
HC1010 Accounting For Business

HC1010 Accounting For Business

Group Assignment Topic:

Identifying and assessing the financial statement analysis by Understanding the financial ratios, directors report and ethical standards


The objective of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to assess the company’s financial position and analyze according to the given data in the Annual report.

Part 1: Annual report from ASX listed company, Explain FY (2016-2017) with the comparison of previous

02 financial years:

HC1010 Accounting For Business                                                                                                                        Marks-3X3=09

  1. P/L statement
  1. Cash flow statement
  1. Balance sheet


Part 2: Ratio Analysis:                                                                                                                 Marks-1.5X4=06

HC1010 Accounting For Business

Explain FY (2016-2017) with the comparison of previous 02 financial years. Following ratios should be calculated according to the information given in the annual report. Profitability ratio, Efficiency Ratio, Liquidity Ratio, Rate of Return

  1. Profitability Ratio:

Return on Assets= Net Profit + Interest (Net of Income Tax)

Average Total Assets


  1. Efficiency Ratio:
Inventory Turnover= COGS
Average Inventory


c. Liquidity Ratio:
Current Ratio = Current Assets
Current Liabilities
d. The rate of Return:


Earning per Shares =       Net Profit-Preference Dividends


Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares issued


Part 03:

Based on the directors’ report, explain how the management works for the best interest of the company. Ethical standards need to be mentioned. If you are an investor, are you going to invest in

this company? Why or Why not?                                                                                                                Marks-05


Detail Instructions of the Assignment by comparing previous 02 financial years

Part 01:

Analyze Profit and Loss with previous year’s figures and competitors from the same industry

Analyze Cash flow statement to show their Financing/operating/investing activities. Explanation

of each activity

Analyze B/Sheet to show the company’s financial position of the company


Part 02: Calculate the ratios based on the information from Annual Report and briefly explain.

Part 03: Corporate governance statements and the practice of the integrity policy inside the business. Management’s approach to:


Taking and managing business risks.

Attitudes and actions toward financial reporting.

Attitudes toward information processing and accounting functions and personnel.

Additional Factors that you may consider include:

Business operations

Investments and investment activities Financing and financing activities

Industry size

Major players/competitors

Market shares of Industry players

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