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ICT352 ICT Project Management

ICT352 ICT Project Management

Task 2

Semester 1, 2018

Assessment and Submission Details

Marks: 35 % of the Total Assessment for the Course

Due Date: 5:00pmMonday, Semester 1 Week 8 2018

Assignments are to be submitted by SafeAssign.



The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks. Once marked, ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism and/or collusion between individuals.

Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct, Plagiarism, and Collusion” guidelines.

Note: Each student MUST be able to produce a copy of their assignment and this copy MUST be produced within 24 hours of it being requested by the Course Co-ordinator. Failure to produce the second copy of the assignment when requested may result in loss of marks or a fail grade for the assignment.

Requests for an extension to an assignment extension MUST be made prior to the date of submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.  Please note because this assignment forms the basis of the next task extensions will not be given without documented medical evidence of the inability to work.

Case Study: Tier One Suppliers Insurance Group (TOS).


  1. Level One Suppliers Insurance Group (TOSIG) offer protection to Tier One Suppliers, fundamentally on enhancements, for example, structures, fencing, stockyards, stockpiling storehouses and machinery.  They likewise offer protection for crops.  TOSIG have been doing business for around 65 years and pride themselves on conventional qualities and keeping up long haul associations with clients.  They guarantee protection on 6.7 billion dollars worth of hazard and have 150 specialists in the field, keeping up workplaces in most major provincial Tier One Supplying areas.  The authoritative technique is to keep up existing clients and increment the number of protection items offered to clients.  They additionally need to develop their business by expanding offers of protection to little and medium ventures in local areas.  Currently, it is up to every operator to keep up data on their book of customers in spite of the fact that data on strategies is kept in a local database. Around like clockwork a site visit to the customer is organized so the operator can affirm the subtleties of the things they are as of now insuring.  At this site visit, the specialist remeasures and investigates the property protected and enters the data (counting the subtleties of the guaranteed) in a form.  The operator likewise has a talk with the safeguarded about changes in arrangements and any extra protection items they might have the capacity to help with.  At the finish of the visit, the specialist must return the data into the TOSIG framework and get a write about the property.There is worry that TOSIG is botching chances to move more protection in light of the fact that their operators won’t be able to get a report in the field.  Another factor is that as of now specialists invest an impressive about of energy in the workplace entering data into the framework from the site visit shape, while TOSIG would lean toward that they invested additional time out in the field visiting potential and existing clients.  There is likewise mindfulness at the administrative dimension that the customers could be chance overseen better with the goal that higher hazard customers got visits all the more much of the time while visits to okay customers may be made at a more drawn out interims or by phone.  Currently this hazard is overseen by individual specialists and there is mindfulness that a few operators utilize these visits as a chance to move more protection or relationship construct as opposed to dealing with the protection chance, for example, they may safeguard a working for substitution when it is truly toward the finish of its monetary life and ought to be expelled from the arrangement.TOSIG is additionally mindful of an expanded danger from insurance agencies who have not generally managed Tier one providers or have entered the Australian protection market.  Currently, the specialists are issued with a vehicle, workstation with the remote dongle and Blackberry phone.

    They have arranged a move up to their data frameworks, beginning with another client relationship system.  The thought is that the specialists will be issued with tablets in which a client number is entered and shape will be prepopulated with customer and strategy information.  This is to diminish the measure of time the operators spend entering data.  They will likewise be issued with workstations and advanced mobile phones which will coordinate with the TOSIG frameworks which will be moved to the cloud.  From the organization viewpoint they would incline toward that the specialists can accomplish more work from their vehicle and significantly less time in the office.  The ultimate objective is to close some physical workplaces to help limit overhead expenses. The specialists have turned out to be mindful of this arrangement and there is some terrible inclination about the arrangement to close offices.  The operators are likewise impervious to the cloud-based framework as they know this will empower TOSIG to follow their developments.

    The administration board has planned $10 000 toward a plausibility concentrate to examine the new framework or yet unexplored options.

    In your job as a Business Analyst, you have been drawn nearer by the administration leading body of Tier One Suppliers Insurance Group (TOSIG) for direction on assessing and choosing a reasonable data framework answer for their business.

    adhere to the directions contained in part 4 of the content.


    Extension review

    Business case


    Achievement plan (with acknowledgment criteria)

    Dangers, suppositions, and limitations

    Partner list

    Task Requirements and Deliverables

    Your report ought to be no short of what one thousand five hundred (1500) words and it is best to be no longer than two thousand five hundred (2500) words in length.

    The report is to be set up as a solitary Microsoft Word archive holding fast to all traditions nitty gritty in:

    Summers, J. also, Smith, B., 2009, Communication Skills Handbook: How to prevail in composed and oral correspondence, 3rd Ed, Wiley, Singapore


    The finished task is to be put together by SafeAssign at the very latest the due date.

    The task will be surveyed by the stamping sheet (Appendix A). Late accommodation of the task will result in a derivation of 10% of the accessible imprints for every day that the task is late (This incorporates ends of the week).

    Task Return and Release of Grades

    Task evaluations will be accessible on the course site on about fourteen days after accommodation at the most recent. An electronic task checking sheet will be accessible.

    Where a task is experiencing examination for supposed written falsification or intrigue the review for the task and the task will be retained until the point when the examination has finished up.

    Task Guidelines

    This task will take fourteen days to finish and will require a decent comprehension of the Project Management material for effective fulfillment. It is basic that understudies notice the accompanying focuses in connection to doing this task:

    It would pay to begin this task early.

    Guarantee that you plainly comprehend the prerequisites for the task – what must be done and what are the expectations.

    In the event that you don’t see any of the task necessities –  ASK the Course Co-ordinator.

    Each time you chip away at any part of the task rehash the task prerequisites to guarantee that what is required is obviously comprehended.

Appendix A

Marking Sheet for ICT352 S1.2018 Assignment 1

Student name:

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Marks Obtained
Answers Presentation of Project charter
Scope overview
Business case
Milestone schedule>  15
Risks, assumptions, and constraints> 20
Stakeholder list 5
Total (I) = 100 0.0
  0.0 /20%

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