005)

Actions to improve Emotional Intelligence:

Controlling negative emotions by staying calm in critical situations and having a problem-solving attitude instead of getting hyper or letting negativity take control of my emotions. (Chiriboga, 2007)

Accepting the fault and taking complete responsibility for the mistakes and blunders done due to lack of knowledge and having a corrective attitude to rectify the mistakes.

Having a positive attitude which doesn’t let negative thoughts hamper my performance and capabilities to complete the assigned tasks.

Task 2:

Question 1.

 The best way to respond to the Store Manager’s behavior:

The store manager had a rough month and failed to understand that yelling on the employees won’t fulfill the purpose. The behavioral leadership model I would showcase is to take the responsibility in my hand and speak with the sales team. It is important to understand the requirement and expectations of the sales team and filling the gap between their current and expected performance. It is also important for the leader to contribute and support the team by providing a helping hand by doing some part of the work themselves and that would be my next step.

Principles of emotional intelligence that the Store Manager did not demonstrate:

The store manager failed to showcase the following emotional intelligence principles:

Self-awareness: She forgot to understand that she is the part of the team and needs to be supportive instead of yelling at the whole team.

Motivation: Instead of motivating the sales team, she started yelling at the team making it difficult for the sales team to go ahead and perform their jobs. Instead, people started thinking of alternative options like leaving jobs.( Schutte, 2009)

Empathy: The store manager needs to empathize with the sales team and understand the hurdle they are facing to achieve their targets. She needs to collaboratively help the team to resolve their issue.

How the Store Manager should have acted and communicated?

Shouting and yelling at the whole team which includes people from another department who are not responsible for sales target and revenue cannot solve the problem of low performance and fewer sales revenue.

She should have organized the meeting of the sales team first and understand their issues and hurdles that stop them from achieving the target. Then she should have arranged a meeting with the marketing team to understand how they can advertise their product effectively than the local stores.

She should have revised the goals and divided them into further small parts in weeks so that employees feel confident and consider those goals to be realistic and achievable.

The connection between the Store Manager’s behavior and store morale:

The organization considers the human employees as their biggest asset and the reason for their success in the market. The top management has informed the managers to look after the welfare of the employees so that they can perform exceedingly well and contribute to the development of the organization. ( Sternberg, 2010).

But store manager’s behavior was completely contradicted to the morals of the store and has hampered the morale of the store. The team members are looking for alternative options and thinking of leaving the organization.

The performance of the store would further deteriorate and would lead to attrition of potential sales performers.

Question 2:

Two examples of possible misinterpretations of expressions or behavior of a diverse workforce:

There would be diversity in the workforce based on the different language spoken by the people:

When people cannot communicate in the same language then they tend to stay aloof from each other.

Second diversity could be due to cultural difference:

The new employee doesn’t like to party or consume alcohol or go for an outing with the team. This could be due to cultural difference and she doesn’t consider it to be abiding with her culture.

how you would explain to the employee who came to you with the issue of how cultural expressions may be misinterpreted

There are differences in the culture that every individual follow. There could be various things accepted and not accepted by a particular culture. This could be based on the following of the culture or personal experience of the individual.

The culture also affects the lifestyle of the individual and they prefer to live differently than others. They have a difference in their taste and preferences and this would impact their behavior socially as well as emotionally.

Awareness of cultural expression and promoting through effective communication:

The organization can ensure they have set effective policies related to cultural expression and all the employees are made aware of proper training to avoid any kind of miscommunication. People from a different culture can be called on stage or in the team meeting and asked to express the diversity in their culture, thereby making them confident about the respect and courtesy the organization expects to maintain towards their culture.

Question 3:

set aside your own emotions to focus on and identify how the employee (probably) feels:

Keeping aside the emotion I would ensure that the employees would feel better through following:

  1. Provide proper training and development to the team to get self-awareness and boost their self-confidence to excel in their performance.
  2. Manage conflicts by having proper communication between the team members so that employees are sure that their issues will not go unheard by the management.


how knowledge of, for example, learning styles, personality types or communication styles, might be able to help you relate to and understand the employee better and adapt your response.

Having knowledge of the learning styles, personality types or communication types would help me to understand the behavior of the employee. This would help me to arrange the proper training and development program that would enhance his performance and be beneficial for the team.

It would be beneficial in understanding his motivating factors which we can provide the employee which would encourage him to excel in his performance.

you could use your awareness of your own feelings and those of the employee to adapt your response so that the following needs are satisfied:

My needs: understanding my own feelings would help me to understand my strengths and weaknesses. I would ensure to work on the weaknesses so that they don’t hamper my performance. This would ensure having emotional and financial stability through setting up right kind of goals and targets which are realistic and achievable.

Employee needs: Employee needs can be satisfied by understanding what kind of environment need to be prevailing in the organization to motivate them to perform better and achieve their goals. Satisfying their basic and societal needs will ensure that they focus on their development and contribute to the development of the organization.

Question 4:

The relationship between emotionally effective people and the attainment of business objectives.

Emotionally effective people cannot contribute effectively towards the attainment of business objective although the emotions of the employees and business objective are closely related to each other. People with strong emotions and positive stability tend to be more focus on their objectives and tend to achieve them every time. They tend to set high standards and achieve their goals without getting diverted from it due to any external factor.( Yuste, 2006)

How considering the emotional impact of decision-making could lead to better decision-making.

The decision-making process has various steps which need to be analyzed and we need to consider the impact on it.

Identifying the problem is the first step in decision making. When we consider the emotional impact we can analyze that the manager would be able to understand the core problems of the issue and identify them without any technical support.

When we look for potential solutions, then the manager won’t only look at the possible probabilities and technical solution but will include his personal experience and past performance while analyzing the potential solutions to solve the issue.( Mayer, 2003)

Selecting the best solution would not be on the available solution of the past experience but also on the gut feeling of the manager and proper discussion and considering the behavior of the team members.

the possible process of decision-making that takes into account emotional impact could look like:

Setting a particular performance target:

While deciding the performance target for a particular employee the decision-making process would consider the following:

Identifying the past performance and track record of the employee and if he had achieved the goals in the past.

Understanding the trend of his past performance if he had consecutively achieved the target or how frequently he did it.

Understanding training and development goals if required to boost his performance.

Communicating about the target and asking the perception of the employee to analyze the potential hurdles he can come across for achieving the targets.

The setting of the final goals and targets for the employee.

Policies, procedures, or legislation that will need to have adhered:

The organization needs to ensure they have various policies and procedures and guidelines related to the functioning of the organization and for the employees. There should be human resource policies such as:

Probation period policy,

On the Job training policy.

Leave policy during probation and after confirmation.

Grievances policy.

Internet usage policy.

Exit and Termination policy.

OHS/WHS legislation is relevant to how managers implement business decisions

Work Health and Safety policies provide the necessary framework for the organization to ensure they carry out the entire requirement required for the safety of the employees in the workplace as well as for people who might be not part of the organization but still get affected because of the organization.

This WHS legislation helps the managers to implement business decision is the following manner:

This would support the manager to have a proper allocation of all the available resources to all the departments as per their requirement.

It is mandatory to adapt to the WHS policies across all the departments of the organization including production, logistics, maintenance, operations, and other relevant functions.

Ensure there is coordination between various departments in relation to the implementation of the WHS policies.


Baron, K. (2003) The development of an operational concept of psychological well-being. Doctoral dissertation. Rhodes University, South Africa.

Goleman, D., & Rhee, M (2001) Clustering competence in emotional intelligence: Insights from the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI). In R. Bar-on & J. D. Parker (Eds.), Handbook of emotional intelligence ( pp: 343-362).

Chiriboga, (2007)   Validación de un Test de Inteligencia Emocional en niños de diez años de edad.  Informedia on Line, Vol, 9, 1-14.

Gardner, I. (2005) Frames of mind. New York: Basic Books.

Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam.

Mayer, L (2003) The intelligence of emotional intelligence. Intelligence, 17(4), 433-442.

Schutte, N (2009) Measuring emotional intelligence and related constructs. New York: The Edwin Mellon Press

Sternberg, M (2010) Beyond IQ: A Triarchic Theory of Human Intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Yuste, C., Galve, F (2006) BADyG. Manual Técnico. Madrid: CEPE

Goleman, D (1998), What Makes a Leader?, Harvard Business Review

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