
LAW2000: Business Law

LAW2000: Business Law

Learning Outcomes


  1. Identify the major sources of law and have the capacity to read and interpret both case law and statutes
  2. Identify the role of contract law in business activity and explain the elements needed to create and enforce a valid contract
  3. Define an agency relationship and explain the legal implications of such a relationship
  4. Identify and define the different types of property including intellectual property and analyse the importance to business of such property and how the law protects such property
  5. Define a tort and explain the tort of negligence, the elements that must be proved to bring an action in negligence an d how this tort is relevant to the business environment
  6. Describe the different ways a business may be carried on and the factors that will influence the choice of business structure
  7. Explain the significance of a company being a separate legal entity
  8. Explain how the law protects consumers of goods and services and the obligations that businesses have to consumers
  9. Explain how the law protects competition and identify the anti – competitive conduct the law prohibits
  10. Apply knowledge of the law to a range of situations
  11. Identify the applicability of a range of laws and explain their impact on those carrying on business



Thorough preparation and willingness to actively participate in class discussions is essential to the educational process. Those who complete all exercises, self – assessments and readings and share their thoughts are more likely to learn and retain more from the course.

Students are expected to contribute to discussion forums at least on a weekly basis. Apart from Module 1, all Discussion Question relate to a Case Study relevant to the area of law discussed in the Module.

You are required to post a response to the relevant Case Study using the Formula for Answering Case Studies. In addition, each week you are required to post a comment on the posting of another student. Provide a feedback on how effectively they have applied the formula and any suggestions you can make to their response.

There is a lot of material to cover in this course. You will need to undertake all readings and view the Powerpoint and audio presentations for each week in order to respond to the Discussion Questions for each Module. It is important that you read the relevant chapters of the text together with any additional readings.

The following factors will impact the assessment of class participation:

  1. Knowledge, content and application
    • thorough preparation for the class (bot h readings and exercises)
    • demonstration of the knowledge of the course material to date and correct application of course concepts and the formula for answering Case Study questions
    • relevance to the topic
    • evidence of critical thinking and analysis, including sound use of appropriate legal principles and supporting legal authority (case law or statute)
    • completeness / comprehensiveness of the answer
  2. Engagement, interaction and leadership
    • engagement with other students’ ideas, building on their arguments
    • frequency of engagement
    • significance of the contribution to the discussion
    • trigger for a new direction in the debate
    • fellow students’ respect and feedback for the point of view raised
    • display of leadership qualities
    • educational value of the contributions
  3. Expression
    • logic and clarity of expression
    • use of academic and professional conventions (e.g., use of business language, appropriate referencing (legal referencing and citation )


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LAW2000: Business Law

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