- Age range and source of participants
Indicate the age range of people you plan to approach. How do you intend to approach people to be involved in the test? (ie. how do you know them?) (up to 50 words)
Write your answer here… [delete this line before submitting]
- Explain how you will recruit your participants and invite them to participate
Include in your explanation the precise details of the recruitment method (e.g. direct approach, networking, advertisements/flyers, accessing a database (are you authorized), talking to a group) (up to 50 words)
Write your answer here… [delete this line before submitting]
- Explain the steps to be taken to ensure that participation will be purely voluntary
Is there a chance the participants are influenced by a dependency relationship between the researcher and participant? If so, explain the steps taken to ensure voluntary participation (up to 100 words)
Write your answer here… [delete this line before submitting
Create or adapt a script to read to the participants at the start of the usability test. Include task-specific questions you might ask at the completion of each task. If you use a publically available script remember to reference your source… [delete this paragraph before submitting]
Includes your screener and pre-test questionnaire. Your screener questionnaire should contain sufficient queries to identify your target participant. The pre-test questions (usually included as part of the screener questionnaire) are used to compare the characteristics of eligible users. If you adopt an existing questionnaire remember to reference your source… [delete this paragraph before submitting]
Includes your post-test questionnaire. This might include the System Usability Scale (SUS), task or scenario specific questions to obtain data provided by the participants themselves. If you adopt an existing questionnaire remember to reference your source… [delete this paragraph before submitting
Usability test consent form
Please read and sign this form.
We are Usability Engineering students at RMIT University under Dr Alexandra Uitdenbogerd. We are asking you to be in a study to help us determine the usability of [website name] for a student project on Usability Testing.
Feelallowed to make any inquiries to us that you have previously or amid the test. The ease of use test ought not surpass [fill in the minutes] minutes long.
In this convenience test:
You will be requested to play out specific undertakings on a site.
You will be requested to fill in a pre-test and post-test survey.
You will be recorded for the motivation behind later playback
Interest in this ease of use examine is deliberate. You can pull back you are agree to the investigation and stop interest whenever. Any data that is acquired will stay secret and will be uncovered just to educating staff.
On the off chance that you have any inquiries after today if you don’t mind contact Sandra Uitdenbogerd at 9925 2246.
Member Consent
I have perused and comprehended the data on this shape and had the majority of my inquiries replied. I will consent to take an interest. I agree with the utilization of information accumulated over the span of this examination through the surveys, and I comprehend that I may cease interest whenever
Task Name: add task name here
Objective |
Scenario |
Dependencies |
Estimated Length |
Possible Solution |
Starting Point |
Measuring Success |
SECTION 7: USER TASK SHEETS (for participants)
Create user tasks on the following pages (ie. one task per page). Keep the scenarios and tasks brief and include all information that the participant might need to complete the tasks. Make the font size and layout easy to read… [delete this line before submitting
Task 1:
Write your tasks in a large font so that users can easily read it…
Task 2:
Write your tasks in a large font so that users can easily read it…
If you use templates from a source, reference that source here… [delete this line before submitting
Section 2: Test Summary
Test summary questions were adapted from parts of the CHEAN Ethics Application Form for Negligible Risk.
Section 5: Consent Form
The consent form was adapted from two sources:
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