
ICT-563 Crtique in Info Systems & Info Technology

ICT-563 Critique in Info Systems & Info Technology

Write a business report outlining the above case, stating assumptions you make at the beginning of your report. In your report, critique the management decisions that could have potentially led to the successful Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) census website substantiating with reference to literature as well as the case study. The possible decisions were:

  1. Forgot to implement a geo-blocking mechanism to stop distributed denial of service attacks
    2. Probably did load testing but not DDoS testing
    3. Failure to have tested a router restart, or have a backup synchronized and in place
    4.Limited tender process in selecting an IT supplier.

Suggest how the performance of the organization considered in the case study could be improved further as well as describe any other new business opportunities that may arise as a result of the improvements. All these should be substantiated with references to IS and IT literature.

ICT-563 Crtique in Info Systems & Info Technology


Executive Summary (around 250 words)
Put here the main points in your report, the main conclusions and recommendations. Keep it short, straight to the point and simple.

ICT-563 Crtique in Info Systems & Info Technology

Your Introduction can start like this (150 words):

This report is a critical analysis of the management decisions that led to the (state the problems here that the organization is trying to resolve)….

In this report, I also made the following assumptions…(state assumptions here).  

You Body may be divided into the following sections (1800 words):
Criticism of the four management decisions which led to the successful DDOS attack on the ABS website. Answer the question(s):
– What should they have done differently?


List here what would you have done to ensure the project become successful

Buy ICT-563 Critique in Info Systems & Info Technology  Assignment at thebestassignmenthelp@gmail.com

visit at: ACC00132 Preparation of Individual ITR

ACC00132 Preparation of Individual ITR


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