
BU041 – A1 Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters

BU041 – A1 Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters


Assessment # 1



    Assessment Code:


BU041 – A1
Assessment Name: 

   Assessment Type:


           Subject Code:


         Subject Name:


Individual Assignment

Individual Essay




Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters


Submission Date: Week 3 To be confirmed on Turnitin submission page in Moodlerooms
Weighting: 30%

Aims: Demonstrate a critical understanding and application of key concepts, theories and principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, and Social Responsible Investing, and how these concepts are important for corporations.
Brief: This essay is analysis-based NOT memory-based. It focuses on demonstrating knowledge and understanding of key CSR principles, and other concepts and their application to the case study supplied:
Submission Format: The essay MUST be typed in 12pt font Times Roman or Arial, 1.5 line spacing and properly referenced using APA 6th edition. The length of the essay must be at least 2000 words and not exceeded 2,500 words excluding reference list and appendices.

NO handwritten assignments will be accepted.


A final soft copy of the assignment MUST be submitted via “Turnitin on NZSE-Moodlerooms” online with the cover sheet (at end of this document) as the first page.

Additional Information: 














Alternative Assessment

You are required to keep a soft copy of this particular assignment.



Required              Permitted

If yes, extent of collaboration:




If yes, sample of referencing:


Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: (PMBOK guide). Newtown Square, Pa: Project management institute.

Elena, R.F. (2010) Cultural differences in project management. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 12(2), 657-662.


No alternative


Grading Bands:  

Percentage Mark
100 – 85 High Distinction
84 – 75 Distinction
74 – 65 Credit
64 – 50 Pass
< 50 Fail

Standard of English for Level 7 Business Assessments


  • All student work that is submitted for assessment must meet the English requirements for Level 7 business writing.
  • Any submitted assessment or part of an assessment that falls below the acceptable standard of the English requirements for Level 7 business writing will not be marked.
  • If you have any questions regarding the English requirements for Level 7 business writing, please talk to your tutor.




  • You must correctly reference all submitted assessments according to APA 6th conventions for both in-text citations and in your reference list.
  • You are required to reference because it is important to acknowledge the original source of other people’s ideas, research and opinions, as well as providing evidence of having undertaken independent research to support your own opinion/point of view/hypothesis/argument.
  • Your tutor can provide further information and guidance on referencing and also direct you to referencing guides and resources.
  • Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source of reference.


  • Plagiarism is where you use another person’s words, ideas, diagrams or other original creations without acknowledging or giving credit to that person.
  • Any submitted assessment or part of an assessment which has plagiarised content will not be marked.
  • All cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08: Misconduct in Assessment Policy.
  • If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please talk to your tutor.


Learning Outcomes:

The learning outcomes associated with this assessment brief are:

  1. Research corporations and international development
  2. Explain supply chain responsibility
  3. Investigate environmental responsibility
    1. Research Socially Responsible Investing
    2. Research human rights issues
    3. Research community investment practices
    4. Investigate CSR Audits/CSR Ombudsman
    5. Analyse case studies in responsible globalisation.


    Assignment Tasks:


    Outline: Coca-Cola (Coke) is a major multi-national corporation that operates in the food industry. They have a major ‘footprint’ and their supply chains affect a great number of people, in a great many nations.

    The case material supplied gives some examples of a number of issues of possible concern with Coke’s behaviour. (Make sure you also look on this paper’s Moodlerooms site for additional material & videos, as well as source other material via Google to justify your writing.)

    In your essay:

    Task 1: Identify and critically evaluate the issues mentioned in provided case studies. (20 marks each = 40 Marks).

    This task should cover the following:


    • What are the impressions you derive about Coke (Coca-Cola Company) after reading the material written/published by Coke on their achievement of CSR obligations (from their corporate website)? (Word count – 500 to 600) (Need to include minimum of 5 points)


    • What are the impressions you derive about Coke after reading third party articles written/published about Coke on their lack of CSR activities? (Word count – 500 to 600) (Need to include minimum of 5 points)


    Task 2: Analyse the impressions derived from both sources in Task 1 and substantiate with factual information the behaviours and attitudes in respect of CSR that Coke appeared to have demonstrated from the inception in carrying out their business activities (15 Marks). (Word count – 400 to 500) (Need to include minimum of 3 points on behaviours/attitudes)


    Task 3: Examine the types of ethical decisions made by Coke to achieve CSR obligations so as to comply with various external drivers/motivators (35 Marks). (Word count – 600 to 800) (Need to include minimum of 5 points)

    Referencing (APA style, In-text & End-text) & Formatting of the report – (10 Marks) (Include a minimum of 10 to 15 End-text referencing) 

    Active Class Participation on the discussions – (10 Marks). Marks will be awarded based on: Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work.

    Total Marks – 100 (Weighting of this assessment is 30%)


    Submission Format: Written paper 2,000-2,500 words, supplied as a Word Document, uploaded to Turnitin in Moodle.


    Marking Rubric for electronic submissions to Turnitin site

      Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Unacceptable
    Discuss your impressions from Coke’s Website materials on their CSR (20%) An excellent description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 20% A very good description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 16% A good description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 12% A satisfactory description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 8% A poor basic description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 4% An unacceptable description of the CSR impressions from Coca-Cola website materials. – 0%
    Discuss your impressions from third party materials on Coke’s CSR (20%) An excellent description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 20% A very good description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 16% A good description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 12% A satisfactory description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 8% A poor basic description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 4% An unacceptable description of the CSR impressions from third party materials. – 0%
    Analyse the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke (15%) An excellent analysis and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke. – 15% A very good analysis  and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke – 13% A good analysis  and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke – 10% A satisfactory analysis  and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke – 7% A poor analysis  and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke – 4% An unacceptable analysis  and discussion of the behaviours and attitudes demonstrated by Coke – 0%
    Descriptions of ethical decisions by Coke (25%) Excellent description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 25% A very good description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 20% A good description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 15% A satisfactory description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 10% A poor description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 5% An unacceptable description of the types of ethical decisions made by Coke – 0%
    Written presentation (10%) Excellent clear, concise style of written expression ensuring complete coverage of all concepts. Neat and tidy presentation and formatting, accurate APA 6th edition referencing (10% maximum) Very good presentation with style of written expression ensuring coverage of most concepts. Good presentation and formatting with APA 6th edition referencing (8% maximum) Good presentation with style of written expression ensuring coverage of most concepts. Good presentation and formatting with APA 6th edition referencing (6% maximum) Satisfactory presentation with style of written expression ensuring coverage of some concepts. satisfactory presentation and formatting with APA 6th edition referencing (4% maximum) Poor style of written expression ensuring some coverage of few concepts. Neat and tidy presentation and formatting poor APA 6th edition referencing (2% maximum) Unacceptable style of written expression with poor coverage of concepts. Poor presentation and formatting, incorrect APA 6th edition referencing (0%)
    Active class participation (10%) Excellent Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 10% A very good Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 8% A good Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 6% A satisfactory Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 4% A poor Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 2% An unacceptable Active Listening, Frequency of participation, Quality of comments, Pre-class preparation, and Positive attitude towards class work 0%


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  1. visit at : ACC203 – Management Accounting SOLUTION

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