EDFGC6801 Learning at Work in the Knowledge Economy Assignment Help
In this subject, you will take into account changes occurring within the nature of labor across totally different industries and cultures and their implications for understanding workplaces as learning environments. The mentors will explore the ways within which even the foremost modest native workplaces, square measure formed by world movements of capital, individuals and ideas, and at the impact of knowledge and communication technologies on work. We have the tendency to take into account totally different approaches for workforce education with a selected specialization in the mentoring well-liked workforce for pedagogy.

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Topics we would cover in EDFGC6801
- The General Theory Of Good
- The Nature of Goods
- The Causal Connections between Goods
- The Laws Governing Goods-Character
- Time and Error
- The Causes of Progress in Human Welfare
- Economy And Economics Goods
- Human Requirements
- The Available Quantities
- The Origin of Human Economy and Economic Goods
- Wealth
- The Theory Of Value
- The Nature and Origin of Value
- The Original Measure of Value
- The Laws Governing the Value of Goods of Higher Order
- The Theory Of Price
- Price Formation in an Isolated Exchange
- Price Formation under Monopoly
- The Effect of Competition in the Supply of a Good in a market
- Price Formation and the Distribution of Good
- The Theory Of Exchange
- The Foundations of Economic Exchange
- The Limits of Economic Exchange
- Use Value And Exchange Value
- The Nature of Use Value and Exchange Value
- Changes in the Economic Centre of Gravity
- The Theory Of Money
- The Nature and Origin of Money
- The Kinds of Money Appropriate to Particular Peoples and to Particular Historical Periods
- Money as a “Measure of Price” and as the Most Economic Form for Storing Exchangeable Wealth
- Coinage
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