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Contemporary Society Autumn 2018

Contemporary Society Autumn 2018

Essay Requirements

You should counsel no less than five (5) insightful writings (scholarly sources) in exploring this article, and reference them in a reference list. Somewhere around four (4) of the five (5) academic writings must be from outside the basic (week after week) readings (Sociologic course book). You are required to participate in autonomous insightful research. Insightful writings incorporate books, an exposition from a gathering or an article from a scholarly diary. Kindly don’t utilize general sites, including Wikipedia, or any lexicon definitions. Any insightful writings from the Internet MUST be from a legitimate scholastic or college site. On the off chance that you don’t know, pick just college based sites for your sources. You should not utilize some other Internet-based material in your paper except if it is straightforwardly identified with noting your inquiry and important.

Referencing: All quotations MUST be in quotation marks with page number references using a recognised referencing system, for example, Chicago or MLA. All material that is not your own MUST be referenced. Students are required to follow the UWS style guidelines in relation to references, quotations and bibliographies. The University of Western Sydney has proactive plagiarism rules in place and all essays must be submitted to Turnitin. Please see the library site for more details: http://library.westernsydney.edu.au/main/guides/referencing-citation

Essay Writing:

An exposition is an all-encompassing scholarly commitment with a specific inquiry. A composed paper must show not just a capacity to keep in touch with an adequate college standard at the same time, similarly as critically, a capacity to think to a college standard. Understudies are required to look into the inquiry, and to indicate proof of that exploration as proper reference and bibliographic material being utilized in the paper. As understudies, you are requested to question and assess all material that you read, or notes and accounts you have collected from addresses and instructional exercises and, through a basic commitment with this data, express your very own thoughts and ideas in the paper. These thoughts and ideas must be contended and substantiated by discerning methods, and displayed in an intelligent, strong request that builds up your exposition’s contention or position.

This exposition will be surveyed on: An unmistakable reaction that shows a comprehension of the paper question picked. Right utilization of ideas from the course. The suitable utilization of models and proof to help your contentions. Your office to attempt autonomous academic research and effectively reference that examination, and your capacity to compose unmistakably and compactly



  1. In his book General Economic History, published in 1961, Max Weber wrote (p. 265): “Since Judaism made Christianity possible and gave it the character of a religion essentially free from magic, it rendered an important service from the point of view of economic history. For the dominance of magic outside the sphere in which Christianity has prevailed is one of the most serious obstructions to the rationalization of economic life. Magic involves a stereotyping of technology and economic relations.”From a sociological viewpoint, compare and contrast religion with the magic of Steven Frayne, commonly known by his stage name “Dynamo”. Is religion often just another form of magic, with people like Dynamo among its high priests or mullahs? Are magic and religion simply both similar social constructions? In your response to this question, specifically consider both how irrational social factors influence everything, and the relationship between faith and proof.
  2. What are the issues and challenges of studying society? Closely considering the concept of the sociological imagination, compare and contrast the distinction between an individual person’s troubles and the broader public issue, using a specific contemporary example.
  3. How does the myth of Australia being a classless society continue to circulate when the Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull can “bankroll” his party’s election campaign to the amount of $1.7 million? Compare and contrast the recent actions of different Australian politicians, exploring how this myth may allow a wealthy and privileged minority of Australians to reinforce ongoing inequality while making their exercise of power all but invisible? Some aspects to consider more closely in your analysis should include means of production, middle class, and alienation.
  4. In an article in The Guardian, the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman said: “The task for sociology is to come to the help of the individual. We have to be in service of freedom. It is something we have lost sight of”. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/nov/03/zygmunt-bauman-ed-miliband-labourCompare and contrast this statement with James Arvanitakis’s understanding of sociology explained in Chapters 1 & 2 of the textbook Sociologic.
  5. In March 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini decreed mandatory hijab, which is still in force in Iran. Vida Mohaved is a woman who removed her mandatory headscarf in Enghelab Street in Tehran on December 27 last year.In a Huffington Post article, activist Leila Mouri says, “Unfortunately, Iranian women’s deprivation of one of their primary rights — the right to wear what they want in public — has yet to garner attention in the era of ‘Islamophobia.’ In progressive circles of civil society, debates on hijab and Muslim women’s freedom of expression are typically rationalized by their right to wear a burqa in European countries. A consequence of this is that the Iranian government’s policy of compulsory hijab is either supported or ignored by cultural relativist apologists”. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/leila-mouri/compulsory-hijab-in-iran-_b_1698338.htmlCompare and contrast the religious and political aspects of the current Iranian government policy with the views of Leila Mouri in relation to the quotation on page 141 of Sociologic: “But what is power? According to [Robert] Dahl, the simplest way to understand the concept is to think of power as enabling the possibility of imposing one’s will upon the behaviour of another (or others)”.
  6. Roller derby has frequently been considered an ‘alternative’ sport, but ‘alternative’ to what? Compare and contrast roller derby with the sport of dressage, exploring what this comparison tells us about ideas of class and class relations in Australia.

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