
CIS8100 | E-Commerce Business Strategy Report Prototype Website

CIS8100 | E-Commerce Business Strategy Report Prototype Website | Digital Enterprise

Report Structure and Presentation
Your report should include a title page, Table of Contents (including List of Tables and List of Figures if applicable) and Appendices.
Note: Make sure to state your name and student number in the report on the title page. State the word count for the report (Introduction to Conclusions & Recommendations)
Report Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary, and Introduction 5
(Introduction – approx. 250 words)
Your report should include a letter of transmittal, executive summary, an introduction to the report.
Note: Make sure to nominate a name for your prototype website and provide a brief rationale of why you used this name in the Introduction to the report.
Report Section 1 – E-commerce Business Strategy (approx. 500 words) 15
 A business strategy is a set of plans for achieving superior long-term returns on the capital invested in an organization. There are five basic business strategies – Table 5.9 (pg. 360) in your textbook illustrates those strategies.
Select a business strategy that you think is relevant to your proposed online business and assigned business category.
When you consider your business strategy, you have to discuss the nature of competition in your market, types of products and services that you may be providing, unique value that you may be offering, distinguishing processes that you may be following, and level of personalization and customization that you may be able to offer.
Report Section 2 – E-commerce Business Models (approx. 1000 words) 20
Simply put, a business model is a plan for making money. With several million commercial Web sites to consider, there are a great variety of e-commerce business models. Many firms pursue multiple business models at once. Nevertheless, there clearly are dominant patterns to all this variety on the Web.
The textbook describes seven typical e-commerce B2C business models in Table 5.6. Assume your online business is adopting three business models from this list of seven models. Describe how the chosen business models are typically expected to generate revenue and earn a profit for your business.
Report Section 3 – Web Analytics (approx. 500 words) 15
Web analytics is a software package that collects, stores, analyses, and graphically presents data on each for the stages in the conversion of shoppers to customers process on e-commerce sites.
Assume you are in the process of purchasing a web analytics software for your online business to help you better understand consumer behavior at various stages for the online purchasing process. Discuss four key features of Web Analytics that will be useful to understand online consumer behavior with relevant examples for your business. Include a short description of a current Web Analytics software that is popular in the market that you think will be most useful to your business.

Report: Conclusions and Recommendations to the Business (approx. 250 words)  5

Your report should include a separate conclusions and recommendations section.
  • Conclusions provide a summary of your key findings from the body for the report.
  • Recommendations provide a summary for the recommendations to your online business based on the research conducted in the report.
Report: Referencing and Appropriateness of Sources 5
Ensure that your reports are fully referenced, including any reference to the textbook. Your report should include in-text references and a List of References.
Do not repeat verbatim large slabs of information from other sources such as the text – you must put the ideas/information in your own words.
You must use at least ten (10) academically sound sources other than the textbook in completing this report.
Checklist: Prototype Joomla! Website                                                             30 marks
Ensure you set up your Joomla! website and complete the activities as listed in the checklist document. Your Joomla! Website URL should be accessible for the marker to assess the activities undertaken as per the checklist document.
  1. Valid setup of Joomla! Website (5)
  2. Template and layout is accessible and user-friendly (5)
  3. Content – key articles: Home, About, Contact (5)
  4. Menu & Links (5)
Report: Website Development Journal 10
Prepare a journal that records your activities while developing the prototype website. In date order, clearly list the following:
  • Date of project activity
  • The full description of activity/discussion
  • The time duration for the activity

Submission Guidelines

Attach the two documents (Report & Checklist document) in Microsoft Word or PDF file format using the naming convention below, to your online assignment submission in the Assignment 2 area on the CIS8100 StudyDesk before midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on the day the assignment is due.
Upon completion for the submission process, check your UMail email account for an automatically generated confirmation email (if you do not have an email account, print out the Submission Complete screen before exiting the Submission System). You must check that the file name and file size are listed correctly – if there is a problem with either, please email the course leader immediately.
If you have difficulties submitting through the StudyDesk Assignments submission tool, email the course leader immediately for instructions on an alternative course of action. Any submissions after the due date are considered Late Submission and will be dealt with accordingly.

Please note that:

  • The following is the USQ Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedure that relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links:
    • Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure:
    • Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures:
  • Students seeking extensions for any Assignment work must provide appropriate documentation to support their request before the due date for the assignment (see points 4.3 and 4.4 in the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures above to see what is considered as Compassionate and Compelling reason for an extension and the level of documentation that will be needed).
  • An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalized. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) for the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.
  • The StudyDesk Assignments submission tool will accept late assignments up until 23:55 pm on the 10th University Business Day after the due date.


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