
COMR2007- International Experience Assignment 1

COMR2007- International Experience Assignment 1- Blogs


Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of intercultural competence
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a range of theories needed to successfully live together in a culturally diverse world
  • Apply an awareness and understanding of intercultural competence to students’ discipline.

Assessment 1 – Blogs

Part of your intercultural learning is to gain experience and confidence in reflective practices. Writing in a blog about your intercultural learning for an audience of peers supports the development of critical reflection and communication skills. Sharing your ideas in a blog also promotes dialogue within the class. Peers and facilitators will provide feedback which will influence and encourage your further intercultural development.

Blog Post: Part A – due end Module 1

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA format). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post.

  • How will allowing your worldview to be stretched and challenged serve you in your future career?
  • Why is the cultivation of “openness to other worldviews” important for everyone living on planet Earth today?
  • Put DiAngelo and Sensoy’s (2014) four guidelines into your own words and explain why these guidelines encourage learning in a diverse world where injustice occurs.
  • In your own words, how do you think mindfulness can enable you to nurture wiser relationships with yourself, others and what is going on around you?
  • Discuss the four views of the concept of culture that Breidenbach and Nyíri (2009) ague that we must move beyond.


Blog Post: Part B – due end Module 2

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA referencing). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post.

  • Given that intercultural learning is an ongoing and lifelong process, discuss which areas of intercultural competence you do well, and where you could improve. Remember that many people over-estimate their intercultural competence. Also note that your intercultural competence is not solely limited to your own evaluation- others may have a different interpretation of your intercultural attitudes, skills, knowledge, and behaviour!
  • Meditation is different to most other things we do in life- failure is actually success- we try to keep our attention on our breath, fail, then start again, fail, then start again etc. What connections can you find between this skill and the concept of intercultural competence?

Blog Post: Part C – due end Module 3

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA referencing). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post.

  • Explore who you are in terms of the 7 categories of “otherness” from Tatum’s article- race or ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age and physical or mental ability. Which parts of your identity are associated with dominant groups, and which ones with subordinate groups? What reactions do you have when asked to think about yourself in this way?
  • Explore your identity in relation to the 3 Rs from Selasi’s TED talk. Discuss how this analysis of your identity differs from your findings from the one you did in response to Tatum’s (2000) article.
  • What strategies have you used so far in your life to try to get to know more about the multiple stories of others?

Blog Post: Part D – due end Module 4

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA referencing). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post.

  • Discuss how the use of national identities and stereotyping often impact communication between people of different backgrounds.
  • Reflect on instances when you have been aware of the framing of certain groups of people as backward and inferior compared to “enlightened” Europeans/ white people.
  • Can you think of alternative explanations for things that seem strange to you, without placing judgment? Find an example from your everyday experience and give it a try.

Blog Post: Part E – due end Module 5

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA referencing). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post:

  • How does Holliday (2015) suggest you can you move beyond thinking about cultural differences as barriers?
  • Reflect on how you have personally used empathy, as opposed to sympathy, in your interactions with others this week.
  • How can mindfulness support you in showing compassion to others? Discuss your own experience of practicing mindful compassion with another person.
  • How can listening help you develop intercultural competence?
  • Why should you try to move through “hot spots” in dialogue, even though it’s uncomfortable, and can you think of a recent occasion when you’ve been able to do this?

Blog Post: Part E – due end Module 6

Create a blog post (250 words) that draws on the subject’s resources (please indicate which ones using APA referencing). The following questions can guide you to start thinking about what you could include in your blog post:

  • What is something surprising that has come up for you in a recent conversation? Can you now identify which views, beliefs and assumptions were behind your surprise?
  • Which local and global issues are you most passionate about, and how could your developing intercultural competence support your actions in addressing these issues?
  • Discuss your own vision for the world. What is the role of intercultural competence in your vision?


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