
MGT302A Strategic Management Case Study

MGT302A Strategic Management Case Study

Program: Bachelor of Business 
Subject code: MGT302A
Subject name: Strategic Management  
Assessment title: Case Study –(Essay format)    

Learning outcomes

  1. Depict different key administration forms (vital information sources, key activities, and key results)2. Talk about, survey and dissect the interior and outer situations of an association to decide assets, abilities and center capabilities3 Create and study the execution of key reactions to present and future issues confronting the worldwide business condition4 Assess business and corporate dimension technique and recognize the key dangers related to these systems

    5 Assess an associations capacity to successfully actualize business/corporate methodologies

Case study questions:

The accompanying inquiries depend working on this issue ” Lululemon A athletic Inc.” (Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. furthermore, Hoskisson, R.E. 2015, Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases, 11e, Cengage Learning, Case 22, pgs 283 – 294)

Fundamentally assess L Lululemon’s aggressive condition. Does the organization have a wellspring of (practical) upper hand?

In view of an examination of the inward condition, talk about the organization’s capacities, and center capabilities. Does Lululemon have any shortcomings that can affect its capacity to contend later on?

What are the patterns and conditions in the outer condition that will impact the association’s key activities? In what ways (assuming any) ought to Lululemon alter its vital course?

W cap are the upsides of L Lululemon’s business level technique? What are the dangers?

As the organization develops and extends globally, what challenges is it liable to confront? What proposals would you be able to make to decrease these potential dangers

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