holmes assignment help

HI5019 Strategic Information System Group Assignment


Group Assignment (Business Report) (Week 10, 5pm Friday)

Holmes Institute

In gatherings of three or four, you will be required to lead explore on AIS/ERP Systems for

your customer. Your group is required to pick a contextual analysis in one of the regions referenced beneath (not constrained to). At that point set up a Business Report for the customer itemizing the procedures of choosing an AIS/ERP to assist them with making educated choice for interest in data framework to take their business to the following dimension including:

Characterize business forms,

Create business necessities,

Decide the frameworks necessities,

Programming and seller determination

Decide no less than three (3) ways which organizations or associations use such advances to enhance business productivity

Assess the dimension of effectiveness of the innovation usage

Look at potential security dangers, information ruptures

Give rules on how these dangers could be relieved.

The report ought to be around 3500 words and ought to be submitted in a MSWord arrange record for the customer. Each gathering would be required to discover AIS/ERP that tends to the distinctive parts of the customers’ business particularly the region of their counted difficulties and ought to likewise guarantee that the customer’s business prerequisites are tended to. You may likewise utilize any examination or configuration device in the readiness of your report – insofar as the outcomes are reasonable for introduction in the required Word record and are your very own work. Keep in mind: this is a report planned to persuade a governing body to receive your

proposition. Your report should hence be finished, yet compact; be clear and persuading, and expertly introduced. Most importantly, the report must be explicit to the necessities of the business.

Contextual investigations in the regions of: (The group needs to email the teacher their decision)

  Public Transport

  Flight Centers

  Real state offices

  Education

  Library

  Banks

  Immigration

  Health

  Medicine

  Pollution

  Manufacturing

  Agriculture

Accommodation Requirements:

Research reports are to be displayed in size 12 Times New Roman or 10 Calibri Font and twofold divided. The examination ought to incorporate a rundown of something like 5 references utilized in the exploration report and a catalog of the more extensive perusing done to acclimate oneself with the subject.


  Soft duplicate to self-check and Final Submission with cover sheet

You are reminded to peruse the “Copyright infringement” segment of the course depiction. Your exploration ought to be an amalgamation of thoughts from an assortment of sources communicated in your own words. All reports must utilize the Harvard referencing style. Stamping rubrics are appended.

Evaluation Criteria:

Score                         Very Good (9-10)                                       Good (7-8)                                        Satisfactory (5-6)                      Unsatisfactory (3-4)

Fits with criteria


Suitably pick an AIS/ERP that fits. comprehension of the nature and reason for the business

Proof of comprehension of the nature and reason for the business

Ampleness of comprehension of the nature and reason for the business

Reports that pick frameworks/programming not significant will lose marks from this classification.

Score                         Very Good (12-15)                                     Good (9-11)                                      Satisfactory (8-10)                   Unsatisfactory (5-7)

Introduction and composing style

/15 marks

Data is efficient. Right format including times new roman, text dimension 12 or calibri, textual style size10, twofold dispersed. About the correct length.

Exceptionally elegantly composed, fantastic rewording and appropriate sentence structure and accentuation are utilized all through.

Data is composed, Correct format including times new roman, text dimension 12 or calibri, textual style size10, twofold divided. About the correct length.

Elegantly composed, some rewording and appropriate sentence structure and accentuation

Data is fairly sorted out, Some components of format or length inaccurate.

Legitimate language structure and accentuation for the most part utilized, yet abuse of direct statements.

Data is inadequately composed, Some components of format or length inaccurate.

Appropriate sentence structure and accentuation not constantly utilized. Exorbitant abuse of direct statements

Score                         Very Good (12-15)                                     Good (9-11)                                      Satisfactory (8-10)                   Unsatisfactory (5-7)


/15 marks

Presents the theme of the exploration report in a very captivating way which excites the peruser’s advantage.

Gives a definite general foundation and demonstrates the in general “plan”.

Presents the point of the exploration report in a connecting with way which stirs the peruser’s advantage.

Gives some broad foundation and demonstrates the by and large “plan” of the report.

Attractively presents the theme of the exploration report.

Gives a general foundation.

Demonstrates the in general “plan” of the report.

Presents the subject of the exploration report, however excludes a general foundation of the theme and additionally the by and large “plan” of the report.

Score                         Very Good (17-20)                                     Good (13-16)                                   Satisfactory (10-12)                 Unsatisfactory (6-9)

Criteria finish


Proof of comprehension of the nature and reason for the business.

Proof of comprehension of the suggestions for the organization

The picked programming/framework has the ability to address difficulties recognized inside the business.

Proof of comprehension of the suggestions for the organization

You gain marks for guaranteeing that the majority of the focuses referenced above as difficulties inside the business are canvassed in your report by the picked programming/framework.

Score                         Very Good (9-10)                                       Good (7-8)                                        Satisfactory (5-6)                      Unsatisfactory (3-4)

Evidence of Research

/10 marks

Substantial range of appropriate and current, supportive evidence

Good range of appropriate and current, supportive evidence.

Suitable range of supportive evidence used. Not always appropriate and/or current. Minimum cited.

Insufficient range or number of supportive evidence used.

Score                         Very Good (17-20)                                     Good (13-16)                                   Satisfactory (10-12)                 Unsatisfactory (6-9)

Development of Discussion

/20 marks

Logical, insightful, original discussion with well-connected paragraphs.

Evidence of full engagement with the literature found, with relevant and detailed analysis.

Detailed, original discussion develops logically with some connection between adjoining paragraphs.

Understanding of reading shown. Some relevant analysis.

Adequate discussion develops logically.

Understanding of reading shown. Few relevant analysis.

Inadequate discussion of issues and/or lacking in logical flow

Little/no demonstrated understanding of reading.

None/little discussion or analysis.

Score                         Very Good (5)                                             Good (4)                                            Satisfactory (3)                         Unsatisfactory (2)


/5 marks

An interesting, well written summary of the main points.

An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided.

A good summary of the main points.

A good final comment on the subject, based on the information provided.

Satisfactory summary of the main points.

A final comment on the subject, but introduced new material.

Poor/no summary of the main points.

A poor final comment on the subject and/or new material introduced.

Score                         Very Good (5)                                             Good (4)                                            Satisfactory (3)                         Unsatisfactory (2)


/5 marks


/100 marks

Final marks


Correct referencing (Harvard)

All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged.

All paraphrased material acknowledged.

Correctly set out reference list and bibliography included.

Mostly correct referencing (Harvard)

All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged.

Mostly correct setting out reference list and bibliography included.

Mostly correct referencing (Harvard) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material

Some problems with the reference list or bibliography.

Not all material correctly acknowledged.

Some problems with the reference list or bibliography.

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