Literature review- Clinical or workplace scenario
Nursing Literature review
Release date (where applicable): Commencement of Semester Word limit: 4,000 words (excludes appendices and reference list) Value: 35%
Presentation requirements: The written paper must be academic in style, word processed, and use APA referencing.
Use 2.5cm margins on each side of the page with double spacing between lines (including the template for your learning contract, this can be presented in ‘landscape’ page layout.
Use 11 or 12 point Arial or Calibri font style.
Do not include the details of the assessment task at the beginning of the essay. Use Microsoft word (do not submit as a pdf file). This assignment has six parts.
The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you understand how to:
- find the available evidence around a specific nursing practice issue or clinical question AND
- critically appraise the evidence (from both qualitative and quantitative research) that relates to your topic/nursing practice issue
Part 1: Title of the literature review and Clinical or workplace scenario
Develop a clinical or workplace scenario* that describes a health issue of concern for an individual or group of patients/clients or a key professional issue that you wish to explore (approximately 200 words). The topic must focus on a nursing practice issue inside the scope of the NMBACompetencies Standards for RNs.
Part 2: Population Information
Describe the population identified in your scenario (approximately 300 words). This typically will include information on:
- the incidence of the health or other issue in the local population compared with national and international data
- how the issue is diagnosed/identified
- the current management for this health or other issue
- the outcomes used to measure success of the management
- prognostic details
- any costing information available
This information mustbe accurately referenced.
Part 3: Search Strategy
From the scenario, develop a question you need to answer in order to provide the best practice. Use the PICO/T (or PECO/T)
P = person or population of interest
I = intervention
E = experience C = comparison O = outcome
T = time
Information and resources relating to PICO/T and PECO/T are available through the Moodle site and through the Nursing & Midwifery section of the Library’s website. For some questions there might not be a comparison group and time may not be relevant.
Determine a search strategy that will yield relevant literature for finding evidence to decide best practice. Provide a summary of your search strategy (approximately 250 words). Undertake a literature search using your search strategy.
Part 4: Provide an annotated bibliography of the literature you have located, using the two table formats below.(Approximately 3000 words)
Select the ‘best’ 5 articles on the chosen issue; best is in research terms, justify your choice. Table 1: Annotated Bibliography 1
- Table format – landscape layout, 5 columns (using headings provided), no more than one page per article. Single spacing and 11- point font are acceptable.
- Authors& Title – provide authors and title of paper, and comment on the authors, their standing in this area of research or practice,
and the extent they are cited by others.
- Year – provide year of publication and comment on whether the date has any relevance for practice.
- Journal – provide name of journal and comment on what standing the journal has in the international and national health community
- Country – provide country where research conducted and comment on similarities and differences in the research setting compared with your location. For example, consider the type of health care system, funding of health care system, type of clinical
- Population – describe the population studied and comment on the similarities and differences compared with the population in your scenario.
- Comments may be brief and written in note form. Table 2: Annotated Bibliography 2
- Table format – landscape layout, 5 columns (using headings provided), no more than one page per article. Single spacing and 11- point font are acceptable.
- Authors, year & design – provide authors and year of publication; name the study design (for example, randomized controlled trial, case control study, survey, interpretive study using in-depth interviews).
- Researchquestion – report the main objective of the study.
- Sample size and profile – report how many people were in the study, how they were selected and whether a power calculation was done (if appropriate).
- Outcomes– report the main findings (including numbers, if quantitative) and comment on whether these are to be considered
clinically meaningful.
- Comment – report on the strength of the scientific design
Part 5: Conclusion (approximately 250 words)
Provide a concluding statement that synthesises the findings of the literature review to the research question.
Part 6: Reference List
Provide a reference list using APA 6th edition format, for all literature cited in the assignment. Information on this referencing style is available on Moodle.
Criteria Mark
Part 1: Title & Clinical or workplace scenario 10
Part 2: Population Information 10
Part 3: Search Strategy 15
Part 4: Provide an annotated bibliography
Table 1 20
Table 2 20
Part5: Conclusion 15
Part 6: Reference List 5
Presentation/writingstyle 5
Total 100
Final mark out of 35
Table example: Qualitative paper
Sun J-C, Rei W, Sheu S-J (2014). Seeing or not seeing: Taiwan’s parents’ experiences during stillbirth. International Journal
of Nursing Studies. 51: 1153-1159.
Article 1: Taiwan parents’ experiences during stillbirth
Authors & Title Year Journal Country Population
– Affiiated with Taiwan universities,
2 from Nursing, 1 Public Health
– Have previous research involvement and publications
– Credible / reputable to under- take the study based on publications
Sun, J-C
H-index =2,
2xpublications Rei W
H-index =2,
5xpublications Sheu S-J
H-index ? 1
– Contemporary, up- to-date, relevant to the time frame for the practice question
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Excellent standing
journal with a Q1 ranking, impact factor of 3.56. Peer-reviewed
Marked cultural difference by comparison to Western culture
Health system
In Taiwan a similar public health system operates, along with subsidised healthcare. These are similar systems to Australian healthcare – publicly funded by Medicare with the option for
private health insurance (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,
2015). Life expectancy is comparable with Australia.
Describe the population studied and comment on the similarities and differences compared with the population in your scenario.
Taiwan parents who
experienced stillbirth
– Conditions of being a parent are similar in Australia to Taiwan. However the article reveals that there are cultural differences in gender and familial practices related to still births.
– Title reflects the content of the study, and
encourages interest.
– Identifies the population, nationality and issue (stillbirths) and outcome (experiences during stillbirth).
Comments: Credibility of authors acceptable, journal credibility is excellent, many contextual factors in the health system
are the same. There are cultural differences between the population in the study and in the scenario.
Table 2: Taiwan parents’ experiences during stillbirth
Authors, year &
Sample size and study
Outcomes Comment
Background – Y Methodology: Husslerian Phenomenological qualitative design Ethical approval Data collection: In- depth interviews
with couples (60-120 min, called 4-6 times to clarify behaviours, participant observation of the couples
Analysis: Thematic – Giorgi.
Discussion: Y
The research design is appropriate as it addressed the aims of the research. The authors also justify the research design in the introduction section – exploring the experiences of women.
The objective is to understand the essence and structure of decision-
making, and seeing phenomena that parents experience
during stillbirth.
There is a clear statement of the aims of the research.
It is thought important because there is lack of research in the area, and relevant
because it adds
to nursing knowledge specifically the value of visual meaning in clinical care.
12 couples (24 subjects/participants), recruited through maternity units Delivery units observed (multiple, described)
Setting is justified. Observations x no Interviews y no
Data collection consisted of interviews which were recorded and analysed using Giorgi’s methods.
Recruitment strategy is appropriate to the research question – they were selected because they had first- hand experience of stillbirth, though not fully described.
Themes – 2 constituent decision patterns – to see
and not to see
5 themes in each
patterns To See…
Seeing is believing seeing is avoiding regret
Seeing is an opportunity to say farewell
Seeing is imprinting the stillborn to one’s memory seeing is a shock Not to see..
Cutting the attachment to the baby
Preventing memory
imprinting Avoid guilt and suffering Prevent event closure
Cultural taboo
– Exemplars from interviews are provided showing the diversity of responses. The categories and themes are derived from the data.
– Data analysis rigorous Giorgi’s method.
CASP tool: Qualitative Research 9/10
Aims: Yes
Qual methodology appropriate: Yes Research design appropriate: Yes Recruitment strategy appropriate: Yes
Data collection appropriate: Yes Relationship between researcher/participants considered: Not Clear Ethical issues considered: Yes
Rigorous data analysis: Yes
Clear findings: Yes Value of research: Yes
Strong scientific paper –
– Presentation is appropriate and clear, done by means of tables, emerging themes and supporting quotes.
– Discussion is comprehensive incorporating their findings and other literature and related back to the research question.
– The limitations are not discussed, nor the researchers’ biases. The researchers have not critically examined their role and potential bias during the research process.
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