
HNB1103 Professional Studies 1

HNB1103 Professional Studies 1

Task: Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography

Details of the task

Provide a brief overview of the available research on the following- caring, therapeutic use of self, characteristics of therapeutic nursing and therapeutic communication. You are required to select 4 relevant articles located in assessment folder under assessment 1. Briefly summarise four peer reviewed journal papers. Whereby you assess the value of the journal and reflect on the validity of these journal articles.

The following points need to be incorporated for each separate journal paper;

  • Citation details (set out in the same style as a reference list item)
  • A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the work
  • A short summary of the theory, research findings or argument (e.g. intended audience, subjects covered, major arguments supported, research methods, conclusions reached, special features)
  • Consideration of the usefulness and/or limitations of the text for your research (e.g. reliability of the text, credibility of the author, poor features, left-out content, weaknesses in argument)
  • An evaluative comment on the work that may take into account how this work will fit into your research on a topic (e.g. critical comment, critical reflection that describes the usefulness or relevance of the information for your writing task).


You will be assessed on your ability to capture essential (main) ideas and line of reasoning of the article. Avoid offering your own opinions; provide a concise, coherent, well written (grammar, spelling and expressions) document. The Annotated bibliography needs to be in your own words; with no in-text references.

Each article summary should be 200-250 words in length and total word count for all 4 journals must not exceed 1000 words in total. The total word count does not include title page or headings. Please observe the assignment word limit as word count that exceeds or is below the word limit may attract a penalty.

A 10% word count outside of the specified word limit is generally accepted however, you will be penalised at the rate of 5 marks for every further 10% outside the limit. The heading for each summary is the article’s details presented in APA 6th referencing style (see Assessment 1 example in VU Collaborate).

HNB1103 Professional Studies 1

Overview of tasks

Task: Reflective Journal (Hurdle Task – A hurdle task is a task you must perform but do not receive a mark for)


If your hurdle task is not included your Case Study WILL NOT BE MARKED and your will receive an overall grade of 0/30 for assessment 3.

Sociological Case Study -1000 case study (approx 250 words per bulletin point)

Details of the task

Assessment Task 2

Part 1 – Reflective response – Hurdle Task

Your hurdle task is to write short responses/reflections to the questions that are posed in the “Reflection response”(hurdle task) section which is under assessment 2.

Please keep in mind that you cannot save your answers as you go.

We would suggest to listen/read/watch the resource, and answer the 2 questions allocated to each resource on a word document, then when it is time to submit assessment 2 copy your answers to appropriate sections on assessment 2 on collaborate as a whole complete document and save.

Please check to make sure it is there.


Part 2 – Indigenous Health and Well being Case study (sociological) Graded 30% Approx 1,000 words

A 58 year old Aboriginal man with poorly controlled diabetes presents to the Emergency department of the major urban hospital where you are working. This man is from the inner city urban area.

What kind of culturally appropriate care and/or resources should you think about (sociological and holistically) offering to keep him culturally safe whilst in the hospital environment?

List 4 things and give a brief explanation.

Each point should be at least 250 words


Submit as 1 complete document with 2 parts

1. Reflective response – see above

2. On a new page 4 bulletin points each outlining how you will provide the patient with CULTURALLY appropriate care. NOT MEDICAL care. This is SOCIOLOGICAL.

DO NOT make assumptions about this man. You have all the information you need above, from the lectures and the tutorials.


You are expected to have completed the readings and learning activities from your tutorials and to have attended your lectures. Please use the guide to effective reflective journal writing as a guide.

Assessment Criteria and Submission

Please read the rubric set up for this assessment task carefully. These are the criteria that you will be assessed against for this task. It is important that you read and understand the rubric before you attempt to deliver your presentation. Understanding the criteria written in this rubric will help you clarify what we are looking for in this presentation. Upload to Assessment 2 Dropbox.


Assessment 3: Written assessment & Group presentation Instructions

Assessment 3 Instructions

Group Presentation (500 words) and individual written assessment (1000 words) 55%

In week 2 session B, you will be allocating yourself into your presentation groups and working on the group assessment during this class.

Individual assessment 40%

Part A: Draft Plan of individual written assessment (300 words)

This is a formative assessment. You will be given feedback in the rubric. But this will not be graded.

Create an outline for your individual written essay related to the ethical scenario you choice for your group presentation. This needs to consists of a draft introduction and conclusion, list of key concepts and a brief paragraph explaining what each section will be about. Relate this back to ethical scenario and associated codes and standards of practice

Part B: Final of individual written assessment (700 words)

You are required to present this as a piece of academic writing, with an introduction, logically linked and well organised paragraph/s, and a conclusion. It must be written in 3rd person.

Your assessment must be referenced in APA 6th style, with in-text citations and a reference list at the end of the paper. Evidence id required from credible literature. A minimum of 3 references is required.

Part C: Group Presentation (500 words)

Group Presentation

Group Task: Power Point Presentation 15 minutes

  • Students will form groups of 5/6 from their tutorial groups in week 2 session b
  • Each group will select one scenario.
  • Presentation time is 15 minutes during In-class Workshop, in week 4: Session c.


To work as a team and develop a power-point presentation.

Identify, analyse and discuss professional issues in the scenario

Minimum of two references

Each individual student needs to upload a copy of the final work you have done as a group into HNB1103 VU Collaborate Drop Box

Cover page, with group names/student id, date of presentation, scenario number and Academic Teaching Staff’s name

Group planning document – signed by all participants and statement related to teamwork and participation of group members

These documents can be uploaded separately, the group planning document will need to be signed by all members scanned and submitted.


a) Identify and describe any key practice issues in the scenario that relate to the codes of practice outlined below:

  • Code of Professional conduct for nurses
  • Code of ethics for nurses
  • Registered nurse standard of practice

b) Advise whether the actions taken by the nurse in the scenario were appropriate or in breach of any of the codes below;

  • Code of Professional conduct for nurses
  • Code of ethics for nurses
  • Registered nurse standard of practice

c) Propose and discuss strategies for any of the codes that was breached. If there was no breach identify and discuss the elements in the codes that were appropriately adhered to by the nurse in the scenario.

  • Utilise creativity and presentation skills when presenting.

Students must demonstrate that they are working together by:

  • Submitting minutes of meetings, where attendance is recorded and working plan identified a minimum of two meetings is ideal.

e) Ensure that all group assessments are:

Submitted with the completed assignment cover sheets as appropriate.

Only one submission per group and all student names and student number to be on cover sheet.

Presentation and coversheet needs to be uploaded into Turnitin.

A hard copy is also to be given to the tutorial group facilitator in Week 4 at presentations.

Failure to attend presentation and contribute to this task will result in no marks being allocated for the individual student.


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