
MN405 DM Development & Implementation

MN405 DM Development & Implementation

Assignment Description       60 Marks

Knox private  Hospital contracted with GreenIT  services to create and plan their doctor’s facility database, the healing facility IT Manager gave the accompanying business guidelines to the GreenIT administrations programming engineer:

Complete the data level plan for the database that fulfills the accompanying imperatives and client see necessities. So as to finish this data level plan you are required to answer addresses given beneath 1(a) – (e)

Client see 1 requirement   : Patients are distinguished by a PatientID, and their names, locations, and ages must be recorded.

Client see 2 requirement   : Doctors are distinguished by a DoctorID.  For each specialist, the name, claim to fame, and long periods of experience must be recorded.

Client see 3 requirement   : Every understanding has an essential doctor/specialist. Each specialist has no less than one patient.

Client see 4 requirement   : Doctors endorse drugs for patients. A specialist could endorse at least one medications for a few patients, and a patient could get medicines from a few doctors.  Each solution can have more than one medication.

Client see 5 requirement:  For each medication, distinguished by DrugID and the exchange name and recipe must be recorded.

Client see 6 necessity: Each drug store moves a few medications and has a cost for each. A medication could be sold at a few drug stores, and the cost could differ starting with one drug store then onto the next.

Client see 7 prerequisite: Each drug store has an interesting name, address, and telephone number.

Examine the all client prerequisites given above, distinguish and list all substances depicted in every client requirement.       (5 Marks)

Add credits to these substances and speak to these elements (or Tables) and properties as an accumulation of Tables and characteristics. You are required to orchestrate them as given in the precedent beneath.

NB: Select appropriate essential key for each table and underline them.

Eg.        Patient (PatientID, name,… … .)                                                                       (5 Marks)

Diagram all connections between substances.

Eg. One anticipate may have a place with a few divisions –  One-to-many,                          (5 Marks)

Decide the useful conditions.

Eg.  PatientID  à name, address,  …            (5 Marks)

At that point standardize these tables. Make the standardization to 3NF. State for each progression in the standardization, which useful reliance that causes it.  (10 Marks)

Speak to the structure of your database outwardly by utilizing the substance relationship (E-R) chart. On the off chance that you make any suppositions about information that doesn’t appear from the issue, they should be depicted.

You are required to utilize Visio or some other programming instrument to make the ER diagram.  (10 Marks)

Construct this model using MS Access by making these tables and Relationships. Populate these tables with fitting information, no less than 3 records in each table. (10 Marks

Compose SQL queries for the accompanying inquiries and execute them on the database you made in Question 4.

Incorporate screen shots of the yields and all SQL proclamations you used to answer following inquiries this model using MS SQL Server by making these tables and Relationships.   Populate these tables with suitable information, something like 3 records in each table.

Subtleties of specialists enlisted at Knox private    (3 Marks)

The administration is keen on knowing Name and address of patients who are more established than 60 years.  (3 Marks)

Disclose how to detail an inquiry to print Prescription of a patient.

Indication : You have to print understanding name, medications and specialist’s ID by utilizing an appropriate query. (4 Marks)

Checking criteria:

Case of checking criteria is appeared in the accompanying table. Imprints are designated as pursues:

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks
a.       identify all entities Identify entities in all user requirements 5
b.       User Views as Tables Represent the User Views as a collection of Tables 5
c.       Relationships Determine the relationships between entities 5
d.       Functional dependences. Determine Functional dependences. 5
e.       Normalise tables Analyse above tables and normalise 10
ER Diagram Represent the structure of your database visually by using the ER diagram. Evaluate your proposed solutions 10
3.Model building Model building on MS access 10
4. Write SQL queries Writing queries to extract data 10
TOTAL marks or the Report 60


Example Marking Rubric for Assignment 2 Report: Total Marks 60 for the report


GradeMark HD100% DISTINCTION80% CREDIT60% PASS40% Fail0-40%
 User Views as Tables  Ability to think critically and analysed clearly  Relevant and soundly analysed.  Generally relevant and analysed.  Some relevance and briefly presented. Not relevant to the assignment question.





Demonstrated   excellent ability to think critically and identified relationships Demonstrated good ability to think critically and identified relationships. Demonstrated   ability to think critically and identify some relationships Demonstrated   some ability to think critically.



Did not demonstrate ability to think critically 
Normalise Logic is very clear and easy to follow  Logic is clear and convincing  Mostly consistent and logical  Adequate cohesion and conviction Arguments are confused and disjointed


All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present and well integrated Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present Representation lacks structure.
ER Diagram



Extremely good effort. All elements are present and very well integrated.Outstanding Good effort. Most components are present and well integrated Good effort made but not outstanding Made some effort  with inaccuracies Very little attempt. Lazy effort with inaccuracies
 Model building and queries  Extremely good effort. All elements are present Good effort. Most components are present Good effort made but some components are missing Made some effort  with inaccuracies Very little attempt. Lazy effort with inaccuracies

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