BULAW5916 Taxation Law and Practice Assignment Help
Income tax is defined as a government levy (tax) obligatory on people or entities (taxpayers) that varies with the financial gain or profits (taxable income) of the payer. This course is meant to develop awareness about the factors influencing the creation and interpretations of revenue enhancement legislation. The associate degree associates the financial gain and capital ideas at intervals. It also incorporates knowledge about the structure of revenue enhancement law and their relationship with accounting ideas. The course is demanded in both private as well as government organizations. The tough subject could be studied in easy manner with us.
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The topic we would cover
- Internation Taxation
- Taxation of non-residents entities
- Advance ruling
- Transfer pricing
- Double taxation avoidance agreements
- Tax Planning and Tax Management
- Importance of tax planning
- Essentials of tax planning
- Types of tax planning
- Tax management
- Areas of tax planning
- Indirect Tax Laws and Practice
- Constitutional provisions in relation to taxation
- Indirect taxes
- Classification of goods
- Valuation of excisable goods
- Customs Lawford
- Valuation of imported and export goods
- Clearance
- Warehousing
- Classification of goods
- Advance Ruling, Settlement Commission and Appellate Procedure
- Advance ruling
- Settlement commission
- Appellate procedures
- Appellate scheme under central excise
- Monetary limits for filing of appeal
- Service Tax – Introduction and Management
- Constitutional validity
- Administrative mechanism
- Taxability of services
- Limbs of service tax laws
- Meaning of service
- Procedural Aspects of Service Tax
- Adjustment of service tax
- Valuation of Taxable Services
- Abatement in service tax
- Returns under service tax
- Penalty for not filing and late filing of return
- Goods and Service Tax- Concept and Developments
- What Is goods and service tax
- Justification of GST
- Salient features Of The GST model
- Central and state taxes to be subsumed under GST
- Rate structure under GST
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