COIT20250 E-Business Prototype Website
Assessment Item-1: E-Portfolio
This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes:
- Articulate the recent developments in the e-business industry and its likely future directions.
- Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment and security systems in a corporate setting.
- Formulate and critically evaluate the impact of e-business strategies on organizational processes and outcomes.
- Demonstrate the technical research skills to assess existing and emerging e-business technologies to transform organizations for competitive advantages.
- Develop the ability to work independently and contribute as a member of the team employing appropriate interpersonal, professional and technical communication skills.
- Interpret the legal, ethical, social and cultural issues that affect the use, design, and implementation of e-business systems.
COIT20250 E-Business Prototype Website
Assessment Task:
This is an individual assessment. In other words, the e-portfolio is to be maintained by every student individually.
The e-portfolio assignment aims to enhance your weekly learning and teaching as per the weekly topic and maximize your engagement with the course resources (please see weekly topics under Schedule in this course profile).
As a learning tool, e-portfolio will enable you to accumulate evidence of your learning during the term. In this assignment, you are required to research at least three references (two academic and one general; and published within the last 3 years) that are relevant to the topics covered in each week from teaching Week-3 to Week-8. You will briefly describe and relate the academic sources to the topics covered in that week. You will enrich your weekly e-portfolio with relevant illustrations, video clips, and other multimedia applications as well. As a total, you need to have 6 e-portfolio documents, and each e-portfolio carries 5 marks. The length of each weekly e-portfolio should be approximately 500 words.
In this assignment, you will use Mahara as a learning tool for your e-portfolio. Marking
Criteria for E-Portfolio:
- Knowledge and understanding of the topic
- Quality of academic source
- The relevance of the academic source Description of the source
- Relating the source with the topic.
- Overall quality of the word
Assessment Item-2: Presentation (Total 20 marks)
Submission: Online Group submission. Presentation documents via Moodle, presentations in class (Distance students will be via online technology).
Assessment Objectives:
This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes:
- Articulate the recent developments in the e-business industry and its likely future directions.
- Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment and security systems in a corporate setting.
- Formulate and critically evaluate the impact of e-business strategies on organizational processes and outcomes.
- Demonstrate the technical research skills to assess existing and emerging e-business technologies to transform organizations for competitive advantages.
- Develop the ability to work independently and contribute as a member of a team employing appropriate interpersonal, professional and technical communication skills.
- Interpret the legal, ethical, social and cultural issues that affect the use, design, and implementation of e-business systems.
Assessment Task:
This is a group based assignment for on-campus students.
E-Business is the main driver for any business today. E-Business related tools, technologies, and applications have been rapidly changing over the last ten years. To be competitive in the market, e-business system users need to follow up the innovations and new industry developments in a timely manner. So, the aim of this assignment is to improve your industry based practical research skills as well as team-based working and learning.
In this assignment, as future ICT professionals, you are required to research e-business systems related to new developments in the industry and prepare a presentation as a group of up to 4 members during the class time. You need to form your group in Week-3 and provide the group details to your local lecturer for confirmation. You also need to inform your lecturer about your proposed topic in Week-4 class for your group presentation.
For the presentation topic, research industry magazines (online and offline) and websites focused on innovations and developments in e-business systems. Your presentation should cover the content from industry and practical point of view rather than theory.
Distance students: The time of the presentations and communication technology employed will be determined on an individual basis. Please contact the course coordinator well in advance.
Marking Criteria for Presentation:
- Topic knowledge and preparation of presentation
- The industry relevancy of presentation content
- The clarity and consistency of presentation
- Use of visual aids
- Time management
- Communication effectiveness
- Presentation coordination among group members
- Quality response to questions during question and response time
- Target audience
- Professional appearance
Assessment Item-3: e-Business Prototype Website Solution and Report (Total 50 marks)
Submission: Online Group submission as per instructions on the Moodle web site.
COIT20250 E-Business Prototype Website
Assessment Objectives:
This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes:
- Articulate the recent developments in the e-business industry and its likely future directions.
- Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment and security systems in a corporate setting.
- Formulate and critically evaluate the impact of e-business strategies on organizational processes and outcomes.
- Demonstrate the technical research skills to assess existing and emerging e-business technologies to transform organizations for competitive advantages.
- Develop the ability to work independently and contribute as a member of the team employing appropriate interpersonal, professional and technical communication skills.
- Interpret the legal, ethical, social and cultural issues that affect the use, design, and implementation of e-business systems.
- Build e-business prototype solutions using open source technologies.
Assessment Task:
This is your major assignment and can be done in a group of up to 4 members. The aim of this major assignment is to give you the opportunity to practice and demonstrate the knowledge that you have gained in this course as well as your skills and experience by developing a prototype website solution for an SME. Hence, this assessment gives you the best opportunity for you to learn by doing and working in a team environment. Today it is a fact that e-business websites are an integral part of any business operation for competitive as well as survival reasons. We have high expectations of you and therefore as a future ICT professional you need to be able to show your intellectual capability by providing a prototype website solution for an SME of your choice in any industry type. This is critical, so you can use cutting edge and state of the art technologies available on the Internet as open sources to carry out your required work. So, there are two parts to this assessment:
Part-1: E-Business Website Prototype Solution (20 marks; 500 words)
Each group needs to create one proposed Website solution.
In this part of the assessment, you are required to configure your site and design homepage using Cloud access URL created by your group for your proposed E-business. You are required to configure extensions like the catalog, shopping cart, contact us, customer registration and any other extension appropriate for your business models such as calendar, social web, maps, and weather.
Show Site Map of your proposed E-business model:
- Briefly describe your group project reflections (some of the challenges encountered) in designing your e-business website (250 words).
- List and explain the resources you had researched or used for designing your e-business website as a group (250 words).
You are encouraged to use critical thinking, innovative ideas, and your imagination to produce your e-business prototype solution.
Part-2: E-Business Report (30 marks, 3000 words)
As a group, you need to choose and propose e-business of your choice, approved by your local lecturer (or course coordinator for distance students). So please discuss your proposal with you the teacher in advance.
This group assignment relates to your understanding of the technological infrastructure and functional requirements of a small to mid-size e-business and to allow you to demonstrate your ability to research, analyze, synthesize and evaluate, and specify the requirements of a proposed e-commerce website in a report. You are required to use at least 12 sources including 6 academic to write a high-quality report.
It is expected that you will demonstrate your learning, integration, and incorporation of the knowledge that you have acquired during this course to produce a high-quality e-business report.
Marking Criteria for the Report:
- Report cover page (course name and title, report title, group details, due date),
- Executive summary,
- Table of contents,
- Introduction (including aim, objectives, scope, and limitations of the report),
- Background of the report topic (including e-business proposal/planning, e-business strategies),
- Discussions of the proposed solution including but not limited to;
- e-business model(s),
- e-business marketing,
- e-business infrastructure (such as hardware, software, resource requirements),
- e-business payment system(s),
- e-business legal, security, privacy, and other issues, and
- e-business benefits that will be derived from the implementation of your, e-business prototype website solution,
- Conclusions and Recommendations,
- References (at least 12 sources including 6 academics),
- Appendices (if needed).
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