



This task is intended to motivate you to think about your own methodology and sentiments on data security and protection.

Lau, Y. (2015). Cybercrime in the cloud: Risks and reactions in Hong Kong, Singapore. In Ko, R., and Choo, K.(Eds.). (2015). The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues. Waltham, MA: Syngress.

This part talks about a portion of the ways to deal with cybercrime that are taken by both the Hong Kong and Singapore governments. Yet, any way to deal with cybercrime accompanies dangers to data security and protection.


Accept that an Australian State Government has checked on the Singapore Government’s Smart Nation Plan and has chosen to actualize their own Smart State Plan. This will at first comprise of a system of keen sensors and cameras at traffic lights, transport stops refuse containers, and so on in their CBD to screen residents conduct and address road wrongdoing.

Examine what you see as the individual and moral ramifications for your protection of the proposed Government’s Smart Sensor Network by taking a gander at:

The sorts or classifications of individuals influenced by this proposition,

What conduct transforms you may hope to see from ordinary nationals,

Okay hope to see changes in individual practices, for example, selection of exercises, changes in time plans, and so forth?

The following piece of the’s Government will likely convey a Smart WiFi Network which will comprise of a progression of sensor boxes to go about as WiFi hotspots all through the city. This would permit the presentation of a heterogeneous system where cell phones and different gadgets could flawlessly switch between versatile information and WiFi.

Examine what you see as the individual and moral ramifications for your security of the proposed Government’s Smart WiFi Network by taking a gander at:

The sorts or classes of individuals influenced by this proposition,

What conduct transforms you may hope to see from typical nationals utilizing their cell phones in the CBD,

Okay hope to see changes in individual practices, for example, selection of exercises, changes in time plans, and so forth?

What are the suggestions for you If you had touchy data on your cell phone that you would not like to share?

The Smart State Plan will likewise enlist all subjects with a Digital Identity to guarantee that they can effectively be recognized and get to administrations given by the state both electronically and physically.

On the off chance that you were visiting the State Capital after the Smart State Plan has taken off, do you feel that the utilization of a computerized personality would help you to keep up your security while utilizing your cell phone or gadgets amid your visit? Talk about the explanations behind your answer.

What steps do you believe that you could take to guarantee the security and protection of your advanced character while working your portable device(s) in this condition? Examine each progression that you would bring with its favourable circumstances and hindrances.

Each inquiry is worth 25 marks and your general score will be scaled out of 10. As a guide, your assertion limit for this task ought to be around 3,000 words.

Method of reasoning

This evaluation assignment will survey the accompanying learning result/s:

have the capacity to basically break down

the lawful, moral and business worries for the security and protection of information to be sent to the cloud.

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