COIT20260 | Cloud Computing for Smart Applications | Cloud Computing

General Information
The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast two cloud service providers and their services. By doing this assignment, you will acquire a good understanding of available cloud serviceproviders and their service offerings. This will help you to determine appropriate services for developing smart applications.
What do you need to do?
The assignment requires you to do the following:
- Identify four cloud service providers who offer PaaS (Platform as a Service) to develop applications.
- Select one of the cloud service providers from your list for further investigation. If necessary, create a trial account and use all the different services it offers. Take screenshots to record some of those services while using them.
- Compare and contrast between Bluemix (used in this unit) and the PaaS service of the cloud service provider you have chosen.
What do you need to submit?
You are required to submit a written report in a single Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. The report should contain 1500-2000 words excluding references with ±100 words slack. The report must contain the following sections (feel free to add one or more sections if necessary):
- Cover page/title page, Table of contents and abstract
- Introduction
- Cloud service providers
o List all identified cloud service providers who offer PaaS (Platform as a Service) to develop applications
o Select a service provider out of the list to compare with Bluemix and write two reasons to justify your choice
- Comparison and contrast with Bluemix – this is the body of the report and should be written as detailed as possible. You can include screenshots and other media to enrich your report (you are not allowed to use screenshots and media content from the internet – they must be your own. It is a good idea to try the environment before your answer this section. This section must and only include comparison and contrast between IBM Bluemix and your chosen service provider for the following:
o Services offered for smart applications development such as Internet of Things (IoT) applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and so on.
o The quality of design and navigation of the PaaS system.
o Step by step process required to create and deploy a “Hello World” application.
o The level of difficulties for development and deployment process of the cloud environment.
o Costing model offered by the providers. An example costing model can be found in the link below which you can use for the assignment.
o How easy to manage the application in the context of the following:
- Allocate and upgrade resources like memory, space, etc.
- Update/amend host URL, hosting data center and program/code of the application.
- Your opinion – Based on your comparison and contrast of two cloud providers,
o Which service provider performed better and why?
o Propose one area of improvement for each, you would like to see over their current services and why?
- Conclusion
- References
Plagiarism Checking Information
It is VERY important that you do not copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words! Actual plagiarism will result in the instigation of the student misconduct process.
On uploading your assignment for the first time you will be able to immediately see your similarity score. However, a 24 hour delay exists for the release of similarity scores for the submission of successive items (drafts).
To be clear, the delay will not apply to your first draft which will receive a Turnitin similarity score as soon as possible.
This mandatory delay was implemented by Turnitin to minimise misuse of the similarity-checking service by students who were simply modifying their submissions to avoid match detection and without citing sources appropriately.
Marking guide:
Student Number & Name: | ||
Marker / Date: | ||
Sections | Marks | Comments |
The report quality – | /2 ( 1 for each | |
Is the report easy to follow? | bullet points) | |
Is it prepared using formal report writing style such as | ||
table of content, page numbers, appropriate | ||
referencing (if any), cover page, introduction, | ||
conclusion and so on. | ||
Cloud service providers – How well student answered | /3 marks ( 1.5 | |
the bullet points below. | ||
for each bullet | ||
List all identified cloud service providers who offer PaaS | ||
points) | ||
(Platform as a Service) to develop applications | ||
Select a service provider out of the list to compare with | ||
Bluemix and write two reasons to justify your choice | ||
Comparison and contrast – How well student | /9 marks ( 1.5 | |
answered the bullet points below. | ||
marks for each | ||
Services offered for smart applications development | ||
bullet points) | ||
such as Internet of Things (IoT) application, Artificial | ||
Intelligent (AI) application and so on. | ||
The quality of design and navigation of the PaaS | ||
system. | ||
Step by step process require to create and deploy a | ||
“Hello World” application. | ||
The level of difficulties for development and | ||
deployment process of the cloud environment. | ||
Costing model offered by the providers. | ||
How easy to manage the app in the context of the | ||
following? | ||
o Allocate and upgrade resources like memory, | ||
space, etc. | ||
o Update/amend host URL, hosting data center and | ||
program/code of the application. | ||
Your opinion – Based on comparison and contrast of two | /3 (1.5 for | |
cloud providers, | each bullet | |
Which service provider performed better and why? | points) | |
Propose one area of improvement for each, you | ||
would like to see over their current services and why? | ||
References – | /3 marks ( 1.5 | |
Everything you take from other resources needs to be | for each bullet | |
referenced appropriately. | points) | |
Referencing style – we use APA referencing style | ||
Total Marks: | /20 |
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