
MGMT6013 | Critique and Risk Assessment Report

MGMT6013 | Critique and Risk Assessment Report | Management

  • Develop innovative approaches and creative thinking;
  • Clearly describe the process used to analysestrategic issues;
  • Develop awareness of ethical and social considerations for strategic solutions;
  • Enhance global perspectives for strategy;
  • Awareness of ethical and social considerations for strategic issues;
  • Assess organisational strengths and limitations.
How the assessment fits into the subject/course:
Manipulation and presentation of data in organisations is becoming increasingly important in the management of stakeholder expectations. The assessment in this subject allows students opportunities to explore the role of managing information systems, the impact of technological change on the management of information.
Assessment Linkages of Assessments 1 and 2:
Assessment 1 supports student in progressively building knowledge to support in the completion of Assessment 2 where students are asked to consider policy, identify risk in organisations taking into account legal, cultural and ethical issues in context.
Students will investigate and report on IS and IT systems in an organisation of their choice, identifying risks and proposing mitigation strategies. Students should: define information systems and discuss its role in the organisation; use various models presented in the subject to critique the use of information systems according to business problems and characterise. Students are expected to use and cite external literature extensively. Students should consider what risk means to the contemporary organisation and how information systems both pose and mitigate risk. The report should include an executive summary (not included in the word count), introduction and conclusion to support their arguments.
Output/Deliverable and parameters of the assessment
  • Students are expected to submit a report consisting of 3000 words for Assessment 1.
  • Access to IS and IT system reports databases
  • An electronic library and reading guide is provided to all students including a range of e-textbooks and journals available through online journal databases including EBSCO.


  • Innovative approach and creative thinking
  • Clear description of the process used to analyse strategic issues
  • Ethical and social considerations for strategic solutions
  • Global perspectives for strategy
  • Ethical and social considerations for strategic issues
  • Assessment of organisation’s strengths and limitations
Learning Outcomes
  • Analyse the impact that Information Systems has on organisations and the consequent changes which have occurred to business managerial roles and competitive advantage due to IS.
  • Analyse Management information systems using a range of analytical approaches and assess the impact of MIS upon business process engineering.
  • Identify the elements that combine to form an information vision and information technology (IT) strategy for an organisation.

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visit at : HRMT20024 | Annotated Bibliography | Human Resource management

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