



Task 1- Background information

Write a description of the selected dataset and its importance given the Solar Cities project, i.e. the Solar Cities project is attempting to understand power usage in dwellings, in order to then recommend how to improve the overall efficiency of power consumption in dwellings. Information must be appropriately referenced. [1 Page]

Task 2 – Reporting / Dashboards

For your project, perform the relevant data analysis tasks by

  • answering the above questions
  • finding new relevant questions
  • answering the two main questions

You should also identify the visualization and dashboards you need to develop to best communicate your findings to the stakeholders. [2-3 Pages


Task 3 – Research

Justify why these BI reporting solution/dashboards are chosen in Task 2 (Reporting / Dashboards) and why those data set features are present and laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications).

Note: To ensure that you discuss this task properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use ‘Snipping tool’), and also include any assumptions that you may have made about the analysis in your Task2. [1-2 Pages]


Task4 – Recommendations for the project manager and project stake holders

Based on your BI analysis and the insights gained from the “Data Set”, given your analysis performed in previous tasks, make some logical recommendations to the stake holders. Justify the answers to the two main questions, and show where power consumption efficiencies could be made, and what future consumption will look like. Give 2 possible scenarios. Also, if you have a predictive model show which features and measurements lead to power reductions/increases, to add to your logical recommendations. Do this with the help of appropriate references from peer-reviewed sources. [1-2 Pages]

Task 5 – The Reflection: Each Team member is expected to write a brief reflection about this project in terms of challenges, learning and contribution.


Report Submission:

  • Submit a 7-8 page report (about 1500 words) not counting cover page and references) of this project. At least 5 references in your report must be from peer-reviewed sources. Include any and all sources of information including any person(s) you interviewed for this project.
  • Please note that all references must adhere to APA style. See
  • You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the
  • course description. Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.
  • All reports must use the APA referencing style. University Referencing/Citation Style Guide: The University has published a style guide to help students correctly reference and cite information they use in assignments (American Psychological Association (APA) citation style,
  • Reports are to be presented in hard copy in size 12 Arial Font and double spaced. Your report should include a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of the wider reading you have done to familiarize yourself on the topic.
  • A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.
Tasks Max Mark
1-    Background of the Project: Description of the Project and Dataset. The importance of the project for understanding and improving energy efficiency and future demand. [1.5+1.5+2] 5
2-Dashboard/Reports The BI reporting solution/dashboards you needed to develop for the stakeholders given y our previous data analysis. The solution and dash board should be shown in terms of answering the given 18 questions, finding new questions, and finally answering the 2 main questions.[Marks will be given for the quality and complexity of the analysis] 20
3- Research – Justify why these reporting solution/dashboards    are chosen and why those attributes are present and laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications).Note: To ensure that you discuss this task  properly,  you  must  include visual  samples  of  the  reports  you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report;you can use the ‘Snipping tool’), and also include any assumption that you may have made about the analysis in your assignment report (i.e. the report to the stakeholders of the project).

[Each analysis/dashboard and report explanation  with  relevant  research papers, complexity and in-depth of the justification, use of peer-reviewed sources]

BI 10
4- Recommendations -Justify the answers to the two main questions, and show where power consumption efficiencies could be made; and what would be likely future power demand trends.
Based on your BI analysis and the insights gained from the “Data Set” given the analysis performed in the previous tasks, highlight where these power efficiencies can be made, and attempt to predict future power trends. Give 2 possible scenarios.
If you have made a predictive model, show which features and measurements lead to power reductions/increases, to add to your logical recommendations.[Key data insights,recommendations, with theoretical justifications and proper references. [4+4+2]
5- The Reflection: Each Team member is expected to write a brief reflection about this project in terms of challenges, learning and contribution. 5
6- Report well-written and presented professionally, containing:• Title page
• Table of Contents
• Brief Introduction
• Appropriate use of figures (i.e. graphs, summary tables) and reference to calculations and summaries to justify all observations and recommendations
• Overall structure, presentation and formatting. Note that the report has to be presented formally. It must include discussion of calculations, observations and recommendations with graphs and/or tables.
Total Marks 60
Total Marks out of 20 20%


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