
ENGG947 | Advanced Building Design for Energy Efficiency

ENGG947 | Advanced Building Design for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability | UWU Australia


In this assignment, you are asked to review four (4) innovative technologies that would suit a Solar Decathlon house for the competition in Dubai in 2018. The four technologies should all belong to one of the following categories:
  1. Artificial lighting systems;
  1. Glazing systems (window and frame);
  1. External shading;
  1. Innovative renewable energy technologies (for on-site generation and for residential buildings);
  1. Recycled materials for building products
  1. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems (including heat recovery systems).
Your review should include a critical analysis of your proposed technologies and should be structured as follows:
Description and innovative characteristics for each of the four proposed technologies. Market availability and cost for each of the four proposed technologies. If cost figures are not available, then an estimated cost should be provided.
A final section for ranking and comparing your four technologies with each other and with conventional technologies. The following ranking criteria should be included as a minimum  for  your  comparison:  innovation;  cost;  availability  in  the  market;  time needed for construction (the competition has very tight schedules for constructing the building); environmental performance (energy efficiency, comfort, water savings, etc.).

A short conclusion section.

The Solar Decathlon 2018 rules are available on Moodle. All of your selected technologies must fit the requirements of the competition and its prescribed rules.
Only one report is required to be submitted by each group (every group should have 3-4 members). Assignment 1 counts for 10% of the total final subject mark.

Format for Report

  • Maximum length of the text in the main body of your report is to be 8 pages of A4 in addition to any diagrams/tables which may also be included as appendices.
  • Each report must also contain a “Group Self Assessment” form (available from Moodle). Failing to submit the “Group Self Assessment” form will result in a -5% penalty of the total final assignment mark.
Student Name
Assessment Mark
Assignment 1
“Critical Review of innovative technologies that would suit a Solar Decathlon house for the competition in Dubai in 2018”
Weighting: 10% of the total subject mark
Topic Max mark
% of this
Description of each of the four proposed technologies 4×10=40
Degree of innovation for each technology 4×5=20
Market availability and cost Section 4×3=12
Section for ranking and comparing the selected four technologies with each 18
other and with conventional technologies
Conclusions Section 5
Writing/communication (Excellent graphical presentation, style, grammar, 5
spelling, etc.)

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