
HI6005 MOG Assignment Sample Holmes

HI6005 Management and organization in the global environment

MOG Sample Assignment

National Culture of Australia

Executive Summary

This assignment is a detailed study of the culture and availability of natural resources and the various life forms found in the country. To know about a country, it is very important to do complete research and study about the origins and history of the country. Here, in this project, the different cultural practice of Australia is been discussed. This presentation consists of the culture of Australia. This presentation will tell the different aspects of multinational and transnational corporations. The different dimensions of Australian Culture are also been discussed in this presentation. The help of these technologies and pieces of equipment has shortened the distances between the peoples. In this project, the national cultures and trends of the citizens of Australia are to be discussed. The Australian cultures and effects of it on the domestic and international markets are to analyzed and focused in order to accomplish the project. In the end, the senior will only take the decisions as they are in the power. Language is the most important external expression power and power distance that is shown in the tree model. The high power distance countries are at a lower latitude and the low power distance countries are at the higher latitudes. Power distance is one of the most important dimensions of national culture. Time orientation is a universal value, which can be related to how the society manipulates the past, present, and the future. Time orientation is divided into two dimensions, which are short-term and long-term. This dimension of time orientation is to measure the past, present and future planning.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discuss the Importance of Understanding of National Culture for Multinational or Transnational Corporations  5

Outline the Dimensions Used in Describing National Culture. 7

Illustrate the Components of the National Culture. 10

Conclusion. 11

Reference List 12



A national culture of a country generates various effects on the country’s domestic and international markets. The companies, which are established in that country, are adapted to the national cultures and trends of that country. It is to be mentioned that the various factors which are essential for a company’s point of view is to be analyzed and observed in order to complete this project. The project requires a brief analysis and impacts of a particular nation’s cultures on that country’s national and international markets and organizations. This is also to be mentioned that the citizens of that are also a major concern that is to be observed by the established companies. Every country has different a culture that they follow. The lifestyle and the food habits they have are different from other countries. Their geographical location also is different from other countries. Australia has a different history and authenticity, which is different from other countries. The Australian culture is similar to that of the western culture and since Australia is a country that is still under the Commonwealth of Nations, so they follow the British culture. The trends and preferences of those citizens, living styles and natural life flow are also to be observed by the company authorities in order to make their company grow even bigger and better. However, it can be said that the introduction of several advanced technologies and devices have separated the humankind from their natural cultural activities, but culture is not something that can be completely changed or manipulated very easily (Stromquist and Monkman, 2014.). The help of these technologies and pieces of equipment has shortened the distance between the peoples. In this project, the national cultures and trends of the citizens of Australia are to be discussed. The Australian cultures and effects of it on the domestic and international markets are to analyzed and focused in order to accomplish the project. The citizens of Australia are highly influenced and motivated by their national cultures and social festivals. In this context, the managers, authorities and all the customers who are directly or indirectly related with the established organization, need to understand and assume the trends and preferences of the citizens of local and international markets and companies. The effects of their cultures social preferences dominate the domestic and international markets of Australian companies, hence it is important for the companies and authorities to analyze and understand the trends and patterns of the cultures and social tastes. The primary objective of this study is to carry out the project successfully by the proper analysis of the cultures and societies. The researchers have to compile and calculate the possible effects and changes in the national cultures and social patterns. The accomplishment of this project depends on the brief analysis and strategies made by those strategies to overcome the effects of the national cultures of Australia. The targeted objective requires the development of suitable plan and strategies to conduct the development of the national and international markets and companies. These activities are to be made by the authorized persons.

Discuss the Importance of Understanding of National Culture for Multinational or Transnational Corporations 

Theoretical aspects:

In accordance to the increasing difficulties and complex situations within the international business environment and the progress towards the fame around the globe, it is now essential for the companies to adopt and imply the cultural trends and social preferences in the organizational structures and facilities. It is to be noted that several organizations prefer to face several cross-cultural obstacles in the time of spreading the business in the international markets. According to (Almond and Verba, 2015), it observed that most of the companies have failed to expand in the international market due to the cultural and social severalty of the customers. Australia is one of the most renowned markets for international businesses. Hence, the world’s biggest companies are keen to invest in Australia. The cultural and social impacts of the Australian citizens are a major concern for the companies in making decisions related to investments and globalization. As a result, the importance to adopt the cultures of the nation in which the company is planning to establish and grow has increased noticeably. It is also important to imply the cultural and social aspects within the organizational facilities and structure. It will not only benefit the organizations to expand through the international market and boundaries with better effects but also to create a strong established structure within the international markets. In addition, it will beneficial attract local citizens of that nation as employees for the betterment of that organization. Thus, the organization can reduce the cost of the organizational activities and productions but also the organization can create several employment opportunities and services in the local and surrounding areas (Giddens, 2013).

Managerial aspects:

The main objective of the analysis of the national cultures is to obtain a specific understanding and the essentiality of the cultural impacts on the business entities. Several efforts and hard works have been involved into the study in order to identify the major issues which, are the affecting reasons that organizations face due to lack of cultural calamities while spreading the business in the international markets. It is also to be mentioned that the attempts which had been made towards the presentation of a detailed discussion conducting the impacts and reasons of cultural aspects within the organization towards the results effective marketing techniques adopted by the organizations.  It is also to be mentioned that the organizations will be beneficial in the identification of the major cultural causes that provide information for penetrating the international markets. This will also benefit the researchers in a future study on this subject. Currently, it has become essential for several organizations to obtain an understanding of the impact of the national cultures on international marketing and on the promotional strategies incurred by the organizations. With the help of this study, the analyser will be able to overcome the existing challenges, penetrate the potential of the foreign markets and create policies which, will advantageous towards the effectiveness of the expansion of business in international markets (Meyer et al.  2017).

Important aspects:

The importance of such cultural and social analysis is that the companies will be beneficial as the result of such observing activities will provide them with information that can help them to maintain the understandings and team works of the Australian employees. This will provide benefits to the organization, as they would be able to find issues and plans to resolve the conflicts that may arise between the employees. The preferences and working criteria of the employees are something that is to be understood and resolved. The project requires a brief analysis and impacts of Australia’s cultures on the national and international markets and organizations. This is also to be mentioned that the citizens are also a major concern that is to be observed by the established companies. The trends and preferences of those citizens, living styles and natural life flow are also to be observed by the company authorities in order to make their company grow even bigger and better. The help of these technologies and pieces of equipment has shortened the distance between the peoples. The Australian cultures and effects of it on the domestic and international markets are to analyzed and focused in order to accomplish the structural concepts of the culture. The citizens of Australia are highly influenced and motivated by their national cultures and social festivals. In this context, the managers, authorities and all the customers who directly or indirectly related with the established organization, need to understand and assume the trends and preferences of the citizens of local and international markets and companies. The effects of their cultures social preferences dominate the domestic and international markets of Australian companies, hence it is important for the companies and authorities to analyze and understand the trends and patterns of the cultures and social tastes. The primary objective of this study is to carry out the project successfully by the proper analysis of the cultures and societies. The researcher has to compile and calculate the possible effects and changes of the national cultures and social patterns from which the organizations may extract benefits. The cultural and social impacts of the Australian citizens are a major concern for the companies in making decisions related to investments and globalization. As a result, the importance to adopt the cultures of the nation in which the company is planning to establish and grow has increased noticeably. It is also important to imply the cultural and social aspects within the organizational facilities and structure. It will not only benefit the organizations to expand through the international market and boundaries with better effects but also to create a strong established structure within the international markets. In addition, it will beneficial attract local citizens of that nation as employees for the betterment of that organization. Thus the organization can reduce the cost of the organizational activities and productions but also the organization can create several employment opportunities and services in the local and surrounding areas (Hechter, 2017).


Outline the Dimensions Used in Describing National Culture

Geert Hofstede is a significant informer and a researcher in intercultural studies.  He is a Dutch researcher and has written books on cultures and organizations that are considered an essential keystone in the field of research. The dimensions that have been used in describing the national culture of Australia has been taken from Geert Hofstede’s researches. The theory that Hofstede has used is more significant than the theory of Hall because of two rounds and those are, the first ground is that the theory departs from verbal communication or non-verbal communication (Venaik and Brewer, 2013). This is related to the external appearance of the Tree model and makes it easier to modify. The second ground is that Hofstede has carried out an organized research work on which these values are projected on the 100-point range of measurement. The dimensions that are used in describing the national culture of Australia are power distance, group attachment, gender association, uncertainty avoidance, and time orientation.

Power Distance

Human groups are divided and organized into a hierarchy level where power is a basic concern at a universal level. A decision can be made by any size and ethnicity that are present in groups. This value is called power distance as value is attached to it. This is done so that the less powerful people in the society agree to and look forward to that the power is distributed unequally in the society. People of the society accept that everyone is not equal, it is not a matter from the person has come from or what knowledge they have. In the end, the senior will only take the decisions as they are in the power. Language is the most important external expression power and power distance that is shown in the tree model. The high power distance countries are at a lower latitude and the low power distance countries are at the higher latitudes. Power distance is one of the most important dimensions of national culture (Venaik and Brewer, 2013).

Group Attachment

Every human is born with a very different perception in the mind and they all are ready to join the cultural group that they see after taking birth. Slowly and gradually, they start to integrate with different groups that can be anything like family, friends, school, office, etc. and they learn to adapt themselves as the part of the group in Australia. People divide themselves in-group because it is a tendency of humans because of the cultural diversity that is very critical plan to protect the knowledge and heritage of Australia. This helps the human to identify and recognize that in which group they belong to, and which group is suitable to them (Zhang, et al. 2014) Group is a basic concern of everyone that is significant in all human societies. Because of this concern, the completely human race in Australia share the same values and has a relationship between every individual and the group. Group attachment is important in Australia because and they all can stay in peace without fighting among themselves.


Gender Association

Men and women are considered equal in the modern era, men and women both are working and even they are taking care of their house. Despite everything still, differentiation is done between men and women. Gender is a big concern of people as people talk about gender in a wide dimension. Feminine and masculine are still been differentiated and there are people who are gender biased in Australia. The value of gender role is an outward appearance in the Tree Model that cannot be mistaken that shows what is expected from and women and what is expected out of a man. This is the reason the name of masculinity-femininity has changed to gender association. Gender association is a value that usually does not consider gender. However, because of some stereotype people in Australia has kept a difference between men and women. The external appearance of value is divided into two categories they are gender role and social activities. Both the genders are expected to show care, be modest.

Uncertainty Avoidance

It is human nature to predict and avoid harmful things and humans or anything in the universe. Fear is feelings that are very strong and make people very cautious. Some people also have inborn fear that makes them different from other human beings. Some fears are also learned from the culture of life like differentiating between good and bad or safe and dangerous. Avoiding fear is the best way to be strong and keep calm. The value of uncertainty avoidance is about how rules and regulations are forced on the society to follow in Australia so that society can handle uncertainty and unknown (Almond and Verba, 2015). Some cultures accept some rules and regulations and some cultures do not accept the rules and regulations. This is where the crash happens and makes people harmful for each other that must be avoided in Australia. The level of uncertainty avoidance builds up since childhood. Society evaluates the character and mind of people that makes it very difficult for people to avoid uncertainty.

Time Orientation

Society of human is that has organized inside the space and time. Time orientation is a universal value, which can be related to how the society manipulates the past, present, and the future. Time orientation is divided into two dimensions, which are short-term and long-term. This dimension of time orientation is to measure the past, present and future planning (Lee, et al. 2013). It is not about how well the planning is or how organized the planning is, it is about how far the planning has gone. So that any issue in the middle can be anticipated. It depends from person to person where below poverty people do not plan for the future. Above the poverty line, people and middle-class people plan for the future from a long time. In addition, the rich people make decisions on the spot or they made the plan for a very short span of time. Time-oriented business also plan for the business according to the time.

Figure: The Five Dimensions of National Culture of Australia

(Source: Lee, et al. 2013)

Illustrate the Components of the National Culture

Every country has different a culture that they follow. The lifestyle and the food habits they have are different from other countries. Their geographical location also is different from other countries. Australia has a different history and authenticity which is different from other countries. The Australian culture is similar to that of the western culture and since Australia is a country which is still under the Commonwealth of Nations, so they follow the British culture (Banks, 2015). Before Australia was colonized by the British and the multi-ethnic started to settle in, the main inhabitants were the aboriginals, who are native to the country, Oceania people and the Torres Strait Islander. In this project the various components of the Australian national culture will be further discussed after a detailed study:


Location and Geography

The country Australia is located in the continent Oceania, which extends from 35 degrees 18’29”S 149 degrees 07’28”E. Australia shares its water border with New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia which are neighboring countries, the largest country in the continent with Sydney as the largest city and Canberra as the capital city of the country. The Australian climate is affected by the ocean currents and which causes seasonal droughts and cyclones. Australia carbon dioxide emission was the highest in the world; hence a carbon tax was started for citizens depending on the number of vehicles they are using.

 History and Ethnic Relations                                                                  

According to the history of the country, the natives are the primary inhabitants. Later in the 17th century the colonization era started and during this period the European countries started settling in the country in search for trade and resources. Prior to the colonization era, the natives were hunter-gatherers, whose main source of food used to come from plants and from hunting animals. The first European country to reach Australia was Holland and during this time when the Dutch invaded the country, they named it as the New Holland (Fiske et al. 2016) After the arrival of the English, they occupied the western part of Australia and named it as Tasmania, afterwards different parts of Australia was named Victoria (1851), Queensland (1859), New South Wales (1836) etc,. The relation between ethnicities is still very much prevalent in Australia, as the citizens of Australia are following the western culture, mainly the culture that has been adopted from England. The food habits for most of the Australians are same as the food habit of that of the English.

Economy and political

The main source of income for the government of Australia is from exporting natural resources, meat and other dairy products. The economy of Australia is very stable and it can be said that it is a wealthy country with comparatively high GDP per capita and low poverty rate. In terms of average wealth, Australia ranked second only after Switzerland in 2013.

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The currency of Australia is the Australian Dollar and it is also the world’s Twelfth largest economy in the world.

Urbanism and Architecture

There are three main architectures of Australia that has been listed in the UNESCO world heritage site. Australian New Urbanism is a growing and evolving practice, with strong values and on a steep learning curve.  Its basic aim is to improve the sustainability, vitality, and quality of life in existing Australian towns and cities, and in new urban extensions.  Australian New Urbanism’s primary tools include design, regulation, development, and education, at all scales from buildings to regions.

Food and Lifestyle

The natives of Australia were mostly hunters, so it was very common for them to hunt animals and then consume it. They also depended on plants and flowers for their daily food. After the colonization started by the British, the food habits of the British are now followed by the Australians as their own food culture, like having roasted turkey commonly known as Sunday Roast. Apart from the major productions mentioned, wine is also produced in Australia in the cooler part of the country, mainly in the southern parts.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

Australia is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products, fish and forest products. Wool is one of the most important exporting items that earn revenue for the government of Australia. The Australian wool industry is recognized for producing the finest quality of wool known as the Merino wool. Australia dominates the woolen industry of the world, producing almost half of the world’s Merino wool (Kulkarni et al. 2015). Australia is the fourth largest producer of dairy products in the world. The expansion of the dairy products industry depends on the export of the product to different countries.


Most of the lands in Australia is semi-arid or desert but still there is a huge diversity in life forms. About 85% of the flowering plants, 84% of the mammals and around 46% of the birds are native to the country. Australia has the highest population of reptiles compared to any other country with a total of 755 species. Feline creatures were still unknown to the Australians until the 17th century, the first time felines came to Australia when the Europeans started to colonize the country.



The Australian cricket team is nicknamed as the kangaroos, as the national animal of Australia is Kangaroo. The most famous and one of the successful cricketers of all time, Sir Don Bradman was an Australian cricketer who had the best average which is a record in test cricket still today at 99.94 runs. Australia is the most successful cricket team in the world, with a record of winning the ICC Cricket World Cup for a record 4 times and winning 3 times consecutively in 1999, 2003 and 2007.

Figure2: Australian Music and Culture

(Source: Kulkarni et al. 2015)



As the analyses have been done it is to be mentioned that the impacts and characteristics of the cultures of Australia have several effects on the international scenarios of Australian companies. Every analyzis of these analyses and strategies that was made, thus it will not only benefit the organizations to expand through the international market and boundaries with better effects but also to create a strong established structure within the international markets. In addition, it will beneficial attract local citizens of that nation as employees for the betterment of that organization. Thus the organization can reduce the cost of the organizational activities and productions but also the organization can create several employment opportunities and services in the local and surrounding areas. The cultural and social impacts of the Australian citizens are a major concern for the companies in making decisions related to investments and globalization. As a result, the importance to adopt the cultures of the nation in which the company is planning to establish and grow has increased noticeably. It is also important to imply the cultural and social aspects within the organizational facilities and structure. The national cultures of Australia also resemble several other aspects such as sports, agricultural industries, animal nurturing, these aspects do relate to some of the international markets and scenarios. It also to be mentioned that the preferences and working criteria of the employees are something that is to be understood and resolved. The project requires a brief analysis and impacts of Australia’s cultures on the national and international markets and organizations. This is also to be mentioned that the citizens are also a major concern that is to be observed by the established companies. The importance of such cultural and social analysis is that the companies will be beneficial, as the result of such observing activities will provide them with information that can help them to maintain the understandings and teamwork of the Australian employees. This will provide benefits to the organization, as they would be able to find issues and plans to resolve the conflicts that may arise between the employees.

Reference List

Almond, G.A. and Verba, S., 2015. The civic culture: Political attitudes and democracy in five nations. Princeton university press.

Almond, G.A. and Verba, S., 2015. The civic culture: Political attitudes and democracy in five nations. Princeton university press.

Banks, J.A., 2015. Cultural diversity and education. Routledge.

Fiske, J., Hodge, B. and Turner, G., 2016. Myths of Oz: reading Australian popular culture. Routledge.

Giddens, A., 2013. The consequences of modernity. John Wiley & Sons.

Hechter, M., 2017. Internal colonialism: the Celtic fringe in British national development. Routledge.

Kulkarni, C., Cambre, J., Kotturi, Y., Bernstein, M.S. and Klemmer, S.R., 2015, February. Talkabout: Making distance matter with small groups in massive classes. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (pp. 1116-1128). ACM.

Lee, S.G., Trim, S. and Kim, C., 2013. The impact of cultural differences on technology adoption. Journal of World Business48(1), pp.20-29.

Meyer, J.W., Kamens, D. and Benavot, A., 2017. School knowledge for the masses: World models and national primary curricular categories in the twentieth century (Vol. 36). Routledge.

Sanneh, L., 2015. Translating the message: The missionary impact on culture. Orbis Books.

Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014. Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. R&L Education.

Venaik, S. and Brewer, P., 2013. Critical issues in the Hofstede and GLOBE national culture models. International Marketing Review30(5), pp.469-482.

Zhang, X., De Pablos, P.O. and Xu, Q., 2014. Culture effects on the knowledge sharing in multi-national virtual classes: A mixed method. Computers in Human Behavior31, pp.491-498.


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