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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assignment 1

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assignment


The Power Point Slides: How to structure an effective business plan presentation

The Slides – Template

  • The following slides will give you an idea what to address
  • It’s up to you how many slides you use for the different ‘topics’
  • This is a suggestion only, if you want to present it in a different way – go ahead
Company Name/Logo Name of Founder(s) Contact Information of Founder(s) 
Acknowledgement of whom the  presentation is being made to 


  • Brief explanation of your product or service
  • Short explanation of the key points that will be conveyed in the presentation
  • Short discussion of the potential positive outcomes (business, societal, etc) that will result from launching of the business

The Problem

  • Explain the problem to be solved
    • What’s the pain?
    • Why aren’t customers satisfied with current solutions?
    • Will the problem get better or worse over time?
  • Validate the problem via research
    • What do your potential customers think?
    • What do the experts say?
    • Validate the problem via research
  • How big is the problem?

The Solution

Present your business as the answer for the issue

Depict how your answer is unmistakably not quite the same as others that uncovered tending to a similar issue

Depict how much your answer makes clients lives more extravagant or increasingly proficient or successful

Discussion about how you’ll erect boundaries to passage to keep others from rapidly duplicating your answer

Opportunity and Target Market

Explain your particular target showcase

Discussion about business and natural patterns that are giving your objective market force

Show, graphically if conceivable, the measure of your objective market, your anticipated deals and your anticipated piece of the overall industry


This slide is discretionary yet is regularly included

Discussion about your innovation or any irregular parts of your item or administration

Try not to talk in an excessively specialized way. Make portrayals straightforward

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