
Holmes Economics Research Paper Assignment

Holmes Economics Research Paper Assignment

1. Research Paper 1: Assessment criteria

Group assignment

This assignment’s purpose is to perform a country analysis and assessment of a new emerging market where rapid GDP growth has created attractive investment opportunities.

There are two inter-related components of this assignment:

  1. Presentation
  2. Business Report

You will form groups of 4 to 5 students

Each group will be required to pick one of the following countries and perform an assessment of its potential and opportunity for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Countries : China, India, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Nigeria, Mexico, Eastern European countries, etc. Choose your country for this assignment with the consultation of your lecturer.


Your report must address the following key areas:

  • General overview of the country or region
  • Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological influences/benefits/ advantages
  • National resource and factor endowments that create competitive advantage
  • Foreign currency and exchange influences
  • The countries existing trade policies , systems, barriers and incentives
  • Existing levels of Foreign Direct Investment
  • Summary and recommendation based on your assessment

You will present the findings of your research topic along with written report in Week 6 Class.

You will need to cite material from academic texts or articles or official sources, e.g. government reports, and the final report.


All reports must contain in-text citation and an accurate and complete set of references at the end of the paper.

Your report and presentation will be assessed as follows:

  • Group Presentation
  • Report structure, written presentation
  • Executive Summary
  • Knowledge of concepts and course material
  • Investigative and research skills shown
  • Overall impression of excellence


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