
MKT01425 Tourism in Pacific Asia SCU Sample assignment


Tourism In Pacific Asia


Tourism has a very vital contribution to the development of the country. Therefore this essay is formulated to focus on tourism in the region of Pacific-Asia. With time there have been significant impacts of the cultural, economic, environmental and political background over the tourism of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. That is the reason this essay brings out the scenario of the environmental, socio-cultural and economic impacts of the tourism of two major countries, like Australia and Singapore of Pacific-Asia region (Bu & Xiao, 2016). Further, it provides a description of the details of these impacts by showing both of its negative and positive factors. Both the regions are quite famous for its tourism and they have the places that attract the tourists towards their flora and fauna, climatic conditions and most importantly culture (Beirman, 2015). Collins said that both the countries contain various famous places for tourism which attracts the tourist and that eventually adds up to the economy of both the countries along with making the step towards the growth of Pacific-Asia region (Collins, 2017).
The sources from various sides show that both countries make the preparation for its strong bonding in terms of tourism which will eventually develop the Pacific-Asia region. As per Char-lee, Becken & Stinson, the bonding is carried out in between two countries in such a way that the Singaporean tourists make the investment of $1.4 billion in the process of visiting Australia. The country is planning to raise its economy up to $2.8 billion (Char-lee, Becken & Stinson, 2014). The vital part is tourism has various negative impacts on Australia and Singapore but at the same time; it also has many positive impacts that let the negative points to be ignored. The most positive factor is that both the countries are so co-operative that both want the improvement of their tourism department (Beirman, 2015).

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Issue 1:
The issues that are raised in some instances are that Singapore faces the issues from the socio-cultural background with strong cultural assumptions (Gretzel et al., 2015). These assumptions are provided when these strong values drive the welfare of Singapore as compared to Australia. Its strong assumptions move around the individual and make the family self-reliance that eventually makes the welfare inappropriate (Donald & Gammack, 2016).
Issue 2:
While coming to the other issue it is mostly from an economic background. While considering both the countries; Singapore tourism is running with quite low expenditure towards as compared to Australian tourism. Due to this reason when compared to Australian tourism, Singapore tourism gets a limited amount of discrete social assistance. Therefore these issues from the socio-cultural and economic background provide some hindrances for the development of tourism when both countries are compared(Leiper, 2004).
Apart from these two, tourism has also some impacts over the environmental condition of the countries. Therefore the two of the major issues that can be brought are the tourism having its major impact on the economic and socio-cultural part of the country. First, Laing & Beeton said that it is because the development of tourism mostly needs some changes in the social as well as the cultural scenario of the country (Frost, Laing & Beeton, 2014). Again which has laid impact on the economic part as it needs more expenditure to make the enhancement of the tourism part of both the countries. In that context, Australia has more advantages over Singapore (Gretzel et al., 2015). It is just because as described above Singapore is maintaining tourism with low social expenditure which has adverse effects. Again the Hunter et al. said that country has the cultural dependency and so is its tourism which further drives the social environment. So the tourism made the increase in budget revenues of Australia to up to $504.70 billion. This amount is mostly twelve times more than that of Singapore (Hunter et al., 2015).
The development of tourism is the part gifted through the emergence of globalization. Solnet et al said that the globalization only laid down more emphasis over tourism and various methods to enhance tourism (Solnet et al., 2014). Therefore in relation to that, there is a short analysis of the socio-cultural and economic part of Singapore and Australia. This analysis will definitely provide the benefits that tourism can achieve in the countries contributing to the Pacific-Asia region.
While coming to the economical part continuous growth has been noticed in Australia and so is in Singapore as both are quite developed and successful. As per Leung & Baloglu, the economic part of Singapore is majorly dependent upon its exports of information technology, electronics and much more (Leung & Baloglu, 2013). In that case, Australia is quite less affected by the economic crisis as it has a strong background in the banking system. Also, Australia is involved in the export of materials like energy, natural resources, food. Due to these export, Australia gets engaged in high levels of foreign investments. Similarly, Singapore also took the step for investment on technology production and pharmaceutical production (Ong et al., 2014). Again the Australian market can be said to be an open market in which the exchange of goods can be done in ease. As per Prideaux, Timothy & Chon, unlike Australia apart from involving in the foreign investments, Singapore planned for the rise of the productivity of the country, with the result of which it became the high-tech hub of Southeast Asia (Sezgin, 2016). At the same time while coming to the Australian economy the creation of an open market in Australia made it as the place of increased productivity with flexible and dynamic economic condition (Prideaux, Timothy & Chon, 2013).
Due to this reason both the countries have less amount of poverty with paying more emphasis and equity upon the education, transport, public health, and housing. Therefore it can be said that tourism can extract its benefits based upon these advancements in both countries. With these facilities, tourists can get easily attracted to the various places of Singapore and Australia which will also increase the revenue of the country (Prideaux & Timothy, 2013). Another major advantage that tourism can extract is from the landscape of the aviation industry. The landscape of aviation industry proved Singapore as the aviation hub for Australia. The facilities to various gateway cities of Australia provide ease to the tourists who are interested in traveling (Gretzel et al., 2015). With time, these aviation facilities increased which raised the chances to open the door for the places like the Gold Coast and Darwin. The Australian tourism department, therefore, noticed about most of the Singapore tourist in various tourist places in Australia.
Similarly, when coming to the socio-cultural background of both the countries, Singapore comprises of the various types so called as a multi-ethnic society. This multi-ethnic society comprises of 77% of Chinese, 6% Indian, 15% Malay and rests other of around 2%. In that case, Australia is considered it only comprises of the culture of Australia as compared to other cultures of the world. Therefore Singapore becomes a blend of various types of cultures with the presence of the population of another side of the world. Here as per Singh, Milne & Hull, all the dimensions that score for the overall calculation of the socio-cultural environment become more distinctive with time (Singh, Milne & Hull, 2015). That is the reason these parameters, for example, the individualism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, indulgence, masculinity, and long-term orientation all have different scores for different countries which make them variable basing upon their culture.
Culture is the part that makes the enrichment of the whole world which is beyond comprehension(Timothy & Nyaupane, 2009). The geographic location of both Australia and Singapore make it quite diverse in its attraction in their own way.
Places of Australia:

Image 1

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Image 3

Figure 1: Tourist Visit to Australia
Source: (Tolkach, Chon & Xiao, 2016)
Visiting Places in Singapore

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6
Therefore both the places have their differences in the tourist places which are clearly shown by the pictures. The geographical conditions and the climatic conditions are the part of the tourism that attracts the customers or the tourists (Tolkach, Chon & Xiao, 2016). For example the Marina Bay, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore Botanic gardens etc at Singapore. Similarly, there are places like the Gold Coast, Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Mount Hotham at Victoria, etc. in Australia.
All these are some of the parts of Australia and Singapore which forms a few parts of the Asia-Pacific. Therefore the tourism growth in Asia-Pacific is very clearly shown in this picture.

Figure 1: Tourist Visit to Australia
Source: (Vu & Turner, 2014)
Therefore as discussed in the above segment various parts described has shown the positive aspects as well as negative aspects of the places by which tourism can be able to draw its benefits out of it. Mostly it became evident that the negative impacts that occur can be solved with keen observation. Like for example, the scenario of Singapore which is explained as making a low expenditure in the social activities and the social welfare is bounded by the cultural activities of the people (Prideaux, Timothy & Chon, 2013). Regardless of fact still it is maintaining its title of high-tech and financial hub. Due to its technological advancements, it is attracting the tourists. Similarly, in the Australian market, it is quite flexible in its activities and making the best possible practices in expanding the tourism of its area. Therefore no doubt tourism in other ways hampering the wildlife, resources, energy and many crude existences of nature still people consider the positive aspect of it (Hunter et al., 2015).
The essay is formulated focusing upon the benefits that tourism can have from the two countries, such as Australia and Singapore from the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore the analysis made it quite clear that the countries consisting of three parts economic, environmental and socio-cultural and all have both advantages and disadvantages. After going through the scenario of tourism, economic and socio-cultural part it is very clear that though there are having negative impacts still the positive impacts are considered for the development of tourism.

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