
E-Business Systems

E-Business Systems


Write a report on E-Business Systems.



Business over electronics platform and business via electronics platform are not the same things. One is to utilize electronics platform as a carrier for their business achievements, and other is use electronics platform for their business orientation. The primary objective of this project is to implement an ecommerce website over a cloud space. To achieve these functionality developers use Cloud access hosting site as their development platform and Joomla content management system as their development wizard. In other words, the total development is based on cloud based content management system integration.

Aim Of the project

The main goal or objective of this project is to an incorporate a content management system over a cloud platform and utilize this collaboration as an ecommerce platform for the proposed website shopee. Another goal which is also attached to the same program is to create a social medium between the proposed website and social media so that they can maximize their business growth. For new generation internet oriented business organization, it is necessary to create a gesture over the social media for making self-identity of their organization. For achieving the primary objective of a successful ecommerce business organization, it is necessary to mandate the second option of social integration.


As an ecommerce website, it is evident that there is a limitless opportunity for their business propaganda, but there is also some limitation which is associated with the business integration which can create a huge effect on technology integration. Some of these are like business to customer relationship, Loyalty management program, etc. Ecommerce business organization “shoppe” Is a business organization which serves their customer from a remote location, so it is important to maintain their organization standard as industry rules and regulations.

Limitation of the report

The primary objective of this report made a summary of the proposed website and analyzed their certain function so the user of the website can identify the functionality of “Shopee” website. But this documentation has some limitation over the description of the website. There so many things which are implemented on “Shopee” Website like components and plugins are not easy to describe on a paper document. The practical work which is done due to design and development of the website is not also able to documenting in a precise manager because practical work is totally different from a theoretical work. In the theoretical approach of development logically there is no problem associated with the project implementation but in real world development, there are so many issues are appears during the development of the project.


Background of the proposed system

The entire project is based on the development of an ecommerce application on a cloud infrastructure. As a development of a website on a cloud platform the primary cloud, integration needs to be PASS or platform as a service but using of cloudaccess as a hosting provider it will become an easier task. Cloudaccess hosting provider in Joomla integration over every hosting registration so the function of this Cloud base act as SAAS or software as a service.

E-business model

An e-commerce model is a derived approach which is forms by combining four strategic approaches to business implementation. These are listed below-

E-Business concept – This property of the business is used to define the standard and approach to business integration. In a brief description, it can be said that the E-business concept is a standard which follows business goals and objective to maintain the overall aspect of an organization. In the development of proposed website “Shopee” follows Business to clients approach.

The value proposition of proposed website – Value proposition factor deals with the significant services of shopee website which are served for the website users. Some of the value proposition factor which creates a direct impact in customer’s mind are cost effectiveness, fastest delivery, and flexible return policy.

Revenue services – It is a major part of any organization for collecting money from different sources. Each source of income is entirely related to company asset management. As an ecommerce website, “Shopee” has different opportunities to earn revenue from different sources. Some the sources are like an advertisement, digital subscription, etc.

Activities – The final functional unit of ecommerce which indirectly related with ecommerce system is business activities. Business activities are redeemed the business orientation in simple instances. Promotional events, Sales are the popular activities for ecommerce business unit.


E-Marketing is a derived form of E-business where electronics business platform uses to achieve companies marketing policy. E-marketing helps to organize the marketing activities over the single platform to achieve their business objectives. There are several advantages of E-marketing present in the field of ecommerce business orientation. E-marketing creates a border in between company marketing objective which is performed through an electronic medium. E-marketing reduces the overall cost of marketing policy by utilizing different automotive production tools. The faster response to the client request and measured information collection are the another functional advantage of E-marketing policy. It also increased the level of interaction between client and business organization.

E-business infrastructure

An e-business infrastructure totally relies upon internet services which are listed to provide distinct services for the different domain of Ecommerce application. Mainly Infrastructure for an ecommerce application is to provide the resource for hardware and software technologies. In this project of ecommerce website development, there are too many software and hardware services used to facilitate the website functionality.

Hardware requirements

Every software application needs a hardware setup to deploy their entire functionality which is also applicable for this ecommerce website. But this website an integrated cloud platform for its deployment so administrator need not worry about any hardware requirements. All the requirement will be supported by the hosting service provider.

The minimum hardware requirement to accelerate the Joomla functionality over the web space is detailed in below table:

Developer Side-

Hardware Component Usability Ratio
Processor 1.7 GHZ to 2.5 GHZ CPU frequency
Memory 2 GB DDR2 Random Access Memory Module
Physical Storage 250 GB
Display  1024×786 PPI Display Adaptor

Client Side-

Hardware Component Usability Ratio
Processor 1 GHZ to 1.7 GHZ CPU frequency
Memory 1 GB DDR2 Random Access Memory Module
Physical Storage 80 GB
Display  1024×786 PPI Display Adaptor

Software requirements

The main requirement list of this development comes with the requirement of software services as per website deployment functionality. As like hardware requirement software requirements also classified into two categories. One is client side, and anther is server side. As per the utility factor, client side will need minimum software support operate this website, but developer side (server side) needs the most functional dependency to develop this website.

The detailed requirements are given below –

Developer side –

Software Component Usability Ratio
PHP 5.5
MySQL Database 3.x
Apache Web server 1.3 x
Joomla Content Management system  3.x

Client Side-

Software Component Usability Ratio
Browser IE 9 & above, Firefox 14 & above, Chrome 20 & above.

Resource requirements

There are three types of criteria needs to be matched for establishing an ecommerce business organization. These are electronic contact, electronics office, and professional network.

For acquiring Electronics contact the initial step is acquiring Internet access from an Internet administration supplier, for example, a link or phone organization. The following step is to get an email location, which will be the principle purpose of contact for clients, sellers and different business partners. The main provision is to create identity over the business areas so that anyone can find out any details about the “Shopee” organization.

Once the little e-entrepreneur has procured an electronic method for contact, he should settle on an automated technique by which to offer his products or administrations. A typical approach to doing this is to build up a promotional site. Organization’s site gives a portrayal of the association and its items, permitting them to make buys amid their visit, either online or by calling to talk with a live illustrative. A site is a great route for a business to be marked. A substitute method for electronic office space is using the administrations of long range informal communication and Internet offering destinations. For instance, a little e-entrepreneur may utilize a free Twitter or blog page to showcase the administration’s functionality. Similarly, they may offer items through another online retail space worked by third party Shopping site.

The professional network makes an easier environment for any organization to run their business in a smooth and clear way. Every e-business organization needs to collaborate with many vendors so they can supply their client’s order in a specific and efficient way.

E-business payment system

E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce locales use electronic installment where automatic installment alludes to paperless money related exchanges. Electronic installment has upset the business handling by lessening paperwork, transfer costs, work cost. Being easy to understand and less tedious than manual handling, helps the business association to extend its business sector reach/development.

Some payment modes for online shopping are-

Payment through Credit Card.

The credit card is one of the most basic methods of electronic transaction. MasterCard is one of them to make a transaction over the web. It has likewise an attractive strip implanted in it which is utilized to peruse MasterCard using card peruses. At the point when a client buys an item using MasterCard, charge card benefactor bank pays for the benefit of the customer and client has a specific period after which he/she can pay the Visa bill. It is usually Visa regularly scheduled installment cycle.

Payment through Emoney

E-Money exchanges allude to the circumstance where installment is done over the system, and the bill gets exchanged starting with one budgetary body then onto the next monetary body with no association of a broker. E-cash exchanges are quicker, advantageous and spare a considerable measure of time.


Online trade has been becoming quickly since the 90s, and almost every retail operation of any size has a site for the offer of its products. With the secrecy of the Internet, be that as it may, it’s extremely troublesome for a purchaser to know truly and trust the merchant. In case you’re getting included in e-business, from either end of the arrangement, remember some essential business morals.

Application Information

App Name: Joomla
App Version: 3.5.1
App Dbprefix: cuc_
App User: shopeec1
Password: Y518yc9sHq


Making of a content management based e-commerce give enormous flexibility towards its developer for faster and quick implementation of any prototype. It also increased the efficiency level of any ecommerce production. Apart from any other content management system Joomla allows more security towards its user. So it is evident that the website has many new edged functional module to maximize an ecommerce business growth.


The Implementation Content management system for an e-commerce platform is very much approachable but all the content management system comes with certain limitation which creates a bottleneck during expansion of the website features. Joomla content management system also has development complexity than other popular content management systems like Magneto or WordPress. So it will be better if the system migrates to WordPress or Magneto like content management system.



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visit at : Analysis And Design Of An E-Commerce Site

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