


Assignment 1 Curriculum Development and Design


Task 1 – 2750  Words (equivalent) – 35%                    DUE DATE –  02 Sept 2018

Task One is a portfolio of local and international events that have the capacity to impact curriculum. These themes will be explored in face to face classes. You are to choose 5 issues that appear in the media. These issues may be social, political or environmental in nature; they may cross borders or be specific to a national or local setting. They must come from 5 different sources.


The sources of information might be categorised as;

    • State-based or National (Australian),
    • Online Exclusive (e.g. ONLY available on the Web),
    • International media reports (outside Australia) and
    • Unfiltered Expression. E.g. Web Blog
    • Print media

(Note: these sources will also be the references for the portfolio). 

  •  Your portfolio of 5 independent pieces should include:
    • An appropriate rationale as to why these events impact curriculum
    • How, Why and When these issues impact curriculum
    • Examples of Strategic and Operational impact on education
    • An artefact for each topic (image, screen shot of a web page, scan of a news article, cut & paste from blog, etc….as evidence of the material in its original format)
   EDU4CDD Assignment 1 2018.pdf

Submission status

This assignment will accept submissions from Monday, 20 August 2018, 12:00 AM

Submission status No attempt
Grading status Not graded
Due date Sunday, 2 September 2018, 12:00 AM
Time remaining 17 days 5 hours
Last modified
Submission comments

Assignment 2 Curriculum Development and Design

Task 2 – 1250 word equivalent – 20%                      Due date: 09th Sept 2018

The second assessment task is an individual presentation to be carried out on Sunday 09/09/12. You are to choose ONE of the topics you have investigated for TASK ONE, and report your findings to the class via a 6 minute PowerPoint presentation and be prepared to answer questions from the audience. The presentation should clearly illustrate the issue in question as well as;

  • How, Why and When it may impact curriculum strategically and operationally
    • The differences, if any, you observed in the reporting and opinion generated by the issue and why this may have been the case.
    • The presentation must utilize Microsoft PowerPoint (or compatible file format) and must be delivered strictly in the 6 minute time-frame  (please rehearse).
    • This task will be peer assessed via a rubric provided by the lecturer. A paper copy of your presentation must be handed in on the day of the presentation.
   EDU4CDD Assignment 2 2018.pdf

Submission status

This assignment will accept submissions from Wednesday, 5 September 2018, 12:00 AM

Submission status No attempt
Grading status Not graded
Due date Friday, 7 September 2018, 12:00 AM
Time remaining 22 days 5 hours
Last modified
Submission comments

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