EDC1000 Academic and Professional Learning
COURSE NAME: EDC1000 Academic and Professional Learning
Assessment 1a: Digital Story Peer Assessment
Please upload a copy of your Digital Story Plan and a photograph of your peer assessment sheet.
Assessment 1b: Digital Story
create a video of an aspect of their own story
evidence of planning and organisation of the task
selection of appropriate moment or aspects of story
demonstration of creative thinking – e.g. use of imagery, appropriate selection of sound or music, structure, use of metaphor
This is the drop box for your Digital Story – Please note this is not due until about week
Assessment 2: Project and Journal
Please upload your journal of the experience of creating and performing the play.
Your submission should be approximately 900 words. This is the equivalent three journal entries of 300 words. Two entries should be about the preparation of the play and one entry about the performance of the play. Please include writing, photos, drawings, video excerpts and/or audios.
Some things to consider
Capture your personal experience – your concerns, the challenges, the successes
Will you include photos or videos? Remember to follow our Principles of Respect
You may like to include drawings or diagrams of the developing ideas.
Use the VU e-portfolio template as this allows you to upload many artefacts.
We encourage you to explore one drama theorist – what are the conventions of this style? Remember to reference using Harvard your resources.
Consider what are known as 21st Century skills – collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, problem solving – how do these apply to the experience of creating the play.
What is the value of creating drama as an educational or learning experience.
The ideas from this experience will form the foundation of Assessment Three – The Case and Commentary
Assessment 3: Case and Commentary
Students will compose their made story – this structures the case. They will then contextualize this story socially and instructively – shaping the editorial.
proper utilization of standard Australian English (language structure, accentuation, spelling)
proper utilization of scholarly dialect
proper referencing
show of reflection on the story
proof of introducing a made story – for example powerful utilization of engaging and additionally figurative dialect, clear account line, proof of the utilization of composing methodologies
critique successfully contextualizes the story
Critique draws on scholarly writing so as to estimate encounters.
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