
HRMT20024 | Annotated Bibliography

HRMT20024 | Annotated Bibliography | Human Resource management

Assessment You are required to compile an Annotated bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed journal
Task articles.
Step 1. Select an industry sector.
Read the Assessment 3 Essay task and identify which sector you will study for
Assessments 2 and 3 (e.g. agriculture; construction; financial services; health care;
hospitality; manufacturing; mining; retail; transport).
Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010.
Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the
Assessment 3 Essay topic. It is suggested that you align your selected articles with
the unit themes from Weeks 3 to 5 (e.g. job design, HR planning, recruitment and
selection). It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online
‘search’ of CQUniversity Library. You cannot use articles from your Assessment 1
presentation for Assessment 2.
Step 3. Write 2 paragraphs on each article (400 words)
For each journal article, you are to write approximately 400 words in two
paragraphs. The first paragraph will summarise the main ideas of the article,
identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusions. The
second paragraph will identify how you will use that article in relation to the
Assessment 3 Essay.
Step 4. Use an appropriate format
Present your Annotated bibliography in a format similar to that provided below. For
more information, see the library guide for writing an annotated bibliography.
Sample format        Introduction (100 words)
Identify which sector you have chosen, and briefly outline the topics you have selected for this annotated bibliography
Article 1 (400 words)
Reference. [Insert the full reference here, in APA style] Key words[insert the key words from the article]
Para 1. Summarise the main ideas of the article, identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusions.
This article examines [explain …]. The purpose/research question of the article is [explain…]. The research methodology is [explain …] The article finds/concludes [summarise]
Para 2 Critique the article, and tell us how it is useful in your study.
While this study applies to the public sector, its findings are useful in my study of xyz sector because [explain …]. I will use these findings to analyse my sector [explain how …].
Then repeat for your next 4 article

References APA referencing.     For more information,
Submitting   All assessments must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. All assessments submitted electronically through Moodle must be through the Student Portal Failure to submit electronically will be taken as a failure to submit and therefore a zero (0) score will apply to the specific assessment. No assessment coversheet is needed to be attached while submitting through Moodle
Plagiarism    Copy detection software (TurnitIn) is used in this course and work found in contravention of the copying and plagiarism rules will be investigated. Penalties apply in the case of proven instances of copying, plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
TurnitIn is only a tool and judgement needs to be used when you view your Originality Report. TurnitIn does not make a judgement as to what is referenced properly, it highlights the non-original material in a piece of work. You should use the similarity score as a guide only and must then check the originality report to determine whether or not changes need to be made to the assessment.
Required       Students must familiarise themselves with the following policies.
Assessment and examination policy and procedures – Assessment of Coursework Policy
Assessment of Coursework Principles
Assessment of Coursework Procedures
HRMT20024 Assessment 2 Rubric – Annotated Bibliography
Key Criteria Exceeds Expectations Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations
(High Distinction) 85-100% (Distinction) 75 – 84% (Credit) 65 – 74% (Pass) 50 – 64% (Fail) below 50%
Research Utilises 5 excellent sources that Utilises 5 very good sources Utilises 5 sources that are Utilises 5 sources that are Utilises sources that are not
40% are current, from credible that are current, credible, and current and appropriate for use somewhat relevant for sufficient in quantity, quality or
sources and highly relevant to relevant to Assessment 3. in Assessment 3. Assessment 3. relevance to Assessment 3
Assessment 3.
The assessment presents a The assessment presents a The assessment presents a The assessment provides The assessment fails to provide
detailed and focused summary fairly detailed and focused somewhat detailed and focused limited detail with no clear any clear evidence of the ideas
of the ideas presented (para 1), summary of the ideas summary of the ideas summary of the ideas presented (para 1)
demonstrating a high level presented (para 1) presented (para 1) presented (para 1)
ability to identify HRM
strategies and practices
Argument 30% Excellent and logical argument Strong argument about the Some argument about the Weak argument and no Little or no argument (para 2)
about the value of each article value of each article to the value of each article to the discussion of the contemporary or little relevance to the HRM
to the contemporary HRM contemporary HRM issues in contemporary HRM issues HRM issues in Assessment 3, issues in Assessment 3, and
issues in Assessment 3 topic, Assessment 3 topic and very Assessment 3 topic andvgood and/or limited identification of little or no identification of the
and excellent identification of good identification of the issues identification of the issues for the issues for your selected issues for your selected sector.
the issues for your selected for your selected sector (para your selected sector (para 2) sector (para 2)
sector (para 2) 2)
Structure The ideas are arranged in an The ideas are arranged in a The ideas are arranged in a The ideas appear less logical, There is little, if any, coherent
15% extremely logical, structured fairly logical, structured and logical, some-what structured structured and presents in fairly structure to the document.
and coherent manner. coherent manner. and coherent manner. incoherent manner.
Presentation and quality of Quality of writing at a very high Quality of writing is of a high Quality of writing is of a good Some problems with sentence Quality of writing is at a very
writing standard. standard. standard. structure and presentation poor standard so barely
15% Correct grammar, spelling and Few grammar, spelling and Few grammar, spelling and Frequent grammar, punctuation understandable.
punctuation. punctuation mistakes. punctuation mistakes. and spelling mistakes. Use of Many spelling mistakes. Little
inappropriate language. or no evidence of proof
Late assessment penalty 5% per day x 30 marks = 1.5 marks per day

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