infs 5095

INFS 5095 | Big Data | Information Technology

INFS 5095 | Big Data | Information Technology

About this Assignment

This task is giving you practice in coordinating business needs to information innovation arrangements and having the capacity to convey that. You could envision you are a major information expert who has been requested to give an introduction to a gathering of associations who are thinking about whether to put resources into huge information. Expect that the gathering of people think minimal about IoT (Internet of Things) or enormous information.

Nonetheless, the task isn’t only an attempt to sell something – you need to exhibit that you realize what you are discussing, back up your contentions with proof, convey new ideas and show to the group of onlookers that you have a comprehension of how IoT is utilized in organizations enough to suggest a particular innovation.

Web of Things Data

Begin with picking up a comprehension of IoT information including precedents how it has been utilized in associations for their advantage. You can allude to these precedents in your task.

A decent beginning stage is the Harvard Business Review’s article alluded to in the ‘Enormous Data Fundamental’s introduction (week 1).

INFS 5095 | Big Data | Information Technology

Innovation decision

Innovation could be identified with any part of overseeing or utilizing huge information, for example, stockpiling, transmission, change, encryption, examination, perception, security, self-benefit, and so forth. Utilize this task as a chance to discover increasingly about an innovation you’re keen on. The technology shouldn’t relate to making huge information.

Precedents (from the Gartner ‘Publicity Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning’):

Calculation Marketplaces IoT Edge Analytics

Propelled Anomaly recognition Event Stream Processing

Content Analytics Data Lakes


Try not to concentrate on a particular apparatus or seller – it will be progressively valuable in your calling in the event that you are proficient of a scope of devices from various merchants.

A few information science advancements will be more qualified for overseeing or abusing IoT information than others.

Incentive to Business

You ought to have the capacity to clarify the advantage of the innovation to business. So a few advancements may principally profit the information researcher (eg: Notebooks in Gartner’s ‘Promotion Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning’), however have less obvious value to the business. A key part of fruitful huge information usage is making the esteem known. The need grid and business affect segments in the Gartner’s Hype Cycle will help.

Valuable assets

Gartner material – see the ‘Utilizing Gartner’ tip sheet Vendor depiction of the innovation Weekly readings/viewings

Marking criteria
The assignment will be marked on how well you cover each of the points:
Area Weighting
Your general understanding of the nature of IoT data 20%
Knowledge of your chosen big data technology 20%
The benefits of using this technology for IoT data 10%
The limitations of using this technology for IoT data 10%
Explaining specifically how organisations would find this technology 20%
Referencing 5%
Correct referencing as per UniSA guidelines
Quality of references
How recent references are
Use of formal business or academic language 5%
Correct grammar and spelling 5%
Layout and professional presentation 5%
For each of these you will be given a rating of ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Fair’, ‘Poor’ or ‘None’ (if the section is missing). As a guide, if all ratings are ‘Excellent’ you would receive a High Distinction for the assignment (between 85-100%) or if all ratings are ‘Good’ you would receive a Credit (between 65-74%).
The more you can back up your suggestions with research, examples, etc the higher mark you will receive.
One on one individual feedback sessions are available (either face to face or over the phone) to received specific and detailed feedback. These sessions are 10 minutes long.
The structure should be in a logical format that flows well. As a minimum include a title page and section headings. The title page is separate to the assignment cover page.
A sample template for the assignment is available on the course website. You don’t have to use this template, you can come with your own structure. For instance, the sample template includes a Table of Contents and Executive Summary, you can leave these out if you want.
Note: An Executive Summary is different to an Introduction
Since this is proposal for a business audience, it should be presented in a professional format making it easy to read. The use of diagrams and graphs, particularly to show figures will earn more marks. An efficient layout is also important but don’t spend too much time on making it look good and not enough time on the content.
Using bullet points are OK occasionally but you’ll need sentences for each point (ie. just a bullet point list with no explanation isn’t suitable).
Word limit
1500 words +/- 10%. (1350 – 1650 words)
Marks will be deducted if the assignment is too short or too long. Keeping to a word limit requires a focus on what the audience most needs to know.
These are included in the word count:
The ‘body’ of the assignment: o Headings
o  Direct quotes
o Summary/Executive Summary (if you chose to include one) o Diagram headings and captions
These are excluded:
Title page
Table of contents References
Text within diagrams
Referencing is important for assignments to: (a) expand your knowledge of the assignment topic and
  • provide evidence to the claims you make and (c) demonstrate you know what you are talking about to make a convincing proposal and (d) provide other examples or case studies
The general rule is if you are using information or data that is not of your own creation then you need to acknowledge it. Not only is this for academic integrity but to add weight to your recommendations – to show they are just not opinions.
This includes the screenshots, data you use and points taken from the presentations.
How many references?
That depends on how many points you are making. Generally, more is better because you have used more sources to understand the topic and reinforce your points.
A minimum of 5 references is required. Just adding as many references as possible without using them in the assignment won’t earn maximum marks.
If you plagiarise (ie. copy from references and don’t include it in quotes or include a reference) you will be penalised – students have failed assignments for doing this!
We want your understanding on the topic, not copied words from experts – this only demonstrates that you can research well, not apply your learning.
Reference quality
The type (quality) of references makes a difference and this is considered in the marks as well. Feel free to use the readers and links from the lectures and Course Outline.
Avoid marketing/vendor sites and general websites – the quality is not assured because anyone can get a website up regardless of their expertise and marketing material from software companies is usually biased. The exception would be news sites when you want to report an event or where they are the sole vendor of a technology.
Finding references by Googling them is a poor approach – try the library catalogue instead.
Reference recency
Since this area is a fast-moving area use references from the last 5 years. Consider if you were a senior manager considering a review or proposal – would you trust a report that is using information from 6 years ago? The exception is if the reference is one of the supplied readings/viewings for the course.
Do not write in the first person (“I”)
Use formal language – this is a report intended for business.
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