INF11114 | Digital Business Environments | Management
This is a formal piece of work, worth 30% of your mark for the module.
Coursework 1 comprises preparatory work for an analysis that you will fully undertake for Coursework 2. Coursework 1 sets the focus for that work, examining your selection of an appropriate organisation to study, your assessment of potential sources of data, the nature of the analytical approaches that you intend to undertake.
You are required to produce a short (2000 word upper limit) report, addressing three inter-connected areas:
- The rationale for your selection of a specific organisation to study.
- Review of potential data sources.
- Critical assessment of the potential contribution of four analytical approaches
N.B. in Coursework 1 you are NOT undertaking the full analysis. The scope of the work covers the preparatory steps – presenting the outcome of decisions that you will then put into practice for Coursework 2. Following Coursework 1 (and feedback received) your plan for Coursework 2 may go ahead as anticipated, or else you may choose to change your focus.
Report Content Areas
Rationale for the Selection of an Organisation
The first substantial section of the report covers the rationale for yourselection of an organisationto provide the focus for your analysis.
The organisation can belong to either the public, private or third sectors, and your choice here should be substantiated. Organisations operating in non-English speaking countries are acceptable, but all report content and supporting materials must be fully translated into English.
The extent to which the organisation currently operates ‘digitally’ must be considered:
- The organisation might be a fully digital operation with online products and services, or elsehave a mix of digital and physical products and services. Alternatively, the current digital operations might be quite basic, but with scope for further development.
- The organisation might have physical as well as digital presences, or customer relationships might be supported entirely online.
- The organisation might be a long-established organisation adapting to the digital environment, or it might be a more recent pioneer or start-up in the digital economy.
Your choice of organisation should be based on a good understanding of the organisation’s current approach to ‘digital’, and possible digital opportunities ahead. You should aim to be as clear as possible about why this organisation makes a good case study for digital business environments.
Assessment of Potential Data Sources
Your choice of organisation must be based on a clear understanding of available sources of data and information.
When you undertake your analysis (Coursework 2), you will be applying analytical tools and concepts covered in the lectures and the tutorials, but you will also need to undertake further research to collect information and data relating to that organisation’s approach to ‘digital’.
Some questions to consider in this section:
- Does the organisation have a profile that has attracted good quality journalism or analysis that is easily accessible to you? Some digital businesses are widely reported and in some detail.What relevant materials are available?
- Does the organisation have a ‘digital footprint’ that is easily accessed and could provide useful source material? What is the extent of the digital footprint?
- Does the organisation operate in a sector that has undergone significant digital transformation? Are third party reports and analyses available taking a ‘sector level’ view?
If you are working in the organisation or have useful connections, then your data collection can include primary data (interviews with relevant staff etc).
The availability of information is clearly related to your choice of organisation – this section should provide a strong argument that useful data is available, including references to potential sources.
Selection of Analytical Approach
In Digital Business Environments, you are encouraged to examine and apply techniques for undertaking systematic analysis of how organisations are approaching digital platforms and forging new relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. The module provides a four level ‘analytical stack’. In this section you should provide a critical assessment of the relevance of one or more of these approaches for analysing the micro and macro environments:
- Online Marketplace Analysis
- Analysis of Channel Structures
- Value Analysis
- SLEPT analysis
To do this, you must also take into account the current stage of the organisation’s digital development, as well as your overall aims in conducting the analysis. It is recommended that you link your arguments in this section to points made in preceding sections of the report.
Format of the Report
The report should contain a title page including the word count and your matriculation number (do not include your name). The main body of the report should be near to (but not over) 2000 words, excluding title page, reference list and appendices. Appendices may be used to contain any supporting information.Reports with wordcount over the 2000 word limit will have marks capped at P1 (the lowest pass grade possible).A report of much less than 2000 words is unlikely to contain adequate content, which will reduce the marks available.
Your report must contain the following mandatory sections:
- Introduction
- Rationale for the selection of an organisation
- Assessment of potential data sources
- Selection of analytical approach
- Conclusion
Use the marking grid (last page) to plan the report – it shows the relative weighting of each section.
All sources consulted must be formally acknowledged through good referencing practice. The report must have referencing of an appropriate standard, and must adhere to the style and format notes below.
This assignment is due to be submitted via the Turnitin service linked within Moodle, on or before the due date. You should use the Originality Report you obtain after submission to ensure that your report contains no significant copying from any source.
General submission rules
Grades and feedback will be available within two weeks of submission. Where health or other issues are affecting your ability to complete the assignment on time, consult the ‘Fit to Sit’ process (on ‘My Napier’), which enables you to apply for an extension or a deferral.
Style and format notes
The report will be marked anonymously. Please do not put your name anywhere on the document, but do provide your matriculation number on the front page.
Matric No:
School of Computing Marking sheet
Module: INF11114 Digital Business Environments Overall grade_____
Marking grid | Wtg | D | P | F | Ab | Comments |
Introduction | 5 | |||||
Rationale for the selection of an organisation | 30 | |||||
Assessment of potential data sources | 20 | |||||
Selection of analytical approach | 30 | |||||
Conclusion | 10 | |||||
Format and referencing | 5 |
Comment grid. This work: |
Ex | Gd | OK | Pr | Un | Additional comments |
meets the specification given | ||||||
treats topics in depth | ||||||
is evaluative/analytical rather than descriptive | ||||||
justifies/illustrates its arguments well | ||||||
uses an impersonal/academic writing style | ||||||
is fluent, succinct and grammatical | ||||||
has few spelling / typing errors | ||||||
is well set out in an appropriate format | ||||||
organises the material appropriately | ||||||
uses an appropriate range of appropriate sources |
Consistently applies an approved referencing system |
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