
MGT603: Systems Thinking Assignment

MGT603: Systems Thinking Assignment



Table of Contents


Proposal for system thinking of Hilton Hotel 3

Introduction. 3

Aim.. 3

Objectives. 3

Questions. 3

Literature review.. 3

Research method. 4

Original Post 5

Issues in the organisation. 5

Consequences on several stakeholders. 5

Importance to use System Thinking and tools and techniques. 6

Alternative policies to overcome the problem.. 6

References. 8




Proposal for system thinking of Hilton Hotel


System thinking is very important in order to make proper understanding of the present issues that have been faced by the organisation. In this proposal, aims and objectives of the analysis has been analysed in regards of the problem that has been found in the organisation like Hilton Hotel.


Aim of this research is to identify the organisational issues in Hilton Hotel and make proper resolution of this with the use of the system thinking tools.


The objectives of this research are-

  • To identify the issues related to the Hilton Hotel
  • To identify the alternative ways to resolve the issues
  • To make proper implementation of the system thinking techniques with tools


The research question of this proposal might be-

What will be the possible alternative techniques to resolve the organisational issues of Hilton Hotel including the system thinking tools?

Literature review

In words of Farmer et al, (2015), systems thinking is one of the best ways that helps in developing the ideas about the situation of the organisation. It also allows in exploring and answering all the questions of methodology liken unified system. Several system tools are there that helps in developing ideas about making proper resolution of any kind of situational issues for the organisation as well. System thinking also help in developing several solutions for the issues that has been occurring in any the case of using any kind of tools of the system thinking it can be said that it will also help in gaining the profitability of the existence along with its sustainability in the market as well.

System thinking will help in optimizing the issues, including the dimensional perspective that will help in gaining proper resolutions as well.


Research method

Research method includes both the quantitative and qualitative data collection process. In that case, both the primary and secondary data collection method will help in gathering data. In the case of Hilton hotel problems qualitative secondary data collection method can be followed.

Justification for chosen method

In case of implementing properly this research, the researcher needs to follow the qualitative data analysis process along with the secondary data collection process. In order to find out the best solution of the issues that has been found in the chosen organisation like Hilton Hotel, the researcher needs to gather data from the journal articles. It will help in developing ideas about the source of issues and resolutions about the problem as well.

Original Post

Issues in the organisation

There are several issues that have been found in the Hilton Hotel organization. It includes the following-

Lack of customer retention

In the Hilton Hotel there is a problem of lacking the customers number. As there are several problems in the management system, the guests are not getting proper services, it is one of the main reasons of lacking a great customer base in this organisation (, 2019).

Shortage of inventory

Hilton Hotel has also been suffering from issues like shortage of the stock. In the hotel the turnover rate of the employees has been increased in  a great percentage which is also causing the lack of providing proper services to the guests in the industry of hotel industry as well (, 2019).


Consequences on several stakeholders

The impact on stakeholders can be analysed through the following factors-

Lack of employees

Several issues that have been found in the concerned organization can have a great impact on the stakeholders. As stated by Mjema (2018), internal stakeholders like employees in the organisation may increase the high turnover rate of employees in the organisation (, 2019).

Low profitability

Outer stakeholders like customers and suppliers can also be affected by the issues in the concerned organization. It can be said that, the dissatisfaction of the customers can also be increased for the issues. On the other hand, low demand of the guest services and their satisfaction can also increase the low profitability of the suppliers as well as the Hilton Hotel.

Lack of stakeholders

Several issues that have been found in the organisation like Hilton hotel can have a great impact on the low base of stakeholders in the market for this Hilton Hotel. It can be said that, issues in the Hilton Hotel can also decrease the number of stakeholders in the organisation (, 2019).


Importance to use System Thinking and tools and techniques

According to Iqbal, Khan, Bashir & Senin (2015), process of system thinking is very important in order to understand or measure the possible issues of any organisation and its impact on the organisation and stakeholders as well. Apart from that it is also important in order to better evaluate the process work components in order to make the process more effective. It also helps in identifying the dynamic process in order to make the understanding of the impact of more effective in the case of the Hilton Hotel.


Alternative policies to overcome the problem

In order to make possible solutions of the problem that has been found in the Hilton Hotel organization it can be said that, there are several ways to resolve it. It includes-

Train employees

As stated by McDermott & Salado (2017), employees in the organisations are needed to be trained in order to make their performance far better. It will also help in developing the satisfaction of the guests.

Decision Matrix

In that case, the organisation needs to follow the tools like decision matrix. It will help in identifying the problems and make proper resolutions based on this problem as well.

Proper management plan

The organisation like Hilton hotel needs to prepare a proper management plan in order to make better profitability of the organisation and reduce the risk of the mentioned issues.

Rich Picture tool

It can be said that, the organisation can follow the rich picture policy in order to make proper resolutions of the problems by drawing pictures of the plan as well (McDermott & Salado, 2017).


Farmer, M. C., Benson, A., McMahon, G. F., Principe, J., & Middleton, M. (2015). Unintended consequences of involving stakeholders too late: Case study in multi-objective management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(10), 05015003. (2019), AUSTRALIA HOTELS, retrieved form:, [Accessed on: 2019]

Iqbal, A. M., Khan, A. S., Bashir, F., & Senin, A. A. (2015). Evaluating national innovation system of malaysia based on university-industry research collaboration: A system thinking approach. Asian Social Science, 11(13), 45.

McDermott, T., & Salado, A. (2017, July). Improving the systems thinking skills of the systems architect via aesthetic interpretation of art. In INCOSE International Symposium (Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1340-1354).

Mjema, E. A. (2018). A System Thinking Approaching Maintenance, Production and Quality. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 26(2).




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