
COMR2007- International Experience

COMR2007- International Experience Assignment 2- Reflective Journal entries

Learning Outcomes


  • Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of intercultural competence
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a range of theories needed to successfully live together in a culturally diverse world.
  • Develop skills in mindfulness and critical reflection and awareness that supports your own development of intercultural competence
  • Apply an awareness and understanding of intercultural competence to students’ discipline.



Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking and is a process where you can learn from your experiences. In particular, the reflective journal assessment in this subject supports you to explore and articulate your intercultural learning and its relevance to your personal, social and professional life. To guide you in your reflective writing, you will be given “prompts” that will encourage you to critically consider what you have learned.


You will complete three reflective journal entries for this subject. For each journal entry, write at least 500 words, drawing specifically from the subject’s learning resources and your own independent research (please indicate by using APA referencing). Respond directly to the journal prompt for each assignment. You are required to:

  • Respond to the journal prompt highlighting something you have learned from the subject’s resources and your experiences.
  • Reflect upon and analyze issues presented in the prompt. You are encouraged to reflect on the relevance of key concepts/ideas presented to your experience, prior knowledge, workplace or region.
  • Effectively communicate & demonstrate learning by discussing key ideas/concepts from resources (and referring to authors using APA referencing ).
  • Articulate the significance of your learning (why it matters).
  • Identify how you can use your learning, especially in relation to personal, social and professional contexts.


Reflective Journal Entry: Part A – due end of Module 2

Prompt: ‘Feeling like a fish out of water’

The expression in English- “feeling like a fish out of water”- is used to describe experiences and situations when we feel really uncomfortable when we are out of our normal range of activities or environment.

DiAngelo and Sensoy (2014) state: a fish is born into water and so simply experiences the water as one with itself; a fish has no way of knowing that it is actually separate from the water. And although the fish is separate, it still cannot survive without water. In the same way that a fish cannot live without water, we cannot make sense of the world without the meaning-making system that our culture provides. Yet this system is hard to see because we have always been “swimming” within it; we just take for granted that what we see is real, rather than a perception of our reality.

This echoes the Chinese saying, If you want to know about water, don’t ask the goldfish

Consider the above quotes in the context of intercultural learning and exploring cultural differences. “Water” refers to the things that we usually take for granted about our reality. What have you become more aware of as a result of your intercultural learning- in terms of your water- since starting this subject?


Reflective Journal Entry: Part B -due end of Module 4

Prompt: ‘Assumptions of others’

Watch “What kind of Asian are you?” at Discuss whether you or someone you know has had a similar experience as portrayed in the film. Describe your thoughts and reactions to the video itself, as well as your emotions relating to your own personal experiences. Apply the theories and ideas you have learned about in this subject so far to explain the behavior displayed by both individuals in the film. Explore the work that you have completed for this subject to date to see if you can identify any assumptions of others that you may have written about. Discuss your findings.


Reflective Journal Entry: Part C-due end of Module 5

Prompt: ‘Practicing border crossing’

Your task is to consciously make a decision to interact with another person who you have not communicated with before and who has a different background and life experiences from yourself. Your choice should involve a level of discomfort; a degree of perceived difference is necessary. However, please do ensure your own safety. Enter a discussion in a spirit of openness. Engage in a conversation of meaning, beyond the basic scripts such as “How are you? Fine. It’s hot today”. Ask open-ended questions that generate genuine responses and promotion of dialogue. Practice listening skills. After the interaction, reflect on the dialogue. Describe how easy or difficult it was for you to comprehend another individual’s worldview, from their perspective (not yours!). While practicing ‘border crossing’ did you have a chance to understand otherness in its own terms or did you only ‘see’ or acknowledge difference without exploring otherness in more depth?

Please note: If your first attempt at the border crossing is unsuccessful, you will need to try again!


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