MGT200 Assessment 2

MGT200 Assessment 2
Assessment 2 – Initiating a Project and Obtaining
Date due: Week 7
Value: 25%
Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real-world situations. This is Part 1 of a three-part progressive assessment across Assessments 2, 3 and 4.
Part 1: Initiating a Project and Obtaining Approval
Part 2: Developing a Project Management Plan
Part 3: Administering, Monitoring and Reviewing a Project
This assessment task is to be undertaken by 1 student, who will be a project manager for the purpose of this assessment. The project team is to consist of at least 4 people in total (the 1 project manager and as many other ‘imaginary’ staff as required) to whom you can allocate roles and responsibilities.
Create a project with the following characteristics:
It is a unique endeavor (not operations)
It has a specific goal, either to
– solve a problem or
– to take advantage of an opportunity
It has a beginning and an end
It has a budget in terms of:
– money
– resources – human and physical
There is a time limit for completion
Examples of suitable projects include:
You are a small business owner (wedding planner), planning a wedding in 4
months’ time. You have a budget of $15,000.
You are organizing an annual fundraising function for a recognized charity. You have a budget of $35,000 and are expected to raise $70,000. The event is to take place in 12 months.
You have been asked by a local neighborhood group to organize the construction of a community vegetable garden. They have gathered donations from local residents and businesses amounting to $5,000. It is February, and they want it to be ready for spring planting.
As a result of recent floods, the Brisbane City Council is providing grants for any worthwhile renovation or improvement to local parks and gardens. You will be remodeling an existing, damaged area of parkland into a useable, family-friendly park, with new BBQ facilities, seating, play equipment, and concrete paths. You have a 6-month time frame.
Your own project to be confirmed by the lecturer. (Students cannot choose a project that they have already participated in or developed.)
This project will be used for ALL ASSESSMENT TASKS for this subject. Requirements
1. Written project summary
Create and submit a 700-word project summary which answers the following questions:
a. What problem will your project solve?
b. How are you going to solve this problem?
What are your goals and objectives?
d. What is the scope of the project?
e. What is your approach?
f. Who are your key internal and external stakeholders? How will you manage their different needs? (include a stakeholder map)
g. What are your success criteria?
2. Presentation
a. verbally present your project summary to your client (your lecturer) for approval and sign-off. This is to take place as a private session arranged by appointment during class time for on-campus delivery or using the virtual classroom for Distance Education student You must not read your summary during this session. You must speak about it, covering the important points that are in your written document.
b. Request confirmation and agreement in principle to proceed with the p
3. Confirmation and agreement
1. All questions (a to g) of Part 1 must be answered in sufficient depth to enable the client to confirm that the project team will be able to complete the project to the required standard.
2. Key concepts and ideas are summarised and the client’s understanding is
3. Agreement to proceed is confirmed.
Submission Criteria
The following elements will be assessed in this submission:
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