ECON928 – Economics for Modern Business
Describe and compare the economies Australia and Canada
The objective of the assignment is to contribute to the learning outcomes for this subject by providing practice in
- Researching the economic characteristics of two economies, an selecting a limited number of variables which best describe their similarities and differences.
- Obtaining data describing those characteristics, interpreting and presenting them clearly and simply as a ‘picture’ of a real company.
- Researching critical background on the two economies in order to explain their current economic situation and suggest their likely future states and using this material to illustrate the factors at work in the two economies, focusing on the differences and similarities between them, and what this may suggest in terms of their respective business environments.
ECON928 – Economics for Modern Business
Additional Information for Assignment 2
1. Your Assignment should be presented as a business report and the format should be as follows:
- Cover Page
- Executive Summary
- Content Page
- Introduction
- Analysis
- Conclusions
- Implications
- Marking Criteria
2. Prepare an analysis plan for this assignment. The following are few important points.
a. Useful data sources
Reserve Bank of Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics Reserve Bank of Canada Statistics Canada International Monetary Fund; in particular search for country reports OECD publication; difficult to access, but you can try.
b. National Output and Expenditure 5 years data; Annual or Quarterly
- Output – Sectoral composition of the economy
- Expenditure – Consumption, investment and savings
c. Prices, Wages and Employment 5 years data; Annual or Quarterly
- Prices – Inflation – use Consumer Price index
- Wages – be careful with currency
- Employment and labour force – unemployment rate, migration and skill shortage
d. External Sector Trade in goods- Export performance, import performance, trade balance, terms of trade, direction of trade
- Trade in services– Transport services, travel and tourism, others
- Current account balance
- External Debt
- Exchange rate movement
- Trade agreements?
e. Fiscal policy and government finance 5 years data; Annual or Quarterly
- Government budgetary operation – revenue, expenditure and fiscal balance
- Government debt
f. Monetary sector 5 years data; Annual or Quarterly
- Development in monetary aggregates – Broad money supply,
- Interest rates – Money market, deposit and lending rates
g. Macroeconomic development, stability. Policy responses and outlook Real, external, fiscal and monetary sector developments up to 2015
- Development in monetary aggregates – Broad money supply,
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