HCNUR1011 Foundations of Nursing 1 Assignment Help
The profession which deals with the care of people of different ages, communities, and families is known as nursing. The aim of the field is to provide quality care to patients. Foundations of nursing 1 introduce students to the world of health care. It teaches various strategies and methods used in this profession to delivery high standards of health care. The course also includes a two-day visit to any hospital so, that practical knowledge is gained about nursing. It gives the student an opportunity to closely observe the nursing practice.
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Hey, friends hope you are doing well in the subject. If no, you are not well and having a problem in nursing. You have tried to solve your problems but didn’t have the success. This is the right time to ask our tutors to help you in understanding the foundations of nursing. We currently have 137 nursing tutors who have required qualification to teach the subject. We follow the correct approach in nursing that helps the student to improve his or her grade. Anyone interested in our services can contact us. We assure our clients that we try to provide the best services that too in minimum time. So, students and parents don’t waste time in thinking and contact us.
HCNUR1011 Foundations of Nursing 1 Assignment Help
Topics we would cover in HCNUR1011
- Evolution of Nursing and Nursing Education
- Nursing Theory
- Research and Evidence-Based Practice
- Health Care Delivery, Quality, and the Continuum of Care
- Critical Thinking, Decision Making, and the Nursing Process
- Assessment
- Nursing Diagnosis
- Planning and Outcome Identification
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Professional Accountability
- Leadership, Delegation, and Power
- Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
- Documentation and Informatics
- Promoting Client Health
- Nursing, Healing, and Caring
- Communication
- Health and Wellness Promotion
- Family and Community Health
- The Life Cycle
- The Older Client
- Cultural Diversity
- Client Education
- Responding to Basic Psychosocial Needs
- Self-Concept
- Stress, Anxiety, Adaptation, and Change
- Spirituality
- Loss and Grief
- Responding to Basic Physiological Needs
- Vital Signs
- Physical Assessment
- Diagnostic Testing
- Safety, Infection Control, and Hygiene
- Medication Administration
- Complementary and Alternative Modalities
- Oxygenation
- Fluids and Electrolytes
- Nutrition
- Comfort and Sleep
- Mobility
- Skin Integrity and Wound Healing
- Sensation, Perception, and Cognition
- Elimination
- Nursing Care of the Preoperative Client
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