
HI6028 Taxation theory, practice and law sample

HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice & Law|Sample Assignment

Question 1


Calculation of the CGT


In this inquiry, the capital increases will be worked out utilizing the CGT discount strategy. In this technique, the benefits made are decreased considerably for the sum that has been picked up (ATO 2017). The calculation is done at half of the amassed figure (Income Tax Act 1997).

HI6028 Taxation theory, practice and law sample


Selling price                            Purchase price             profits

Vase 3000                               2000                            1000

Chair1000                               3000                            -2000

Painting1000                           9000                            -8000

Sounsystme11000                   12000                          -1000

Shares 20000                           5000                            15000

Total                                                                            5000


50% * 5000= 2500 which is the net capital gain for the year if he somehow happened to pay CGT duty will be 2500 dollars.

HI6028 Taxation theory, practice and law sample


HI6028 Taxation theory practice and law assignment

Question 2


Calculation of the taxable amounts from the Fringe benefits in the provided scenarios.

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The payable fringe profits by the deals above are ascertained from the benefits that one gathers from the business as long as the payment is over 20000 dollars. This is the reportable fringe benefits sums. These fringe benefits, for the most part, appear in the following years. Fringe points of interest are a sort of pay, consistently from organizations to laborers, and considered pay for administrations past the representative’s standard rate of pay (Income Tax Act 1997). They can be made as property, administrations, money, or money reciprocals. Money counterparts are things that can be changed into money acceptably quick, for instance, save stores securities.


40%* 1000000= 400000 this would be the measure of the tax payable, however, there will likewise be notwithstanding the excess over the sum that would be typically payable to the advance. This is for the reason that the measure of credit given is less as far as enthusiasm than the sum that ought to typically have been the payable sum thereof. The excess sum thereof ought to likewise be a piece of the taxable income. This would be for the month to month income which has not yet been accounted for since this would be torn between the distinctive financial years of reporting.

Be that as it may, if the payment is to be made every year, the financial reporting would be for the next year and the rate material at that point. For the month to month, the material rate is what is at the season of reporting. The yearly is additionally aggregate not at all like the month to month which must be paid after being gained.


The taxable incentive for the incidental advantages is 400000 for the year 16/2017. The appropriate response would not be distinctive in the yearly payments for the reason that the FBT must be paid on its monetary year subsequently it is torn between various years. Being discharged from the credit would absolve him of the responsibility to pay the FBT in the wake of meeting the present obligations.

HI6028 sample

Question 3


How Jack and Jill are supposed to account for Capital loss or gains?

How loss is allocated for tax purposes?


Australian tenants are generally subject for the obligation on duty on the exchange of assets wherever orchestrated, subject to assistance from twofold tax assessment if the pick up is resolved and saddled in another country. One basic unique case to this control is the place an Australian organization offers partakes in a dynamic outside organization. Any capital increments (or capital setbacks) which result from the offer of outside offers may be reduced in particular conditions. Assessable capital increments are incorporated into an organization’s assessable pay and are loaded at an unclear rate from standard compensation (ITAA 1997).

Capital increase Tax is administered upon the people who offer property and get from offering the property in Australia. This is by methods for the offer of a capital asset. The tax accumulation comes in on the distinction that exists between the arrangement and the sticker price that one obtained the property. This cost duty is required for specifying when one is impacting their compensation to government structures and should be paid. In Australia it is managed as a part of the wage and is thus to be a bit of the compensation evaluates reports that should be made in all with others. It is seen that it is not for the most part possible to make an advantage when the offer of a capital asset is being sold. In that capacity, it is unrealistic to reduce the obligation on various assessments constrained for example on pay charge yet it is possible to diminish the cost aggregates on CGT (ITAA 1997).


The portion of the sums for tax purposes will be according to their agreement. It might be a special case henceforth the misfortune will ponder the gathering who took out liability according to the agreement. As to the CGT, Jack and Jill will be required to represent the contrast between the estimation of the property when they got it to the sums that they auction thereof. This would mean it could either be a benefit or a misfortune. The misfortune as found for this situation would be represented and would be liable to the conclusion in the following increased capital gains tax and it would not influence the income tax that the two are liable to pay.


Losses are carried forward to the following financial year. The CGT profit is to be paid if it is positive but if negative it is to be deducted in the following fiscal year’s responsibility on CGT.

Question 4

The principle established in IRC v Duke of Westminster [1936] AC 1? Relevance in Australia


The facts of the case were that the respondent the Duke got sued by IRC for using a Gardner specialist and paid him from the Duke’s noteworthy post-evaluate wage. To diminish charge, the Duke quit paying the grower’s wage and rather drew up a promise consenting to pay a proportionate sum. Under duty laws of the time, this empowered the Duke to ensure thinking with a specific end goal to decrease his own assessable wage and thusly diminish his hazard to wage cost and the surtax.

The plaintiff for the situation lost severely in that the judge contended that each individual is qualified on the off chance that he can for sort out his attempts with the target that the obligation partner under the sensible Acts is short of what it generally would be. On the off chance that he wins as to requesting them with a particular ultimate objective to secure this outcome, by at that point, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his related residents might be of his creativity, he can’t be obliged to pay a broadened cost (Honoré 1993).


The significance of the case is that the case supported the avoidance rule such that if a person is able to craft their own means to avoid paying a lot of tax altogether them they are good to go. It established that the taxpayer was at liberty to determine what taxes they would face and if they had an opportunity to reduce it then they should do it. However, avoidance provisos have been developed across jurisdiction and notably, Australia and the UK are among the nations who have excluded that principle.

Rule established

The significance of the case is that the case supported the avoidance rule with the end goal that if a man can make their own particular intends to avoid paying a great deal of duty through and through them they are ready. It built up that the citizen was at liberty to figure out what charges they would confront and on the off chance that they had a chance to diminish it then they ought to do it. Nonetheless, avoidance stipulations have been created crosswise over jurisdiction and notably, Australia and the UK are among the countries who have prohibited that guideline.

From the choice, there has been a ton of notably disagree which went from Justice Murphy (Obrien v Komesaroff 1982). For this situation, impose avoidance was depicted by the judge as standoffish exercises. The effect at the time was minimized. The law set up for this situation is extremely key in Australia as in it has now been toppled and charge avoidance in a few regions, for example, Victoria their Income Tax legislation of (1995) gives obviously that avoidance is an offence\. Under area 44 it gives: Each agreement contract declaration or undertaking made or went into paying little mind to whether by deed, or in composing, or verbally either prior or after the start of this Act between or by any individual or individuals or associations whatsoever which yet for the courses of action of this segment would totally or for the most part moderate any individual or association from the weight or event of the obligation or from hazard to pay any cost should so far in this way contract promise affirmation or undertaking relates to or covers the assessment be totally and absolutely invalid and void.

The entire thing in Australia is an endless supply of the people however there have been endeavors to maintain a strategic distance from obligation (Honoré 1993). A champion a few of the most essential properties of a fair-minded expense structure is that nationals can’t stay away from the weight of obligation using artificial or predicted plans. The Australian assessment aggregation device tries to procure this by the method for specific and surely understood hostile to evasion publications of activity. These recreation designs basically add to the complexities of obligation endorsing and recognize stretching out consistency costs to nationals especially in a self-assessment review framework. the general disagreeable to evasion publications of activity of the Income Tax assessment Act 1936 are contained in component IVA which progress toward becoming shown in 1981 by means of the then Treasurer, The Hon John Howard, with a particular shutting objective to overcome the confinements of assortment 260 (the then contrary to evading approach) by methods for striking ‘down conspicuous, manufactured or foreseen diagrams’. stage 260 had been analyzed for having excessively constrained an extension and in this way never again being successful in stemming towards evasion coordinate (Honoré 1993).


In summary, therefore, part IVA is drafted in huge terms and offers a much-reaching stage of mindfulness to the Commissioner of Taxation to reject a recreation-plan and either consolidate an entire in a subject’s assessable wage or to disclaim a questioning. these courses of action even as anticipated that could keep the breaking down of the salary evaluate base usually, was deliberate to ensure that they may be no longer hindrances to actual blue enterprise and coins associated trades. The issues related to avoidance have thus been largely eroded and the court now looks at the whole situation in order to decide where there has been unfairness (ATO 2017).

Question 5


Whether Bill has any tax responsibility on the amounts he is receiving?

Whether the answer would be different if he is paid a lump sum of 50000?


In summary subsequently, part IVA is drafted in gigantic terms and offers a much-achieving phase of care to the Commissioner of Taxation to dismiss an entertainment design and either solidify a whole in a subject’s assessable wage or to disclaim a scrutinizing. these game-plans even as anticipated that could hold the separating of the compensation assess base common, were deliberate to guarantee that they might be never again impediments to genuine blue venture and coins related exchanges. The issues identified with avoidance have along these lines been to a great extent disintegrated and the court now takes a gander at the entire circumstance keeping in mind the end goal to choose where there has been an injustice (ATO 2017).

For period payments, you ought to proclaim any sums you got for lost pay or wages under positive income security, infection or mishap protection approach or staff pay conspire. In the event that get influenced damage to state and you consent to a settlement, or a court arranges to support you, you could get repayment as a singular amount reimbursement or basic (occasional) obligations (or both). Such repayments are tax-exempt, given certain conditions are met (DSS 2016). You do exclude payments intended to you under a salary security, ailment or crash protection scope (where the month to month premiums are deductible and the payments supplanted pay) at this inquiry, if: charges have just help back/you’ve effectively included them on your duties return. Subsequently for the intermittent payments, one must be responsible to pay the individual duties as they end up plainly due.

HI6028 Taxation theory, practice and law sample

For the single amounts, a 1997 Federal Court choice (Cunneen (interface is external)) impacted it to clear that the constituent parts of pay (for the same compensable event) truly should be gathered into a solitary particular sum installment while applying the compensation courses of action (DSS 2016). This demonstrates back payments or changes of infrequent compensation payments paid with other pay fragments as one of a kind sum installment can’t be confined to work their things under the SS Act. To figure the compensation part of the single sum installment (for the same compensable event) for a compensation guarantee (settled after a tested hearing by a court, tribunal or judge) the specific sums conceded for fiscal misfortune, including the unpaid bills or advance of the discontinuous pay installments, are taken up by the compensation some bit of the particular sum installment and the half lead does for sure not have any noteworthy bearing (DSS 2016). Uncommon case: Evaluation of a solitary transaction total paid for different, confine claims. The installment for every installment is to be evaluated in every circumstance where a man gets cash either in singular amount or in installments (Savage v Deewr 2008).


According to Bill situation, At the point each time a compensation got has received as a one settlement total secured various diverse cases (for specific compensable occasion) (e. g. 2 disengaged work put wounds) it is fundamental to choose the measure of the settlement full was paid in interconnection to each compensable occasion (DSS 2016). In case no extra data can be had about how definitely to credit the payout entire to the few replicable occasions, it is palatable to isolate the arrangement whole by the one and resolute volume of compensable occasions remembering the last objective to choose the novel sum paid with regards to each compensable occasion (per Savage v DEEWR [2008]. with the goal that you can compute the lump sum prevention term, the remuneration a piece of a lump sum charge for the equivalent compensable occasion ought to be chosen. The half govern esteems 1/2 the lump sum charge just like the remuneration part in all examples in which: the lump sum charge is gotten as settlement of a pronounce, including as an assent judgment, as an interim charge, or a reclamation of intermittent bills, And all or a piece of the price is for: lost income, or lost ability to acquire (DSS 2016).


Both the primary installment and the last lump sum installments, Bill will, in any case, have to assess responsibilities. He ought to pronounce the sums he has received which are assessable at the half for lump sum installments while the periodical is payable as income tax.


ATO 2017, Working out your capital gain https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Capital-gains-tax/Working-out-your-capital-gain-or-loss/Working-out-your-capital-gain/

DSS 2016, Compensation Part of Lump Sum – 50% Rule http://guides.dss.gov.au/guide-social-security-law/4/13/2/30

ATO 2017, https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/Income-you-must-declare/Other-income/  Other income

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