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HI6006 Assignment 2 Group Report

HI6006 Competitive Strategy

Assignment 2 Group Report

2. Group ReportWrite a report on one of 5 nominated cases, highlighting key aspects of competitive strategy 2000 words; 30 marksGroup


[includes group presentations]

Demonstrate application of the following (where relevant to the chosen case):Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Acquisitions and Structure, International Strategy, Cooperative Strategy, with academic references

HI6006 Assessment Details

Assignment 2: 30 marks; week 10

Write a report on one of the following 5 cases, highlighting key aspects of competitive strategy:

  1. Sydney Symphony Orchestra (Case 1)

  2. The Movie Exhibition Industry (Case 8)

  3. Australian Supermarkets (Case 3)

  4. Carlsberg (Case 9)

  5. IKEA India (Case 10)

Select from the following topics, as relevant to the chosen case:

  • Business Strategy
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Acquisitions and Structure
  • International Strategy
  • Cooperative Strategy

You may likewise incorporate a segment on the focused elements of the business inside which the firm(s) contend.

Make sure to utilize Report Format, with an Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Section Headings, Page Numbers,

Make sure to reference your sources in-content and give a rundown of references in Harvard style.

It would be ideal if you type in Times New Roman 12 point with 1.5 line dividing.

Guarantee your Student Number and Name shows up on the Cover Sheet.

Your last accommodation is expected Friday of week 10 at midnight.

Your gathering will likewise be completing an introduction about your picked subject (which might incorporate the business case). Introductions will happen in week 6, 7, 8 or 9, as planned by your instructor.

HI6006 Assessment 2 Marking Guide

 Criteria  Marks
Report on Case with relevant Topic
Which Case ? Which Topic ?
Sydney Symphony Orchestra (Case 1) Business Strategy
The Movie Exhibition Industry (Case 8) Corporate Strategy
Australian Supermarkets (Case 3) Acquisitions and Structure
Carlsberg (Case 9) International Strategy
IKEA India (Case 10) Cooperative Strategy
Allocation of Marks
Report Format 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Referencing (in-text and list) 0, 1, 2, 3
Executive Summary 0, 1, 2, 3
Relevance of case and topic chosen 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Quality of Content 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
TOTAL ( /20)

30 marks; week 10

Preparation 1, 2
Content 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Presentation 1, 2, 3
Total (   /10)

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 Check previous post : HI6007 Group Assignment

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