
COUN5161 – Counselling over the Lifespan

COUN5161 – Counselling over the Lifespan


Unit description

This unit provides a comprehensive framework for the consideration of developmental psychology across the lifespan. Through this unit you will acquire in – depth knowledge of developmental psychology for understanding and appreciating your own development, as well as that of the people you interact with in your counselling or work – related role.

Emphasis throughout this unit is on applying the theory to practical situations you may encounter in your work roles.


Unit learning outcomes

On completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. identify and analyse the physical, cognitive, and identity developments in childhood, adolescence and early, mid and late adulthood
  2. evaluate attachment, socio – emotional and moral theories of development
  3. evaluate key psychoanalytic, learning and cognitive theories in developmental psychology
  4. identify and analyse family systems’ influence on development
  5. identify and analyse gender – role and sexuality theories of development
  6. apply developmental theory to a range of situations and contexts
  7. demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge of the impact of multicultural issues on attachment theories
  8. analyse and synthesise theories of ageing, grief, death and dying
  9. identify and evaluate the value of incorporating an understanding of developmental theories in counselling


Learning activities

Learning activities are set in each section of the unit to give opportunities for further learning. They are designed to help students think through and practice the specific skills and general concepts presented in this unit. They do not need to be sent to the academic teacher for marking. However, valuable learning opportunities will be missed by not completing the activities.

In studying this unit, students should need to maintain a learning journal for completing the activities. To structure the learning journal, set aside space for :

      1. completing a glossary of new terminology and concepts introduced in this unit

    , valuable learning opportunities will be missed by not completing the activities.

In studying this unit, students should need to maintain a learning journal for completing the activities. To structure the learning journal, set aside space for:

  1. notes on unit content and readings
  2. answers to learning activities
  3. draft assessments.

Students can also keep the learning journal electronically.


There are self-assessment questions at the end of each section to test students’ understanding of the section’s content. Try to recall the answers to these questions unaided. Write down answers from memory before going back to review the relevant material in the section. Some of the questions require more than simple recall. Some will require synthesising separate issues or different pieces of in formation. Real learning is not just remembering the reading. It involves owning this knowledge by:

  1. reflecting
  2. questioning
  3. relating theory to personal experiences
  4. integrating a number of readings on a particular topic or concept
  5. paraphrasing.

The assignments for this unit are carefully set so they develop from and support the key concepts and skills of the unit, and are aligned with the learning outcomes for this unit.

In this unit, marking rubrics are provided for each assignment. These rubrics describe the type of requirements for each marking criterion at each level of mastery.


Section 1: Exploring Counselling and the Lifespan

Section 2: Physical Development and Psychoanalytic Theories of Development

Section 3: Behavioural Learning and Systems Theories of Development

Section 4: Cognitive Theories of Development and Developmental Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Section 5: Attachment and Socio – emotional Theories of Development

Section 6: Family Systems’ Impact on Development

Section 7: Social Cognition and Moral Theories of Development

Section 8: The Self and Personality Theories of Development

Section 9: Gender – Role and Sexuality Theories of Development

Section 10: Theories of Intelligence and Creativity

Section 11: Theories of Ageing, Grief, Death and Dying

Section 12: Counselling Applications over the Lifespan

Assignment 1: Reflective Essay

Alignment with learning outcomes

  • a) identify and analyse the physical, cognitive, and identity developments in childhood, adolescence and early, mid and late adulthood
  • b) evaluate attachment, socio – emotional and moral theories of development
  • c) evaluate key psychoanalytic, learning and cognitive theories in developmental psychology
  • d) identify and analyse family systems’ influence on development
  • f) apply developmental theory to a range of situations and contexts

Assignment 2: 2a: Media Report
2b: PowerPoint slide summary

  • a) identify and analyse the physical, cognitive, and identity development in childhood, adolescence and early, mid and late adulthood
  • e) identify and analyse gender – role and sexuality theories of development
  • f) apply developmental theory to a range of situations and contexts
  • g) demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge of the impact of multicultural issues on attachment theories h) analyse and synthesise theories of ag eing, grief, death and dying

Assignment 1: Reflective Essay


Students will apply developmental theory to a personal developmental milestone. This will allow students to examine aspects of three major theories within the context of their own experiences.


Identify a milestone in your own development to date and analyse it with reference to three major theories in developmental psychology.

Your Reflective Essay is to include:

  1. Identification and overview of a developmental milestone appropriate to the assignment purpose
  2. Identification and overview of three theories in developmental psychology appropriate to the assignment purpose
  3. Analysis of the developmental milestone by applying the three theories in developmental psychology
  4. Critical reflection on your personal respons es and experiences in relation to the developmental milestone
  5. Evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of all ideas and relevant information.
  6. Comprehensive and effective use of relevant academic literature from credible sources
  7. Clear and logical structure, academic writing and referencing
  8. Correct academic structure
  9. APA 6 referencing

Assignment 2: Media report & Class presentation

Assignment Type

2a. Media Report
2b. PowerPoint slide summary


Students will produce and submit for assessment a 1500 word Media Report and an 8-10 PowerPoint slide summary, which succinctly summarises the Media Report. The Media Report and PowerPoint slide summary will address one of the following topics:

  • ‘the social world of young people’, or
  • ‘midlife change’, or
  • ‘ageing and memory’.


Select three reports from the media on ‘the social world of young people’, or ‘midlife change’, or ‘ageing and memory’. Analyse and evaluate these reports in relation to accuracy and cultural diversity in a Media Report. Create a PowerPoint slide summary of the findings from your Media Report. Specifically:

Media Report

Choose three reports from the media on one of the following topics:

  1. The social world of young people
  2. Midlife change
  3. Ageing and memory

Analyse and evaluate the accuracy of these media reports, including reference to cultural diversity, using current research.

2a. Your Media Report is to include:

  1. identification of three reports appropriate for the purposes of the assignment from one of th e following areas:
    1. the social world of young people,
    2. midlife change, or
    3. ageing and memory
  2. succinct overview of the three reports
  3. critical evaluation of the accuracy of the three reports, supported by relevant theory, research and literature
  4. critical evaluation of the three reports in relation to cultural diversity, supported by relevant theory, research and literature
  5. evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of all ideas and relevant information
  6. comprehensive and effective use of relevant academic literature from credible sources
  7. clear and logical structure, academic writing and referencing

PowerPoint slide summary

2b. Your PowerPoint slide summary is to include:

  1. brief overview of three media reports from one of the following areas: “the social world of young people”, “midlife change”, or “ageing and memory”
  2. evidence of critical evaluation when presenting the findings in rela tion to accuracy, supported by relevant theory, research and literature
  3. evidence of critical evaluation when presenting the findings in relation to cultural diversity, supported by relevant theory, research and literature
  4. commentary on whether the student’ s own perceptions about the life stage changed after completion of the Media Report
  5. comprehensive and effective use of relevant academic literature from credible sources
  6. clear and logical structure that conforms to assignment formatting requirements, and includes8 – 10 slides (not including reference list) and a title page that informs the audience of the topic
  7. correct academic writing
  8. APA 6 th edition referencing used
  9. In – class presentation: student engaged audience member and encourages interaction
  10. In – class presentation: presentation completed within 10 minutes

In-Class PowerPoint Presentation

Use the PowerPoint slide summary to conduct an engaging 10-minute presentation on the key findings of the Media Report, including reference to the accuracy of the three reports and cultural diversity. Students are to include commentary, and invite interaction, on whether their perceptions about this life stage changed after completion of the Media Report


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