HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health and Safety
Referencing Styles: Harvard
1. In the Australian Capital Territory, the Early Childhood Education and Care sector have two legislative/regulatory acts we must follow. These are the Education and Care Services National Law ACT 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
Find and list what regulation/s or law/s inform our practice of the following: ( hint look for the green boxes)
i. Keeping children safe from harm 
(50 words)
ii. Infection control 
(50 words)
i. Find and describe what your health and safety duties are in relation to hazardous manual tasks. (80 words)
4. Describe how you could reflect on your own levels of stress and fatigue and provide an example. (approximately 100 words)
5. Describe how would you report this stress, and to whom (60 words).
6. List 3 strategies you can use to maintain the currency of WHS knowledge and skills.
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