
BSBWRT401 Write complex documents Task 1

BSBWRT401 Write complex documents Task 1


Task 1:

Plan Social media Performance objective The candidate is required to plan a draft for a post for social media for DAWG, a specialty dog boutique franchise operation. The plan for the draft will document a task analysis, generating ideas, researching and planning an outline. Your social media content would take the form of an online article or a blog post around the DAWG case study and should have a word count of roughly 300 words. Assessment description For this assessment task, plan your post, gather planning materials including a written plan/outline of your proposed draft, and meet with your assessor to answer questions in relation to writing task analysis, planning and organizational requirements. This assessment task, once completed, will form a first step towards completing Assessment Task 2, in which you will follow your Assessment Task 1 plan, write the draft, edit the draft and produce a final document. Procedure


1. Read the DAWG Case Study.

2. Analyze, generate ideas, research and plan an outline for the writing task scenario in the assessment description.

3. Produce a plan that includes:

a. PAMS analysis: Purpose, Audience, Message, Style.

b. brainstorming activities

c. mind mapping

d. outline.

e. relevant graphical content

f. basic design elements for documents appropriate to audience and purpose

g. usage of appropriate software to apply basic design elements to text.


BSBWRT401 Write complex documents Task 1

4. The plan should include the following information on your planning process:

● Look at your PAMS analysis. What is the purpose of the writing task and how will you achieve this?

● Explain how your plan/outline shows an overview of the structure and contents of the social media post ● How does this content relate to the social media audience? 5. Submit planning documentation to your assessor in accordance with the specifications below. Specifications Your assessor will be looking for:

● the ability to logically plan complex documents with regard to audience, structure, and sequence of ideas or topics

● ability to interact with people in a workplace environment using interpersonal skills: o collaborating, negotiating and listening to others o appropriate and professional tone o appropriate vocabulary o appropriate body language

● evidence of appropriate use of technology to develop forms and conduct research.

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