circulatory system

Circulatory System: Its Contribution To Process Of Hot Inflamed Toe

Circulatory System: Its Contribution To Process Of Hot Inflamed Toe


Whenever a patient comes with a hot inflamed toe, this implies that the level of uric acid is extremely high in the blood. In general, liver metabolizes uric acid in a


human body and it is thrown out of body by kidney in the form of urine. But sometimes what happens is that the amount of uric acid formed is too high that the amount eliminated is not sufficient. Therefore, inflammatory and chemical mediators that are released from tissues that get damaged result in hot inflamed toe. Some of the classic clinical symptoms of hot inflamed toe are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain) and loss of toe functionality (Brynie, 2001).

Circulatory system contributes a lot to these symptoms. Circulatory system plays an important role in cases where injury has occurred as heat and redness results from large amount of blood that gets accumulated in injured area. Circulatory system positively facilitates large amount of blood flow into the injured tissue so that healing process can begin. Inflammation facilitates removal of harmful mediators and this encourages healing process. This inflammatory response is an assortment of overlapping events that are increase in flow of blood, accumulation of fluids in tissues, leucocytes migration, pain, increase in core temperature and suppuration (Brynie, 2001).

The injured tissue results in hot inflamed toe that initiates the process of inflammation by expansion and swelling of toe and surrounding areas. This process activates the circulatory system as white blood cells and blood starts getting accumulated in the injured tissue and results into symptoms like redness, pain, heat and swelling. This happens to be the internal response of the system. It has also been noticed that in some cases aching and burning in toes might happen as a response to heightened activity of circulation system (Brynie, 2001).

The arterioles and local capillaries that supply the blood into damaged areas get dilated that affects to an increase in flow of blood into the injured site. This is known as process of vasodilation which involves relaxation of smooth muscles surrounding terminal arterioles and resulting in increase in flow of blood. Then the permeability of endothelial linings of capillaries gets increased (Brynie, 2001). Leucocytes also migrate between the endothelial cells and get entered into inflamed tissue. This allows the damaged tissue to generate heat and contributes to warmth in local areas.

This happens due to the fact that chemical and inflammatory mediators get released locally into the injured areas. This increase in flow of blood increases the supply of oxygen and other nutrients required for healing and increased intracellular activities accompanying inflammation. The increase in blood flow causes reddening and temperature rise in injured area and contributes to edema and swelling associated with inflammation. This will effect in suffering in the form of pain. This happens by pressure on nerve endings from interstitial fluids along with the impact of some chemical and inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins and substance P causing pain (Bottomley, 2007).

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